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Pokemon The First Movie Patreon

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God this movie is so terrible lol. But it's fun if you're a Pokemon fan. Most of the Pokemon movies after it are better, but none of them are really good. Probably 4 and Lucario & the Mystery of Mew are the only ones to actually meet movie standards, and they're certainly not great cinema or anything. Obviously I haven't seen your reaction yet, so sorry if you liked this movie lol. I like Pokemon, but I like cinema more, and this movie is a mess


I want to clarify that I completely respect your opinion if you like this movie, I'm just sorry if my being harsh upsets anyone. I obviously don't like it, but what does my opinion mean, you know?

Malcolm dean

Mewtwo wanted all the smoke


I'm not upset, but I never watch Pokemon movies for quality. I watch them for the Pokemon and Ash having moments of being the GOAT. XD Oh and for the nostalgia, at least the first few anyway lol.


So, I recently saw Evolution.... idk what the general reception was, but I enjoyed it a lot. Also, Jessie looked HELLA GOOD in that. Really, Team Rocket had the only decent-looking CG human characters, but all the Pokemon were drop-dead gorgeous. Ofc, I do like the og movie better, but it was still cool seeing a different type of animation for the movie. Very visually pleasing.


I understand that viewpoint, but as someone more fond of movies than Pokemon unfortunately I'm not able to see it that way. That being said, I don't personally like the attitude of "it's just meant for fans, it doesn't have to be good," because it enables studios to be lazy and it's just an excuse to get out of academic discourse. These movies deserve criticism, and there's no reason for them not to be better except that movie studios know fans will eat it up anyways. And I don't think they need to be high art or anything, if anything that'd be weird and most people wouldn't like it, but I do think we should at least hold them to basic storytelling standards, which they rarely meet. Again, if you're content just enjoying the films for what they are, more power to you. I just don't think it's a valid defense of the movies themselves.


Also, Pokemon is one of the only anime I watch dub, and it is THE only anime that I've only watched dub. 100% for the nostalgic value. I grew up with all the English names of the characters and Pokemon, a lot of which are different from the Japanese. English voice acting is terrible and cheesy af (as are most Eng dubs), but it's Pokemon, so it gets a pass for me lmao. Also, Mewtwo has always been my #1 favorite Pokemon of all time since this movie.


They recently made a full CGI remake of the first movie (Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution). They added moves and soundtracks from recent games but the English dub is out of sync with the CGI mouths, I cringed for an hour.

Jaya Norman

yo I'm sorry but I'm jumping straight to the feels X'D hurt me in the childhood


It wasn't that bad after a while. I've seen worse.


I didn't cry during the Pokemon throwing hands part, didn't seem like that big a deal to me. Like, they're just slapping each other and biting each other, didn't really phase me. They're acting like actual wild animals. I cried when Pikachu cried for Ash.


Yeah. Cartoon Movies and tv-series in the 80-90th had a whole other feel to them. There was violence, deaths etc, etc. I remember growing up watching. Swat cats, gargoyles, he-man, x-man, biker mice from mars, ninja turtles and spider man. They were totally different from the cartoons for today. And I love them still. XD


And a fun fact, I find it interesting to see how different countries judges lewd R rated materials. I am from Sweden and one Christmas they showed the movie Ronja, the Robbers Daughter. Which is one of Astrid Lindgren's stories. Not a cartoon by a live movie. (I think they show it every year) And there is this scene in the movie where all the robbers run out to bade in the snow and you can see all these naked grown men running out and you see certain part dingle. My ex who is from England watched it with us and he was like: "It is not censored and you let your children watch this?" And we all were like: "What? This is a children's movie." X) Ah. Cultural differences can be funny sometimes.

Roy Meulblok

at 15:57 you see Pikachu using an electric move on Golem. That should not be possible, that was the only thing that bothered me when I first saw this movie as a kid and still does now xd. Don't get me wrong, I love the rest of the movie greatly and the end is really tear jerking still. BTW: I believe that there are some short movies before the main movies, are you gonna watch them aswell, I hope you do!


My favorite pokemon since I was a kid was always meowth. But once I find super cute are Ralts, Espurr and Meltan [sp] and some others as well.