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yayy two more episodes, this made my day =)


Oh my Idk if I can't handle this Arc again


Your going to have a hard time stopping after 2 episodes


61 episodes of hype, to be exact. And yes, 2011 is better solely because it has this arc. It's a shame 1999 had to end with Greed Island, but Togashi's publishing schedule became super inconsistent after it. It took him over 8 years to publish this 133 chapter arc. For comparison, it took Araki less than 4 years to publish Golden Wind, which is 155 chapters.

Morgan Hellström

Best arc in anime ever? Thats not true. Its good. But not even a 10/10. Maybe a 7/10. Mostly because its so dragged out.


There's definitely spoilers in the opening, don't watch it until after episode 91 if you really don't want to be spoiled on anything.


This arc is amazing, slow start but 100% worth it, it will blow your mind you just need to be patient. One of the best arc in anime history ( sorry if I’m hyping it up a bit lol)


Also, just so you know, this beginning to the arc is super different from how the manga begins. I like both, but ultimately the manga's serves the rest of the story better. If you want to know why it matters to us that Kite was reintroduced later, keep reading the manga. It makes a difference, and it's the biggest blunder the anime made.


I think you should go back and read the first chapter and Gon and Kite's meeting in the manga, and compare it to how it plays out in the anime. There are some major differences that make Kite far less important in the anime


the op show characters we don't know yet so its better to watch it after 30+ episodes


Two reasons people say to read Chapter 1 before getting to this part of the anime. First, people just don't like the way the anime introduces Kite and needs a flashback to show when he met Gon. He's a brand new character to the anime viewer and we have to be told why he's important. Second is that they slightly change the story. Manga Kite is the one who's responsible for setting Gon on the path to take the Hunter Exam while Anime Kite didn't even know who Gon was until Ging told him later.


Also, there are a few spoilers in the op but you wont understand shit till you get to certain parts of the anime so i think its ok


While I wouldn't say the OP spoils too much, it does give away the designs of some future characters and spoils one plot point that I think most people would consider an inevitable development. Regarding people wanting you to read the Kite part of the manga, I think the main difference is that Kite was actually the one who motivated Gon to become a hunter instead of Ging like the in the anime. It's not a huge thing, it just shows that Kite had a much bigger impact on Gon's life than the anime would suggest.

Paulius Juodsnukis

It's not dragged out. They build a world in a realistic turn of events. That's why its so genius.


This arc top 5 of all time FR 🔥


Dude there is so much spoilers in the opening LMAO. I recommend not watching it before episode 91.


Welcome to my favorite anime arc EVER. As everyone else, i recommend reading the 1st chapter of the manga ASAP (it will be quick to read) and not watching the opening before episode 91 since it shows caracters you are not supposed to know they will be involved in this arc yet.


Welp, i forgot you already read the first chapter lmao. I am happy everyone told you about it !

Gabriel Ribeiro

Lots of people are hypeing it, but honestly, the build up is quite slow, which isn't necessarily bad. I think hypeing it make people too much anxious for the future instead of enjoying the momment


People, like me, wanted you to read chapter one first because if you only find out about him now with flashbacks of chapter 1 it feels forced, compared to when he is introduced at the beginning of the manga.

Avishai Pinckney

There are also spoilers in the outdo!! Minor spoilers, but nonetheless.

Jonathan smith

Im so glad you caught yourself on the intro being spoilery! I recommend not watching it yet for sure.


Wow that is pretty important, and I did not know as an anime only. Watched the show like 3 times or so at least now and never heard that. This is why the source material is important for every show


Yeah the build up alone is longer than every other arc in the series lol. That's why I think this isn't my favorite arc of all time. It is a slow burn for a while.

Devron Love

Definitely doesn't feel forced at all, but alright. The plot points are different between the manga and anime, neither is bad, just different so there was really no need to read the first chapter before this point. Just my opinion though lol

K Vid

YaBoiRoshi considers HunterXHunter to be the most perfect anime.


kite has the same voice actor as shanks in one piece