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Ask the birthday boy anything! :D


Emma Maher

Do you prefer marvel or DC films. And what's your favorite movie from marvel or DC


If you could be king of the world for a day, what would you do? Happy (early) birthday! ☺️💕


Happy Early Birthday 🥳🥳🥳 Do prefer a girl who is shy and kind of beats around the bush or a girl who is confident and goes for what she wants? Asking for science 😂


Outside of COVID-times, the ideal way to spend your birthday?


Do you ever get like...Tired carrying the entire ddlg community on your back? It's gotta be heavy lol 😂 Have a super fantabulous birthday!! I look forward to the wonders you'll create this year! 👍🏾


Which one do you perfer being daddy or being submissive and why. And what type of women body type you perfer.


And happy early birthday 🎂🎂🍾🍾


Hey Jim! Happy early birthday! 🥳🧡 Initially, what made you gravitate towards DDlg? Outside the bedroom, do you often take on the “caretaker” role in your friendships/relationships?


Happy almost birthday Jim!! So I’m still a virgin at 24 because I’m so afraid of letting someone see my body after losing a bunch of weight, but I recently met someone I wanna fuck sooo bad, but I’m nervous! I’ve gotten much more sexual after finding you and your content, but any tips you can give me on how you got so confident in your bod post-weight loss would be amazing so I can finally get laid lol! Thank you daddy 😘


HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🧡🧡 Top 5 most memorable birthdays!🥳🎉🎂


What’s your favourite food/s my dude? And do you cook the majority of the time?


Asking the real questions! OwO 🤣💛

Selina Park

How did you start your voice actor career? What gave you the idea to try your hand at audio porn?


Kirk or Picard?


Happy Birthday Zadddddy! You are the first man to get me fully into DDlg 😍 what is your 2020 birthday wish..for yourself!!

Danielle M

You mentioned how much you love Alphonse Mucha's work, so I'm wondering who are your other favorite visual artists?


Would you ever consider working with others to create content? E.g. inviting others to record for you or recording while working with another person?


What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?


WAP thoughts...?


Happy Birthday 😽 Hope you get everything you desire! My question is: Have you seen an increase in business since covid19 started?


Favorite euphemism (sexual or otherwise)? Alt: is there a film/song/book that you think represents your own experience re: mental health?


One place you'd like to fuck?


Happy early birthday!! 🧡 What's your most visited website?


Have you thought about doing an ASMR(esq) audio? With lots of hand rubbing/hair rustling and whisper sounds? Or, just any other type of SFW ASMR? Any new podcast appearances coming up?


One more. Do you find it easier to find partners who are open to ENM/poly life style on the west coast as opposed to the Midwest? I know in my area it’s like taboooo.


On this the day of the birth of our most precious squish, I give you my ques-ti-on... You’re on a long-haul flight and unfortunately due to my poor planning, you are allocated the middle seat in the middle aisle. Now you can’t change your seat, however you can choose which 3 people, past or present to be seated beside you! Who do you choose to converse with for the next 16 hours? OwO