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Emma Maher

Have you ever traveled outside of America and if so where did you go


What would your perfect day be from start to finish? If it involves traveling somewhere else, the day starts there/then.


Are you excited about moving?


In your packing up to move, what is the oldest possession you've found?


What’s the weirdest Thing you’ve done in public?


If you could cast any celebrity to provide a running voice over of Admiral's internal monologue, who would you pick?


Favorite comfort food 🙂 ?


What’s something admiral or any past pet has done that really made you mad


On a recent ig love you brought up doing commission work. I wasn’t able to catch the whole thing but can you talk about how you envision that process? ☺️


In the inaugural Cat Daddia Wrestling Federation match who is Filthy Jim Nova's arch nemesis, what music does the marching band play for your entrance, and what is your signature move?


wheres your dream place to live and why is it there?


Do you envision yourself ever returning to corporate America? What would have to happen for you to return to your job, and do you ever regret leaving your job?


What is your favourite audio that you’ve recorded so far?


I have 2 questions. 1.) What are your 2 absolute favorite colors? 2.) What is your whole audio set up (as in what recording program, microphones, etc do you use)? Number 2 I ask cause I wanna get into making audios myself. 😋


Any random Dad Advice from Jim you're inspired to share? :)


Did you ever feel weird about talking to the same people who literally touch themselves to you like did that take time to get used to? lmao or was it a thing that you were always ok with and instantly embraced as your new norm? I just wanna know what you were thinking and how it felt for you when it first started happening xD cause it seems like an interesting situation to be in


Also what are you most excited to see when you move to California? Are you scared at all to be moving?


Do you have any tips on dirty talk during sex? What are some things men like to hear? What should we never say? Thanks!


Do you speak any languages other than English? 👀 Even a just a little bit?