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One Piece ep 207-209 patreon

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No ruff the water seven arc doesn't technically start here! It starts on episode 227. The episodes 207 to 219 is like a mini arc but that has nothing to do with water seven! Water seven will start after the next filler eps!

Rowny Rena

This arc is called long ring long land arc and it's from 207 to 219, with 213-216 being fillers, and yes water seven starts at 227 XD but no matter. This reaction was also fire, I laughed a lot so what more do I need, I just have to be more patent I guess 😂😂✨✨💓 Afro Luffy for the win!


HD One Piece lets goooo


The part where one piece starts to drag more is a good bit past 400 episodes. And even then I'd argue it only feels that way when you're watching week to week. I would say you just watch until you notice that you would prefer reading and don't focus on specific episode numbers. The point where it drags too much can be different for everyone. I personally started reading at around episode 670


and yes thet got rid of the posters thing since they were in 4:3 and didn't fit with the widescreen

F. Carasind

This arc – that includes 227/228 – is already part of the Water 7 saga (it makes sense why in the manga). So it has to do at least something with it.


I honestly think One Piece starts to drags after 516 - but it’s only exhausting to watch week to week. The source material is still 🔥 for most arcs pre time skip. I would argue One Piece’s currently arc is already a Top 10 contender, so don’t worry Ruff. One Piece only gets better and better - just watch as you normally would.


Also just a clarifier, but the arcs are sorted into “sagas”. The Water 7 Saga contains 3 arcs - so it’s not actually 1 long arc but 3 connected arcs.

Rowny Rena

I started at the socnd part of Dressrosa, but I still watched the anime, just skipped the parts I didn't need to see animated ✨


just imagine if tonpa was a pirate. Thats foxy.


The eyecatchers are gonna be Luffy every time until 243, then they do everybody's like normal with their themes


but when that happens, guessing them would probably be easier since they show them immediately unless you close your eyes immediately or something lol


To be honest, everyone forgets about the Long Ring Long Land Arc so its no wonder you thought this was up next. You get to have fun in this arc for a bit before you get to the good stuff.


As the previous comments said, the Davy Back Fight is from 207 to 219. I recommend skipping the filler in between the fight (213-216) and the filler after the fight (220-226) to get to the meat and potatoes, episode 227. So really you can get the fight done in like 2 more videos if you continue to watch 3 episodes at a time by skipping the filler.


You really cannot skip 213-216. With how it is all written and intertwined it's important to watch for the anime story. As much as I dislike what they did to this arc in the anime (I think it's great in the manga though), skipping these episodes will cause confusion.


I think you should not skip reacting any episode until episode 220-226 because 213-216 are important to the anime story . And I think you should still watch all the filler anyway even if you don't react to it . Water 7 does not start until episode 227


The pacing does become really slow later on. For me, it was from around 550 - 600 that it REALLY started to drag and I had to almost force myself to watch. Before that, I think most was great, it sometimes dragged but not enough to bother me too much. But that is my opinion.


You have now reached the spot where the next Cover Story finished. This is the one that I really am the most disappointed that they didn't adapt. It would have been so great and a lot of fun to watch here. This one stars Ace and it shows more of his journey to find Blackbeard. https://imgur.com/a/ftKnZ


I'm not sure if others have run into this issue but under this new format the video has to constantly buffer. I didn't have this issue with episodes 202-203, but starting with 204 the video would buffer every few minutes. I tried opening it in an alternate browser and ran into the same issue.


Odd it seems others have had the opposite issue. Could just be an internet issue

Kay M

omg the Long Ring Long Land arc is so funny XD. It's not one of the best arcs out there but its great when it comes to comedy. Foxy always makes me laugh. As for the Water 7 arc that one is definitely one of the best arcs out there. When you actually get to the official Water 7 arc its gonna be so hype! Also about the dragging thing it's true that there are some arcs where the episodes drag cuz Oda needed more time to fill in the manga and didnt want the anime to catch up during the canon arcs but I still definitely recommend watching all the way through. The dragging is mainly if you are watching week by week instead of bingeing. If you are bingeing the episodes that drag you wont really feel the drag as much so it should be fine.


Once I saw you having fun with the eyecatchers, I knew the new ones were going to disappoint you. It was fun while it lasted.


This arc is more light hearted until we get to water 7 but I still enjoy it, though I am excited for a certain…bicycle…👀

F. Carasind

As in nearly every other anime adaption the mangaka (Oda) can't influence much about it - the current arc with its one major change is the best example of this. So you have it a little bit backwards: The anime team is the one that can't afford to catch up and is the one that has problems with the time. Oda simply produces his manga as fast as he can. Nowadays the anime profits from this. Because Oda wants to finish the series in the next years now he skips some events that he deems not important enough to be shown in full panels. So the anime can add them to prolong run time without hurting the pacing too much.


I think a lot of comments already hit the nail on the head with the pacing. Especially before the time skip one piece pacing is never really a problem and is even less so if you are binging it. Fisherman Island and Dressrosa get slow at times and many people left then because it was hard waiting week by week. Personally I believe you wont have that problem.