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Hey hey happy holiday season, patrons! :D

I'm working super hard to close out '21 strong and ring in huge success in the new year!  Below are a few announcements on tier updates, my new site, custom audio, and upcoming content releases to keep you informed and enjoying my content!

Please feel free to leave questions in the comments and I'll answer to clarify for the group.



Patreon Tier Updates

As many of you know, I'm putting the finishing touches on the new feelgoodfilth(dot)com!  As it will be my main premium site, I will be making some small tier adjustments to be more in-line with my new content strategy.  I've included more info on the new site down at the bottom, but before we get started I'd just like to say...



  • 2 M4F Erotic Audios
  • Discord Access

$4.99/mo ($2.99+)

  • 2 M4M Erotic Audios

$9.99/mo ($4.99+)

  • 4 Additional M4F Audios (The best stuff)
  • Feel-Good Filth Sticker @ 90 days of membership

Summary & Conclusion

As you can see, not much is changing.  I'm adding an additional M4M to the mix and I'll be discontinuing the monthly Video AMA.  I'm STILL going to be doing AMAs and interactive stuff, but I'll probably switch that over to a quarterly exercise for you folks here and on the new premium site.

I'm going to be a bit freer in my audio formats, which allows me more creative flexibility and ensures you are getting the best content I have to offer.  I will continue doing Taboo, Filthy Whispers, and Wild Card audios at the $9.99 tier, but I'm not going to box myself in to a set amount of each per month.

Your billing, prices, and rewards will stay the same.  No action is required and you won't notice the change.


The New feelgoodfilth(dot)com

As I noted, patreon is not going anywhere, but i will be offering MORE content and BETTER prices on my site!  I'm planning a soft-launch in December '21 with full roll-out January 1.  At that time you'll see TONS of announcements from me, but wanted to give you some info on the price tiers here.  Because I own this platform, it will allow me to deliver more (incl. visuals) for less!


  • 2 M4F Erotic Audios
  • 2 M4M Erotic Audios
  • Monthly solo pics & clips
  • Discord Access

$7.99/mo ($3.99+)

  • 4 M4F Erotic Audios
  • 1 Solo Video

Summary & Conclusion

As we get closer to launch I'll announce how you can transfer over to the new FGF, should that  be the right decision for you.  Patreon will not be going anywhere, and will still be getting the same audio at the same great prices.


Custom Audio

Website builds and marketing campaigns take money, so I'll be opening customs in the new year.  I will be making a series of announcements beforehand so you have all the info you need to place your order as soon as they're open (spots fill up fast).


January Free Content Releases

Unfortunately I experienced a few setbacks in late '21, such as unscrupulous web developers walking off with $5000 and a months-long investor scam turned safety issue, so I'm doing a few things in early '22 to get things going in the right direction.

I will be taking 12 of my premium audios from the last 3 years and releasing them on all platforms, including a return to regularly posting on reddit's r/gonewildaudio. My goal is to release 16 free audios in January to get growth headed in the right direction. You may listen to a few and think, "hey, I've heard this before" 🤔, so I didn't want there to be surprises.  If you enjoyed the audio, when I do post them, upvotes and comments would be much appreciated!

I've made 200+ audios here on patreon and continue at 8 per month, so I appreciate your understanding as I take action to build back from these setbacks.




Thank you for these updates!😊


Wooo! You got it!


Very excited for the new website!


Very excited for you! Congratulations 🧡


Will the content on the website be different than the content here on Patreon?


You do CUSTOM audios??’


This all sounds wonderful!


FYI (In case anyone doesn't know) Top tier access to the website is only $84. Also, FYI/TMI I now know what I'm getting myself for my birthday this year.