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*As I shot the January AMA on the 29th

Ask away! :D



DDlg is my preferred kink, and sometimes I will have a partner who is open to (but not familiar with) playing the Daddy Dom role. Sometimes I get tempted to have them listen to your content to "learn" about how to be a good Daddy. Do you have any tips from your own experience on how to feel confident and skilled in the Daddy role?

Rue Surnameunimportant

I'm a new patron. It's really fresh to hear someone actually discuss these topics openly, so I'm really happy to have watched your Q&A. I'm actually asexual, but I enjoy getting off solo. I suppose my question would be whether or not you were ever shy when you first began.


Would you ever consider making Little Space audios?! I just subscribed last week and I’m obsessed🤤


Hi Jim I’m new to Patreon and this whole world of pleasure but I just wanted to thank you because I’ve already learned so much more about myself and what I like in the bedroom and not 😏 if you know what I mean anyways I’m just so thankful for you and you’ve really changed my life for the better 😋


Happy February Jim! I am a fairly new patron and I just adore how much you interact with your fan base (Filthies <3) It really humanizes you and in turn makes your audios that much more immersive. My question is can you describe the feeling interacting with the filthies gives you and what value they add to your well being, as you most certainly add to ours!


Hey Jim! Do you ever suffer from “Pornographer’s Block” and get stuck in the creative process? How do you get the *juices* flowing again?


Hi Jim! I’m a new patron and totally love and appreciate your work! Just wanted to say ‘thank you Daddy!’ ❤️🇦🇺🧩🐨


I’m back again with another question! As someone who is in to DD/lg (I’m obvi the lg in my relationship..) what are your favorite types of after care to give? Also for you as a Daddy, what kind of things do you like after an intense RP?


Hi! So I'm high, and when that happens my questions for you just flow. I am listening to your 1,000 subscriber AMA podcast and I have to ask. (Not 100% way though the library so this question may have been answered previously, but I'll ask anyway just in case! You mentioned how your nerve damage greatly reduced the the sensation in your cock, and you hoped that maybe it would start to come back eventually. Has this changed at all? P.s. who ever that woman is who turned you on to dd/lg, we are eternally grateful!


If you could do your van conversion with no budget, what would your ideal van conversion look like ?


Show me the boi


How would you tell a potential Dom about your trauma without them seeing you as a victim? I recently met a potential Dom and we were talking for awhile and then he said something that triggered me and when I told him that it was triggering and he realized I had been raped he freaked out and said I “killed his boner” and said I should have told him in the first place so he wouldn’t of had to waste his time on someone damaged. I really want to have a DDLG relationship but I’m not sure how to relay what happened to me without scaring them off. How would you go about it?


That guy sounds like such a creep! Sexual assault is never the survivors fault, and anyone who considers your trauma a "boner killer" sounds like an immature jerk. That guy definitely isn't Daddy material. I'm so sorry that happened to you. He owes you an apology!


He definitely seemed more of a fake Dom when I look back on it


Hi Bub! Please tell us 5 of your favorite books/ book series from growing up. Thank you (:


Yeah, that's not a Dom. Dom's put their partners safety first. That guy was just a dick!


What advice would you give to those of us looking to share our kink with the world? (Patreon, Reddit, OF, etc) Any backlash or judgement from people that know you personally and how you handled that?


You still haven’t answered my question (from last year) blockhead For The Dad, the Son and the spirit of Meatball, may only pee on your rug. plans for new year’s domination? You may answer for Meatball and Admiral...and I expect an answer, or so they won’t help you if I have to ask again next month! 🧐 owo