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I saw this and fucking jumped for joy.




So close to one of my favorite episodes 511 for those wondering


You just saved my night :D im gonna heat up some food and enjoy this.


Was not expecting another one this early!? Much appreciated!


Completely made my night

Tyler Green

"war of the best" is just another name for Marineford just in case you didn't realize. There are like 4 different names that saga/war goes by. Paramount war, Summit war, Marineford, War of the best.

chicken parmesan

Bruhh Law is my fav character, and if im not mistaken....most of the worst generation were watching Marineford from afar and I feel Law jumped in a saved Luffy because of the D in Luffys name....maybe he is interested in the will of D? Maybe who knowsss...


SPOILER ALERT! Law’s Full Name Is Trafalgar D Water Law and it is because of the D that he saved luffy.

Jaya Norman

Not sure if they show it again so I wanted to point out Aces tattoo with his name mispelled with an S then crossed out is for Sabo T_T

iron pirate76

now we know that rayleigh doesn't have a devil fruit since he swam to amazon lilly


In case you missed it, Law gave his reason for why. He said 'the D. will bring a storm' as he was leaving. Which means he's one of the few characters to point it out in the story so far (Robin, Dr. Kureha, Law, and Rayleigh the only ones to mention it specifically so far)


If we want the end of the arc to end at the end of the video for the best flow and story beats, the per video episode count will probably be 509-511 512-514 515,516


It makes me soo sad that Robin got white washed here. Why. She looked soo much better with her dark skin. :(


"did Kuma know about Mihawk going to Perona's Island? Did Kuma send Chopper to that island because it has medicines?" yes.


"We have to be due for new transitions, right?" also yes lol.


Ruff. I want you to remember that sound and those ripples on the banners blocking off the island to the heart pirates which came before Rayleigh showed up. And then remember when Shanks came on the Moby Dick (heyooo). What links them? And because Oda, there’re layers to the answer.


TLDR(this got away from me): Kuma knew exactly what he was doing On the Kuma telling Rayleigh reveal: Yeah so this confirms that Kuma is still a revolutionary at heart, and not only helped save the straw hats, but knew where he sent luffy and told Rayleigh as such. So, it stands to reason that if he knew exactly where he was sending Luffy, he knew exactly where he was sending the other straw hats. Now remember he was at Thriller Bark but held back and watched the events unfold. Because Moria arrogantly refused assistance? Sure, but Kuma is a revolutionary. A force whose leader has been labeled the worst criminal in history, even after Roger’s life and impression was fresh in the minds and memory of the world. An organization which we have been told at this point has fueled and assisted in civil wars in countries across the one piece world. We saw in ivankov that same nature, of biding one’s time until the right moment, but understanding the circumstances and planning ahead. Kuma was watching the Straw Hats and not just their powers, but their personalities. Kuma knows different islands, their characteristics, their benefits and flaws. Kuma knew that sending the Straw Hats to their different islands would be the most beneficial to them as individuals. Franky just happened to land on Dr. Vegapunk’s home island and get access to his Laboratory? Coincidence? I THINK NOT


Actually she wasn’t supposed to be as tan as she was earlier. Toei just did it and went with it. Same with her eye color and zoro

Eric Mohn

i just started watching your reactions to the water 7 arc and you were saying back then that it's been so long since we had new transitions.


Ruff look at it Chopper being called a raccoon like this, imagine we all started calling you Ruff the number 1 Naruto super fan how many times would it take before you went crazy when someone called you that 😜


I recently joined as a patreon because to me your reactions are very genuine. The way you react to this anime resonates with me because you handle it in such a way that gets to me and despite the fact that I don't consider myself as a softie, I'm so emotionally invested in this anime not on an entertainment level but because I feel connected to these characters because not only how it's animated but because Oda's writing reaches so deep within each straw hat and how he explains everything in this storyline. I'm so glad that there's someone like you who enjoys One Piece on a level that surpasses other animes. I'm looking forward to your future reactions because I've watched you since Arlong and that's when I knew you were a real one. I know you're merely half way into the anime currently, but it puts a smile on my face knowing you're as invested if not more than myself in this anime. For someone being caught up to the present I will say it gets even more crazy, badass and awesome in terms of animation. I won't spoil you with anything. I want you to enjoy this anime to its fullest and I'm so glad I can join you on your journey to the present. I find your reactions so refreshing and unfiltered aside from maybe your language because I know there are times where if I were you I'd be cursing like a pirate. When I saw you react in marineford, I was 100% with you there on everything. You're such a wonderful reactor and I'm glad you enjoy this anime as much or even more than myself. Keep watching because not only does it keep me sanity because I'm such a one piece fan but I get to enjoy and relive watching one piece through you and that puts a huge smile on my face. This anime is worth it I promise you. You're an underrated reactor and you deserve the spotlight.