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It's December!
Thanksgiving and NNN are out of the way and Christmas is on its way. Here's what's going to happen this month.

No November Reward
Since November billing was paused, there will be no reward to be sent today. The new billing that you have just received will be for December reward that you will receive in early January. Please don't get it confused!

December Poll Winner
Winning by a nose, this month's reward will be 'Naughty Santa Almond'! The comic will be black-and-white and I'm aiming for around 10 pages. The reason for it to be black and white is that I'm still working on a project at the moment so I will only be able to start working on it around mid-December. I'll make sure to make it still worth it so please look forward to it! 

January Theme Reveal!
To be perfectly honest, I am not sure if I have any theme in my mind right now, so instead, I will narrow the characters to be from a specific series, which is 'ONE PIECE'. As usual, patrons of 'Combo Meal' tier will be able to give suggestions, so please suggest men from One Piece that you'd like to have for next month's reward. I will choose up to 5 characters to be put in the poll. Suggestion post will be posted shortly!

That will be it from me for now. Have a happy holiday!


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