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Ask Away!



Hi there! I hope you're doing great! What would you say is the hardest aspect of doing your job on Patreon, Only Fans, Quinn, and other platforms? Thanks for all you do!


May I pretty please have a closer look at your tattoos? 💪 Which is your most and least favourite? (I’m new and haven’t got through the older content yet, so if you’ve done that before sorry for the repeat and please point me in that direction 💕)


Hi ☺️ First time ever asking question like this online, but how do I know if polyamory’s for me?




Any significance to the beaded bracelets you always wear? Where'd you get them? :) Edited to add question for Andrea: HIII Andrea nice to meet you! How do you feel about your bro taking his porn career full time? He's made some huge strides this year, are you as proud of him as we are? uwu <3


What’s your favorite Halloween costume to see a girl in? 🦩✨


How do you suggest introducing a partner to ddlg


Hey Jim. Hope you're having a somewhat relaxing month. If you had to pick one holiday, which would you choose? I always go for Halloween because it's a couple weeks after my birthday and I love the costumes everyone wears for this holiday. -Danielle-


Hiiii! So I used to have a lot of trouble falling asleep but now I sleep like a baby thanks to your audios 😌 (is that weird idk 😂) Was wondering if you’ve ever had the same problem and what you do to help sleep better 😁 Sincerely, someone who’s very grateful for your content✨


You have have so much space, would you ever consider adopting another cat or maybe a dog? I'd go hog wild if I had a huge house, hella plants, and animals. Vines up the walls and cat hair in my hair lol


Not a question, so much as a reminder: What costume are you going to wear for the arrival of the Great Pumpkin? If all else fails, I expect to see Pusheenicorn for the video hello! owo


Hii! I hope your doing well! I have a few questions, first is what the most interesting space and/or history fact that you know? And then do you have any advice for getting your first tattoo?


HAI JIM love everything you do still a new but been on your live as pokemongrl. 💜Have you been to six flags before the quarantine like for fright fest? (Used to work there for a number of years)


Your sound design is excellent. Are you professionally trained or did you just pick it up as you went?


Second question, what's your favourite halloween movie released in the last 8 years?


Have you ever ghosted someone/been ghosted?


Is there any in-person dating where you are right now or is it still pretty locked down?


Best Halloween memory? 😊


This is for Andrea! What’s your favorite Barney song or a fond Barney related memory?


Hi Jim. I'm thinking of trying out making audio porn, do you have any beginners tips?


Will Admiral dress up for Halloween? Happy halloween!


Hey there Jim's Sister! How did you feel when you found out what Jim's job is?


Art Attack! Opinions, have did you guys have it, did the house get painted as a result of it. Reference: https://youtu.be/cFqCl_GvHe0


Question for both of you guys, if you could travel anywhere in the world and in any era, where would it be ? I think mines the 60’s in America or 12/13th century in Scotland with all the clans 🙈


Favorite pizza style and toppings? (For the both of you) Very important question, I know.