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Ask away! :D



Idea! Hear me out.... a purge theme wild card audio. Scene, youre stalked by your co worker who's obsessed with you, and he uses purge day to make his move. Breaks into your home and ties you up or finds you surviving and traps you then the rest happens hardcore etc. etc..... please?


This may have been asked before so I do apologise. I only just found yourself and this lovely community so hello there and thank you for the content. My question is what made you start this specific line of work? How did it start?... If I may ask a second question, how do you maintain a good work life balance with so many different avenues going on, discord, YouTube, pornhub, patron, instagram, etc?


Thoughts on Roth IRAs


I’m sorta new but I’ve noticed you enjoy road tripping and stuff, have you been down south? Tell me you’ve had some good southern food?


Do you ever feel embarrassed listening to yourself after you've recorded your audios when you edit them? I personally can NOT listen to my own moans in videos without cringing lmao 🤣


what type of kid were you in high school?


But…that just tells me ur moans don’t sound like his😂there’s a rzn he bottles this shit up & sells it - it’s GOLD


Out of all of history, who’d you FMK (for fun, for good, & for the good of the world)

lee lee

What is the last show you binge watched? I am currently elbows deep into Peaky Blinders 🙃


What kind of gear do you take when you go hiking? And do you have any good or weird stories when walking those beautiful trails? Also, I hope you have an amazing birthday! 🥳


Hey Jim, first thank you so much for getting my name right in the last AmA. That means so much to me❣️ Second I don’t have a question per-say as for a idea on a fantasy role play. Instead of you being a sex demon like in the other one you did on here, why not be a incubus? That way you are drawing more from your host then just sex. Each organum that is reached fuels your energy levels more, and you have to have it to thrive. Or visa-versa you could be the sub and be taken and used by a succubus one night, and she dose what ever she pleases with you in order to milk as many loads as she can from them big balls. 😉


How’s your day going? 🥰


I wonder.. What's your favourite perfume?




Hey. Jim actually talked about how and why he started on a few podcasts if you want to check them out - How C*m podcast in June 2019, Pussy Church in June 2020, and the Activated Living Podcast in Aug 2019. He goes into more detail than he can on an AMA!


Let's do "Fuck, Marry, Kill: 'The Royal Tenenbaums' Edition". The contestants are Richie Tenenbaum, Chas Tenenbaum, and Eli Cash. Who would you fuck, who would you marry, who would you fight to the death? (Tarotnique, we had the same question idea! Great minds think alike 😁)


Hey Jim! Love your vampire audios and was wondering if you ever thought about doing a succubus/incubus one? Love all your audios especially the fantasy ones🙏🏽


Minimum thread count for sheets. Thoughts?


For when you go into the hospitality trade: What would be the name of your restaurant be and what would you serve or what culinary influences would you have? Also I’d expect the obligatory staple, Lasagne, dedicated to Admiral of course! *continues to ponder a culinary tribute for Meatball that isn’t beer related*


Are you ever going to do a bike stream again? I’m sorry if I came out as rude but I enjoy tuning in to the streams


Hi Jim!! Is sex while high more intense? I've never had sex while high and am curious as i plan to try soon. Thanks!