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Ask away! :D



When was the moment you realised you were going to be amazing at this? 🇦🇺


First of all, I adore you 🥺hope you’re having a great day and here’s my question: if you could only fuck in one position for the rest of your life, which one would you choose? Ps. Blessed be the day I found you, daddy Jim😭💗


Hi from London. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?


Would you or have you ever considered starting a podcast to talk about what you do? Your path to recording audio porn and the various experiences you've had etc.? As a new listener, I find you a perplexing mix of utterly adorable and absurdly sexy, not to mention that you are incredibly articulate. Qualities that seem to lend themselves well to podcasting? Would love to know your thoughts!


What are some weird fetishes you find intriguing?


Have you had any experiences with erotic hypnosis? Would you consider exploring more of it in your audios? Xx


Your commissions ask to keep things within your limits - is there a list of all your limits we could reference or will you let us know if something isn’t in your “wheelhouse”?


Does it weird you out to voice record porn when your son is in the room?


Also, ever thought of growing ginger for the purpose of figging?


Which era of history is your favorite and why?


You have such an amazing voice, would you ever consider voice acting for an animated series (for adults or kids) in the future?


Tips for dealing with heartbreak? 😔💔


Tempted to ask a question about index funds and portfolio guidance. I mean this question is half a gag, but also if you're willing to answer: I'll have 3k in savings this summer and will be looking for graduate fellowship opportunities. Is it too soon to start investing if I haven't gotten into my fellowship yet (guaranteed monthly income), should I park it in savings until I'm out of graduate school or is it worth the investment now? It's not what I subscribe for, but I am all ears! If that's too much, what's your favorite novel?


You’re not doing anything wrong, quite a lot of us take longer, require additional stimulation, get performance anxiety or sometimes it just takes you right out of the zone. Whether it’s 5mins or 50mins, just listen to your body and go at your own pace. If it first you don’t succeed then ignore it and move on to next one!


👀r u gonna revisit that cycle workout on insta? I became a fan on xmas’20 and missed the whole thing😫I need a workout buddy and am scared of what happens when I run out of lives😅💞🙌


On second thought I can’t imagine talking throughout an entire workout - alternate question ; Least favorite historical time? Like, is there one you have NO interest in?


What is your mbti?


- do you have a lower sex drive in your personal life because of your job? -What's your preferred aftercare? -why California? - How big of an age gap is too big? -what sports do you like? I gravitate to cycling and hiking when I' alone, but I'm here for team sports occasionally


Hey Jim. Hope things are well on your end of the US. So, here's my question for you: when it comes to editing content for us, what is your method of getting in the zone? Do you listen to music or have the tv on as background noise? ❤️ Your content is always something to look forward to and hope you have a good day.


What was the defining moment (or the catalyst) which made you decide that you had enough of the corporate office lifestyle and would be better off making erotic audio?


When it comes to your audios do you have a set script or do you just wing it?


Who is your favorite character from Sesame Street, and why is it Big Bird? 🤔


Hey Jim! First AMA as a patron 🥰 -My mom is letting me pick out a plant for her front porch. Any recommendations besides succulents? We're in GA and she doesn't wanna kill it but also wants it to be colorful lmao -Out of all the pet names you use (baby girl, princess, darling etc) do you have a favorite to use or a favorite you like to be called (besides Daddy of course lol)? -How much prep goes into making an audio idea? I know you've said before that you mostly try to hit all of your tags but do you actually write anything for them? Either way I'm always so impressed by your creativity (Uuuugh your mind 😫)and ability to do your job so well. I dont think I'll ever get over it lol


Was going to ask if you found a benzo support network since leaving Chicago or if you kept in touch? but kinda got answered in last IG live 😅glad to hear they had zoom meets!