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One Piece Episode 474-476 Patreon

Watch "One Piece Episode 474-476 Patreon" on Streamable.





Vamos que por este video me levanto temprano


idk if its a new patreon feature or if you didn't put a password on this time, but streamable didnt prompt me for a password on this one, just sent me right to the vid. just a heads up


I was able to start the video without needing to use a password. It might be worth checking if one was actually set

Adam Carlson

Whitebeard and Roger are close enough to being equals that it's really a moot point. We never get anything definitive about who was stronger, but Roger had the ambition to be Pirate King, and Whitebeard's biggest ambition was just to have a family.


Ruff! There was no password


Luffy flying over the wall in Jimbe’s water is one of my favorite animated parts of this series so far. And him not caring in the least that he’s in front of all three admirals and just focusing on Ace, oh it still gives me shivers!


slight amounts of copium detected.. seriously though, i wish they made like a 2h movie/special of Marineford with current animation style.. maybe in two parts even, if 2 hours feels too little time. As far as i'm concerned, when you have more anime episodes than manga chapters (per arc), then it's dragging out the story on purpose.


The whole Garp thing is he needs to be there and do his job while having a personal conflict, since there are just bad pirates so he has to do work he doesn't like at times

Morgan Hellström

The best thing about this arc is that you should try and read the manga about it after. Because the anime do censor alot of the brutality that goes here


why? he is a piece of shit thats why , don't make excuses for him ruff


Never actually noticed that Bonnie was crying during this episode!! Oda ... I love your foreshadowing :)


Most of us probably never had to deal with commercials at this point in the series. I'm not sure about other English speaking countries but at least in America the last time that One Piece aired on television was Water 7. Since then it has only been released with a Simulcast streaming or it has been released on DVD.


Don't worry Ruff. I can't deny W7 and Marineford are superb, but my favorite arc is yet some good 200 chapters away. And there's Wano too, which just looks like a movie at times. So it doesn't end at all. Being caught up with One Piece, is just like getting pegged. You'll learn to like it


I think you not saying a lot during these episodes is fine since your facial expressions and when you lean into or back from the screen say plenty haha. Lets hope those who stick around going forward dont spoil anything else for you later down the line


The Marines are definitely a force for good (or at least try to be), and most of them are good people, but those good people have to listen to their superiors who in turn have to listen to the World Government, the ultimate corrupt system. The Marines don’t get a choice in listening to the WG, and since just calling yourself a pirate by itself is a crime against the WG, the Marines have to do something even if they’re not really hurting anyone (although most pirates do).


I feel like a lot of Marines have kind of given up and just accepted the system for what it is, while others like Smoker still try to do what they believe is right, even if it might go against orders.

Michael Royal

many people in teh show say they were equals, but im just gonan say the safe asnwer is: Roger when he was alive was the strongest character in teh show.


in my country One Piece never aired on television so never ever had commercial on any anime 🤣 thank god


As much as waiting for the episodes week to week can suck, it is nothing compared to waiting for the new manga chapters, now that can be torture especially when there is a break.


"It might be a metaphor, but look who's red! Look who's the evil color! It's the navy!" You kill me, Ruff. XD


When it comes to Garp, I feel like fans are too hard on him. Ace and Luffy both knew what they were doing and the consequences when they became pirates. They knowingly broke the law. Sure, we may be rooting for these two but Garp's actions do make sense and are justified. Think of it as if it was the real world. If there was a police officer who had a child that broke the law and was put in jail or put on death row, it would not be considered a good thing if the police officer broke them out.

Yagi di Hoshi

"They're not really his grandkids" WAT I know Ace isn't, but Luffy is by blood at least


Gary is a navy hero. The amount of soldiers he's influenced is huge, so if he swayed from his position, it would affect everyone who believes in him. If Garp defected from the Navy, it would make things more corrupt and dangerous.


Not only was Roger stronger, or atleast equal, to Whitbeatd when he was alive, you also have to remember he was deathly sick by the time he became king of the pirates. Which means that sick Roger beat a healthy Whitebeard decades ago.

Double S.H

i really hope what you got spoiled is not the same what im think it is cuz AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhh anyways love yur vids ruff! thanks for the amazing experience


do rest of Overlord

F. Carasind

We know that Ruff is done with Marineford and that he was spoiled on Ace.


I am also terrified for next Saturday. I’m staying at level 2 cause I don’t mind waiting, but god. This is one of those moments when you know the tree is gonna fall and your just waiting for when it does and the impact. Might be watching late so I can freak out in peace with Ruff


Garp is the hero of the Marines, that's why he can do whatever


It sucks that people just can’t let people enjoy the show without spoiling. I don’t understand why they do it. I hate people who spoil.


OP is quite spoiler proof because even though you know "the thing", you'll never imagine how the thing drops. You can't even imagine LOL so don't worry too much about spoilers.


Oh the cake island


Kizaru/Joseph Joestar is the shiz


Thats what I am saying, I joined Patreon this month and saw you reading almost every comment, dont do that, doesnt matter how much you want to interact with the com. Its too risky, just do it on discord or twitch.

Jaya Norman

Welp you know im upgrading teirs. This shit gets deeper every time I watch it and the genuine pain on ur face is delightful <3 one little Japanese dude really making us all trip its inspirational


I feel like i get to rewatch through you


I agree that the navy is an antagonistic force in the story, but in the world of One Piece they are not necessarily evil for trying to stop pirates that are wreaking havoc around the globe


you're too young if you cant understand his ways. he was a righteous marine way before Ace's time. Garp has worked all his life being a marine. why should he give it ALL up for someone who CHOSE a life of piracy despite warning and teaching them otherwise is Selfish of Ace and Luffy who've deliberately chose a life of "crime". you kind of sow what you reaped. Garp at this point is still conflicted despite their son


Once you get further in, you should watch the One Piece openings again up until the previous opening to whatever you're on to avoid spoilers. I think it'd be amazing to see your reaction now having seen the episodes.


Welp, can't wait to binge your videos tomorrow! Also, I hate people who spoil. Not that it ever happened to me with One Piece and never will since I'm caught up in the manga, but since, people just want to have fun with this awesome series! Don't be a dickhead about it!


PLEASSE watch episodes 481-483 in one video. it would be a better experience for you and for all of us. if you want, you can ask someone you know. just tell them you're nearing the end of marineford. you probably wont see this but thank you anyways.


Ruff was spoiled about ace, but that's the beauty of it. He talked about it on the podcast, how he was still wrecked by what's coming. Not because of what happened, but how it happened. And that's why with one piece spoilers don't really matter imo. i abhor spoilers of any kind for this series, but they don't matter because you can know what's gonna happen and still have no idea what's gonna happen.


"how do you wrap up this arc? How do they [the whitebeard pirates] leave?" How indeed.....




*Garp jumps and punches down Marco, panel holds on him floating mid-air* Ruff: "Whyyyyyyy...." *Panel literally right then pans to garps marine jacket with "justice" on it, as if to answer Ruff himself* Ruff feeling that and responding: "i get that but still" Absolutely perfect lol, Oda is a genius


That disclaimer/correction at the end to get kids out of the comments about it hahahaha


Of course you wont get it. Most of us didnt get it too because our bias towards ace. Only we viewers know that ace a decent guy but hes still a pirate at the end of the day. Garp is like the commissioner in real life, he couldnt just turn a blind eye just because ace his grandson. Ace chose this.


soooo i dont wanna sound needy or some shit but what day does the next one piece reaction come out cause im excited for it like im caught up to the manga and i make my bsf watch one piece (i dont really make him he watches it on his own but hes REALLY slow about it) but he also doesnt react like you do because he has depression so im not mad or anything that he doesnt really react also cause i understand the whole no cure and nothing they can really do about it whole thing but yeah....... basically im saying i like your reactions ruff


The Navy didn't turn off the Video to make Whitebeard look bad, they did it so the regular citizens wouldn't think the Navy to be monsters. That strategy lacks Humanity it was just like shooting fish in a barrel.


you ok? Well whatever. Reactions come out on Saturday and Wednesday at 10 CST (usually from what ive seen). You are able to pay the 10 Dollars a month and have them come out the moment he is done with them though.


Honestly man, I really can't wait til your reactions after Marineford. A lot of people including myself think the series isn't as good for a little while, and since you are enjoying it so much, I am hoping you can maybe help me to enjoy these next few arcs through your new perspective. Anyway, I'm loving the reactions as always


I'm so fucking sorry you got spoiled dude. Love your reactions and hope you keep enjoying this crazy story nonetheless.


I'm so sad to hear that you've been spoiled on Marineford. In a perfect world the spoilers would be burned alive on a One Piece effigy.


i think Ruff keeps forgetting they´re pirates, good ones ok, but still pirates its like asking a headchief of an army not to stop a gang of drug dealers who are storming them, i mean they have to, Garp is the Hero of the Navy, people look of to him, if he falls everything that is good of marine falls with him


i'm a bit behind on the reactions so i don't want to watch this yet. But i want to know, what did he get spoiled on?


I’m so sorry you were spoiled about anything with one piece as it is such a special series and it’s a shame something was spoiled for you! You are making me re-fall in love with one piece with your reactions, thank you for being so earnest, I’m glad you’ve joined this community and I hope you won’t get anymore spoilers! x


lol there is litrally nothing good in the marines , asking a handchief of an army who kills women kids and every innocent person beause of one person , stop making dumb excuses , fuk garp


One thing that i feel no one actually says enough is that Luffy shouldn't even be able to move right now. Like in the arguments that he is not supposed to be there that is true but at the same time if people would think and respect the fact that like 24hr ago he was hit with poison to kill him within 24hr and he was able to use his own metabolism to break the poison down and he was given energy to move and he used that little energy to go against the entirety of the Navy. dont forget to put the respect on his name.

Josh Lomax

Yeah its next to impossible not to get spoiled about Ace. I've never seen a reactor not get spoiled on it. He'll even my 12 year old little brother got spoiled on it before he even started OP.