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I'm so sorry to have to make this announcement and I appreciate your continued support.

As I say in the vid, this is just a bump in the road to success, but its been a hard one and its taken a recent toll (as if you couldn't see that in my looks/face the last few months to begin with 😅).

PLEASE be careful with whom you build relationships online.

Bottom Line: I'm taking the steps to be safe and take care of myself, and although content may be staggered more to month-end, ALL WILL BE DELIVERED, AS ALWAYS. I think I'm making my BEST stuff ever, and will continue to do so.

Stay safe & be well <3


I appreciate supportive messages, but PLEASE understand I CANNOT and WILL NOT divulge more detail until it is safe for me to do so.  PLEASE do not message me for them in this difficult time.


As a safety notice to my patrons, anyone who has dealt with a "Joanna Eaton" on my patreon (or discord/ig 'littlepiggie') should block & cease contact with all their accounts IMMEDIATELY.


Nov ‘21 Announcement

A little announcement. **PLEASE** be careful about who you interact with online.



i’m so sorry this happened, please stay safe. you have all of our support &lt;3


I’m in shock. Jim, I am so so beyond sorry this is happening to you. Thank you for keeping us all in the loop, please take whatever time you need❤️‍🔥🙏I’m so ANGRY for you, I hope all you feel is peace and calm. You deserve the world, you give us so much. Thank you for everything❤️‍🔥


I’m glad you’re ok!! so sorry you have had to deal with this &gt;:( you deserve so much better


Oh fuck sorry to hear you're going through that, Jim!! Hope you are okay and safe💜

Amanda Garcia

Stay safe and healthy! We can wait. Your health and safety comes first. 💖💖💖 I appreciate the update.

Hobbes Prime

Jesus, Jim. I'm so sorry.. is there anything we can do to help?


It’s gonna be okay. I hope you’re feeling well.


Take as much time as you need as your safety and health comes first. I would hope I speak for most people here saying this.


Sending you hugs Jim!!


Happy thoughts &amp; pixie dust 💚✨


I am sorry you're having to deal with this kind of situation. No one should. Please take care of yourself too Jim! Much love to you and yours.


I'm so sorry about all this going on for you at once, you've Definitely had a rough go. I echo Nic but with emojis because I'm a brat: All 👏 the 👏 time 👏 you 👏 need. Even low tier lurkers like me will be here when you're ready


Sending good vibes and all the starlight and magic you can handle. Thank you for staying safe and keeping us in the loop.


Stay safe Jim, sending positive vibes your way ❤️ look after yourself!! ❤️


Your safety and well-being are the most important thing. We are not going anywhere. Truly sorry that you have been going through so much. I know some lessons are hard but I also know you will come through this stronger and wiser. PS I have a saying in my life 'I love it when the trash takes itself out'


Its been one of the hardest lessons I've ever had to learn. I've def taken a lot of growth out of the last few months which will lead to future success! &lt;3


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, Jim. Take care of yourself and know that your fans will always be here! ❤️


I'm really sorry this is happening to you right now 😟 Take all the time you need, take good care of yourself and always do what feels best for you ❤️ honestly you already helped me so much, just by making your content. So whatever you need 😘


What a scary and violating thing. Take care of yourself, we'll all be rooting for you!


Love you Jim! That’s awful that happened, I’m so sorry! Take your space and do what you need to!❤️❤️❤️


What a difficult and painful situation on multiple levels. Please continue doing what you need to do to stay safe, and just wanted to echo the support others have already shared!💗💪💗💪


Sorry you're having to deal with that, Jim. Safety always comes first so take your time. That definitely sucks, but you're staying positive so this will all be water under the bridge soon💕💕


That’s so awful, I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this. Your health and well-being come first, I love your content and more than happy to wait for you to be in a good place. Stay safe! ❤️


We can all wait for those releases. We care about about you Jim ❣️❤️❣️Do what you need to do to keep yourself safe.


You’re already a success, Jim! Take your time and rest. We’ll be here for you. 💖


I wish I could hug you right now.. stay safe


Stay safe 💜💜💜


I’m very new to Patreon and didn’t hear about it until I looked into your content more after stumbling upon it elsewhere- but you seem like an awesome person and I hope you can maintain safety and peace of mind 🙏


Take care of yourself, first and foremost.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with whatever the situation was but I hope everything's alright. You should never feel unsafe here and I hope it doesn't happen again.


Oh goodness. Sorry to hear that happened. Take care of yourself Jim ❤❤


Take all the time you need.


Just take care of yourself!


hope all goes well Jim 💛 sending you love from the west coast!


You do what you need to do to recover and be safe. We'll still be here.


I am so very sorry you are going thru all this. Be safe. We are all here for you.


Wow, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Be safe we'll be thinking of you!


I am sorry to know you are dealing with this. I'm glad you are taking measures to be safe.


Yes take care of yourself first. We love having you here but you and your mental health and your safety are the most important!!!