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One Piece Ep 262-266 Patreon-1

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Off of Rocketman and onto the Enies Lobby Hype Train!


I was in need of something to watch and here you are, delivering quality content just in time. Thank you !


Luffy is saving is the new techniques for CP9 trust me the wait is worth it


Lmao i didnt remember it being that many SOGEKI SOGE SOGE lmaooo


A heads up, when you asked if Kumadori was gonna stab himself, the answer was yes. He said he was gonna commit harakiri, meaning belly slicing/cutting, which is another way of saying of Seppuku.

The truck

Oh, thank god that you aren't part of the conspiracy theorist group that tries to convince everyone about how Usopp and sokeking are supposedly the same person.


no that wasnt the technique lol


when did it say they all have the door fruit?


enies lobby is very HYPE! but because of it, the next few arcs sorta suffer a bit. they aren't bad in any way but compared to enies lobby, you will hear a lot of people complain about the next arc ALOT. this arc hits your feels while Thriller Bark hits your funny bone YOHOHOHO

K Vid

I think he thought the door ability was a Six Powers ability until it was confirmed to be a devil fruit.

K Vid

We are here, baby!


I would recommend that if anybody has not seen the Sogeking/Sniper King theme with the English dub they should check it out. Sonny Strait does a great job with it.


I just love it anytime forshadowing pays off in this show, even when we don't see it coming like Luffy's drawing at the begining of this Saga looking like Franky

Gus N

The Door Door fruit is Blueno's devil fruit, not one of the six powers, he also used it when he was in the bear costume. The six powers are: Iron Body - hardening Shave - speed boost Paper Art - dodging skill Finger Pistol - piercing skill Tempest Kick - slashing skill Moon Walk - mid air jump


The holy shit train won't stop. Every arc. It won't be as sharp, but it'll stay.


Not going to say specific arcs, but let it be known that Oda has learned over time what works and what doesn't and keeps delivering. Goda 100%.

Michael Royal



getting closer to the real awesomeness of this arc


people cant EAT 2 devil fruits

Gus N

I'd say as far as "it keeps getting better", the anime has a ceiling. The anime gets to a point where the pacing is really bad, the manga however does just keep getting better, even into the current arc. There are some dips quality at some points, but on average, it does just keep getting better.


Totally agree. The manga overall keeps its high level most of the time but a lot of the anime's later parts have horrible pacing since it is catching up to the manga. Though I have to say even in the manga the pattern how an arc progresses gets also very repetitive and by now only some major reveals are still able to surprise

Kay M

dont worry the Ally Robot thing was definitely not the technique Luffy was talking about. You were right when you said he is saving it for when he needs it for fighting CP9 Also fun fact the reason Oda gave Luffy rubber powers to begin with is because he wanted the main character to have the funniest power that also happened to be one of the strongest and/or most useful power at the same time


While there are a few eventual "dips", it never dips hard. And then it picks right back up strong. Honestly, IMO there is no ceiling. One Piece defies normal standards.


One Piece is like a fine wine it really only gets better.


Everyone has their own "Ceiling" when it comes to One Piece. It all depends on your own experience and your love of a "Theme". There are a lot of Hyped and Emotional moments in every arc.


The only dip that there is in one piece is that the anime kind of drags on, but thats because thats the nature of simulcasting while the manga is still publishing. Aside from that, the story telling only gets better


That is the first and thankfully the only time that power levels are ever brought up in One Piece. So glad that Oda never brought it up again.


I'm just gonna say this isn't the ceiling

Excalibur Gaming

Imma keep it real with you chief, One Piece has no ceiling

DNAevolved 115

it is an okay mechanic to use sparingly. and he did, very sparingly in fact

F. Carasind

If the anime explains it please wait until it explains it! Is this so hard?


GODA ate the ceiling ceiling fruit and he set that Bih High


I wish people didn't say that it wasn't the technic so he'll be even more surprised Anybody else watched the op when out changed my fav opening of one piece, i hope Ruff don't leave us with blue balls again and give another sooner than later

james hyde

Whole show is great


i love how first you think that the door door fruit is kinda meh right? i mean... doors... come on Oda. THEN THIS MFUCKER OPENS UP DOORS I REALITY!


The planet has multiple moons. Maybe they correspond to always reflects the suns light onto Enies Lobby. And maybe the waterfall thing somehow denies the skies?


Everyone sleep on Luffy except Aokiji. If you remember he's speech on that Island. And probably Smoker


GUYS this IS the ceiling, what are you talking about? Atleast a lil later in arc is even better


I don't know if or when you were planning on re-reacting to openings 1-5, but I think you're good to go now, in case you were thinking about it ✨


this out of topic but where the hell did you get that hoodie i want it!!!!!!!!!!!!


i love how with Luffy gone Zoros sitting on the head of the train