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*Update video is done and uploading now*

Just to make it clear since at least one person thought I would purposely not upload a video until tomorrow because that’s the patreon pay cycle no.

I’m now at my desk 5 hours past when I usually work till waiting on the video of the Water 7 finale to finish exporting so I can make sure it’s uploaded before Patreons pay cycle happens.

It is February, it is the shortest month of the year. Shocker, I don’t control time. If anyone feels that I am trying to screw people over in any way. PLEASE unsubscribe tomorrow.

I am doing my best to ensure I deliver the best quality reactions I can while also giving you all a decent value as a patreon subscriber. I will always do my best to deliver the best content at a good value that I can. But I will not tolerate being treated like a scumbag. This is not a place to be rude to me or any other community member. If you’re going to be rude I have no desire to have your money. I’ve banned multiple people who were subbed on patreon.

This community is for people who like anime and can chill and have good vibes. We don’t need your negative asses here.

That being said One Piece’s Water 7 finale video says 15 minutes until it’s done exporting. It will be uploaded to streamable as soon as it’s done and of course posted here once it’s done as well.

Remember my days off are Mon/Tue as I have my daughter those days. I have a bunch of videos recoded and they will be edited and up by WED once I’m back to work.

Kaguya-Sama ep 1, Hunter x Hunter and more 🙏



Take you time👍love your videos 👍👍👍


I’m so sorry you’ve been accused of such petty things ruff! You seem like such a great dude and you work so hard for us. It doesn’t help you’ve been going through a tough time in Texas as it is.

Luis CK

No worries baby :v

Michael Pruden

Really? Why would they think that... woww sorry you have to deal with people like that


Keep up the dope content my guy 💪


All good just trying to let everyone know I’m trying to get the video up, I know it’s something people are very excited for


Bro wtf fuck those haters. Dont let them bother you ruff. Take as much time as you need to make the best quality videos. Hope you have an amzing day🙏


the 99% of us that arent assholes understand man. take time off to relax you deserve it :)


Hell yes!!! Been waiting all day for your reaction 😘 ps don't worry about it it's understandable


Really sorry people are being scumbags, I’ll always support you in what you do ruff And I’ve got nothing but time 😁


Oh I’m not bothered by it really. Just like to make it clear I don’t tolerate it if that makes sense lol I got one kiddo I’m trying to raise. I ain’t got time to play babysitter with my content 😂


Dude, no rush, we know you work your ass off for us! Don't let some entitled douche get to you. You are awesome and we're just here to chill and enjoy some amazing reactions!


Fuck those people man , you do you. You have been doing great with Patreon, and have given us more then what we have paid for. Please continue doing what you are doing and dont let those people get in your head.


i love your reactions dont listen to rude people


Love and Appreciate your work Ruff. Stay being amazing!


Kuddos for standing your ground and speaking about it 🙌 thank you for your hard work, and take your time 🤗 hope you have a great time with your daughter and dear ones. Love supporting you ✨


some people are unbelievable 😂, thanks for ur hard work ruff. excited for kaguya sama!


Thanks so much! Can’t wait, I missed the little booger lol Seriously thank you for the support 🙏


Darn so much for going to bed if that new one piece Video will be up soon. Enjoy hanging out with your Kid Ruff's


You're doing Kaguya-sama??? RAD! I went into that expecting to be unimpressed but I really enjoyed it


They don't deserve tolerance, Senpai. We know your efforts, we got you. 👑


You have the best value for money spent of any creator I have seen so far. You don't cover 4 episodes a month from 10+ series but focus on doing more for the shows you do cover. I may not stay for every month but when I do join on it is always worth it. For the amount of content provided here in a month I would have to pay hand over fist for from other creators.


Keep doing what you are doing


You release content SO much faster than other reactors I'm subscribed to, and in greater quantities. Those people are dumb, and I'm glad you're not letting them get to you. You're the first reactor I subscribed to on Patreon because your reactions and reflections on the series I enjoy (starting with Jojo) were beyond what I had seen from other reactors, and your HxH videos are still amongst the highlights of my day whenever they're posted (as an aside, since you brought up toxicity in comments, I apologize if I ever come across as combative or rude to anyone in these comments - I have bad social anxiety and communication skills and sometimes I don't realize how what I'm saying is coming across, but I promise that I never have bad intentions; if I ever do come across poorly, and I know I have at least once before, please point it out and I'll gladly own up to it). You've released reactions to something like 12 hxh episodes in one week. Most people do one episode a week, sometimes even less than that. I think some people are just taking advantage of how much content you make and raising the bar for you, and that's unreasonable. You've never come across as dishonest or manipulative, and the thought that you would wait until after the month to post videos never even crossed my mind. You manage to make content which is both high in quality and quantity, and most importantly you make plenty of people happy. Thanks for everything, and good riddance to those who can't see that.


Oh no you’re definitely okay. I more mean the people who legit will attack and curse at people in comments for no reason. I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been enjoying the content though! 🙏


I know you won’t let those bastards take you down Ruff! We all (the good ones) love you and everything you do! ❤️


Take your time! We understand you're human as well so don't let those scumbags bring you down! And I much prefer you to have spontanous reactions while you're well rested and happy than rushed and upset just to upload videos on a schedule! Keep up the good work, man 👍🏻


Those guys shitting on you can fuck off, you're doing great! When ever I get the notification for a new One Piece reaction it honestly makes my day. Whenever a guy leaves a nasty comment just remember that there are exponentially more people who love what you do. Take your time Ruff!


Believe me you are doing good. There are always assholes thinking they are king when they pay. There are always such unwelcome assholes in meat place too. This is where to show support, I constantly support more than dozens of people in patreon and never get to understand such an arrogant logic. If they think not a fair deal to them there are always free channel in youtube, or not even support youtube at all it is their freedom. I saw his comment and that's totally rude and mean. We can distinguish between positive suggestion and pummel. If I were you I would do the same.


I started to write a loong text then i thought f it just know that you are a great reactor RuffSenpai


I know it's hard to ignore those people, but remember for every complainer there's a lot more people silent and happy with the content you're providing! It's far better to go at whatever pace is comfortable for you at the time so we get the best reactions possible. Thanks for your effort and time you put into these videos.


I'm sorry to hear that Ruff. Hopefully, we are sending out enough love to cancel out the haters. Have a great couple of days off!


Also, I will add, you upload stuff to patreon way earlier than other reactors. Most I know upload their videos on the same schedule as YouTube, just one week earlier. You make it super worth it to subscribe here. Again, I just think it's privileged people taking advantage of you. Since you've already recorded the next hxh reaction, that means you've finally met my favorite character (probably in anime tbh), and I'm super excited to watch that.

Kay M

Bruh I can’t believe some ppl like wtf. Anybody subscribed should be able to see how hard you are working to make the best content for us every day. For the ppl who are being unreasonable haters and shitting on ruff please leave. Ruff I speak for most of us when I say your doing an amazing job. Your content is always great and you never disappoint, especially with the timing and frequency of your posts. You always make sure to deliver and I am so sorry there are ppl out here who can’t even see how hard you are working. Your real fans are here for you dude 🙏

Paulius Juodsnukis

We love you Ruff and appreciate the update. Take your time.

Night Drifter

I am very pleased with the quality and quantity of content you produce. Anyone who thinks you're trying to scam them or milk more money out of them while putting out so much content is not thinking at all. Keep up the great work, you're easily one of the vest, most consistent producers around


You are totally right, you should be treated with respect by everyone doesn’t matter if the person is paying you or not. The quality of your content is top tier and even without schedule the frequency of your updates is amazing too. Keep up the good work and don’t listen to the bad people that are trying to put you down.


Anyone accusing you of being a scumbag and taking advantage of subscribers for money, has never watched your reactions. Nobody who enjoys anime the way you do could be bad. I hope to continue watching your content and I hope you continue to enjoy making it.


Do not let people hurt your mood, do only what makes you feel good, the most important thing is to enjoy the work, I appreciate you and enjoy your videos, thank you for everything🙂.


I really appreciate the way you react in your vids, super entertaining!!!! You're the first patreon I've ever had, I'm sticking with you until the end of one piece/Hunter x Hunter FOSHO! anyone complaining about upload relative to pay cycle is obviously trying to squeeze out another video before they cancel their subscription. Canceling is their prerogative, I understand we can't all afford these luxuries every month, but complaining is just childish!!


You're doing amazing work man! People can be real assholes and try to insinuate the worst in you.


Yikes, people treat you like that? My condolences, man, you don't deserve their bad attitudes. Normally I don't say much, but I've simply gotta join the people here in saying that we understand, you need to take care of yourself and your life first and foremost. Never mind patreon's dickery, you're doing your best and that's more than good enough for us. If a video winds up pushed back to the next day which happens to be in the next pay cycle- psh, schedule, what schedule? Life happens. We support *you*.


You're good my dude, people always gonna find something to complain about. :)

Jaya Norman

actual ruff senpai energy <3

Kelvin Collins

We all appreciate you ruff


Love your content ruff, i dont mind if we sometimes get a bit less :)


I've been subbed to many patreon anime reactors through the years and there's always those few people that DEMAND their shit ton of content every single day like that's just normal and the creator has no life besides sitting in a chair recording. Patreon is for people who A) want to get reactions earlier than youtube and B) want to support the creator financially. Maybe those 2 things got lost for some people down the line? I just live my life and throughout the week I get my notification that ruff uploaded and it makes it all the more exciting to go watch a new episode


Ruff Don't worry man we are here to support you not other way around we need your reactions without any stress so take your time as long as you need we love you man


wait Kaguya-Sama???!?! lets actially go!

Rowny Rena

I'm so sorry Ruff you have to go through something like that, but yeah, these kind of ungrateful pieces of shit are everywhere... Anyway, as everyone said in these comments, we appreciate you and your hard work!! Don't let that person spoil your good mood and have amazing time with your daughter 😁😉✨✨✨


Well said. I swear, sometimes people on Patreon seem to think that they're majority shareholders or something... like they own you. I hope those people get their life together. Anyway, can't wait for more content! For additional support, have a 🦒. It's a giRuffe. Kids like them more than wolves.


Hey, im a new Patreon. Just came here to say shrug it off. There will always be morons out there. People feel especially entitled on Patreon cause they pay a fee. All ur real fans knows whats what. Dont sweat it!

Roy Meulblok

I have been dealing with depression for the past 5 years or so, reaction vids like yours help me through it and I can look forward to the One Piece and Hunter X Hunter episodes. So don't overwork yourself, you have a life and a family, that comes first.




Don't take the haters seriously (easier said than done, I'm sure). I've only ever subbed to one other person on Patreon and stopped after a month because they didn't upload much. You, on the other hand, are a content MACHINE. You could upload less and I'd still be happy. Good shit, man.