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I'm testing different overlay ideas for YT and to match or at least attempt to give a better experience over here I want to know what everyone's thoughts are on doing something like this?

PLEASE VOTE on which you prefer this new way or the old way!

If possible please be vocal about what you like/dislike since that will help me find a good middle ground if its a divided poll!




I feel as if your face cam is a bit too big and could cover up some import scenes, however it does look super good regardless!


I like the new one but the face cam is too big

The truck

I like u big and the anime small, bc it alllows me to see you and your reaction as well as the anime well. In the new one the anime cant be seen fully AND your reaction is way too small. The older one I better in everyway, but maybe thats just me


Not the biggest fan of the change, it's giving me OCD as the corner of the anime is cut off XD. Edit: and your face cam is smaller, I want to see your reactions more than the episode


maybe invis background on your cam?


I don't like it at all, i like to be able to see the entire anime screen.


Do what you need to but I prefer the old way. Will still watch and support either way.


Yeah it covers too much of the screen


So with the big picture being the anime there are 3 problems I can see. Firstly is that it will be annoying to have the YT filter covering a majority of the screen for those that only watch on YT. Secondly is that most/all people watching your reactions have already seen the shows that you are reacting to so it doesn't make much sense to make yourself smaller when we kind of want to see how you react to the stuff we know is going to happen. (You may be able to get around this last one but idk) Finally is that with this format it may make it more likely that you will get a copyright strike on YT because the picture is larger, not sure if that's a factor but thought I should mention it.


In terms of YT the way we’ll be editing it is more in line with how Ivory does videos which actually have less issues with copyright due to the way they’re edited. I just wanted to see in terms of full reactions vs a chopped one that has to abide by YT’s nonsense what people wanted for over here. It seems the old way is best


No thanks. I prefer the old way better.


I like it. Normally I use a external source for the anime to get a bigger picture, specially when the anime has great animation.

Peacefinder Simply

I prefer old way for sure. Be able to see the whole thing, might be better for people watching on phones though. I watch on my pc and tv.

Nathan Grenawalt

So, on the one hand it is a bit less cluttered, but on the other hand it covers stuff up. I'm not going as far as "Oh God, go back!", but I would rather see the whole anime screen but smaller, with more border, than see a larger anime screen but covered. And your face should be big, because we are here to see you react to it, but we still need to see everything you are reacting to. I am more 60/40 on this, but I prefer the old one.


I agree with Nathan. We are here to see your reaction. I feel as if if we use the newer one this will take away from the quality.

Rowny Rena

Thank you for trying to make it better Ruff, but I feel like the one you use now is a lot better because it shows whole 'screen' of the anime ✨

Vlad Mavra

Yeah I don't like the fact that it covers a part of the animation


I like the previous one, but appreciate you trying new ways. Stay frothy


Prefer old way! Might be good to increase the size of the video though


I also like seeing your background with the lights and stuff - feels more open


I’ve see reactor do it that way but never really liked it plus I want to try to make out what is on your shelves in the back ground. Love to see the collection growing.


I don't like having you in a small box on the corner of the screen. We come to see your reactions when we've already seen the show. So please stick to the original version it's better imo


Ruff, if you want to try this style you would need a green screen set up. You can rig one for super cheap, like under 50 bucks using your imagination. It doesn't look right without a green screen so you aren't blocking off the entire corner of the video.

Roy Meulblok

I like to see both the reactor aswell as the anime they are reacting too, completely.


I'd strongly prefer the anime to not be partially covered


solo leveling


Ruff, you have a big personality. And it shines on screen. You bring an immense amount of energy to the reactions, and we want to see that. I don't think I would've laughed quite so hard to you jumping out of your seat with Laboon or "Nothing Happened" had you been smaller and in the corner. Those moments are gold and you should make them the headline, not the episode itself.


People watch reaction channel for the personalities, no the anime. So i think the previous one was better.


Ruff if you really want to show the anime more I'd understand but I think your personality is what really makes everyone like watching your stuff. Most of us probably have watched most of the anime you react to so seeing how you take it all in is the cool part.


I love that there will be more of the anime on there since I am watching some shows with you that I havent watched before. But having a bit of the screen covered kinda sucks so maybe shrink the anime overlay just a tiny bit so the facecam doesnt cover it. Its a win win :)


but. seeing him react to our favorite parts is also one of the reasons we enjoy it and his expressions of glee and joy which is often reminiscent of how we felt when we first watched said moment of our favorite anime. i think that part is pretty crucial.


I agree, that style is better with a green screen. The crazy detail in the background can be interesting when it's big enough to see everything, but in the smaller frame it just looks like clutter