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April 2020 Video AMA

Thank you for your time should you choose to watch! New SFW content here every Wednesday! :3 I do this full time and need your support! From paying the electric to feeding my cat, admiral (pictured), I rely on you guys! Check me out at patreon.com/feelgoodfilth to get my BEST content. $2.99/mo gets you in the door and you have access to up to 6 EXCLUSIVE AUDIOS per month! ---YOU MUST BE 18+ TO INTERACT WITH ME--- Support me: https://patreon.com/feelgoodfilth ig: @filthyjimnova (18+) tw: @feelgoodfilth (18+) My Website: https://feelgoodfilth.com (18+) A Little About Me: https://www.feelgoodfilth.com/post/welcome



Okay besides being a major fangirl lol I think u r so interesting as a person(from what you divulge to us lil folk) id love to be able to just hang out with ya, smoke, watch documentaries or GBBO(cause its so addicting,) have good conversation over fruit salads and just hang out.


You are such a ray of sunshine! Love ya Jim❤


This was so wholesome [at parts lol] Nice hearing this makes you happy and you take care of yourself 🥰


I'm so sad for you when you talked about being stood up and tossed aside. It sucks when it happens but I imagine it must have sucked more since it was also tied into your work too. I really hope that going forward fans respect your privacy and recognize the line between your private life and what you choose to show as part of your work and performances.


this video was so sweet thank u jim !! (also as a classics minor n history nerd if u ever want to branch out from history of rome podcasts to history of rome BOOKS !! u should check out 'spqr: a history of ancient rome' by mary beard which is super readable super interesting n not as lengthy as u might think it is)


100% would be a Feel Good Filth marching band booster.


I don’t care where I am or what I’m doing. If you are in the pride parade with your own marching band, I will fucking be there. We love you❤️❤️❤️!


I nominate myself to be playing drums :)


I nominate Noemie as field commander with a Pusheen baton!


Catching this kinda late but thank you, Jim, for your honesty and transparency and your enthusiasm about everything from your porn career to pie and marching bands. I hope that you never let anyone or anything steal that enthusiasm. Life can be a bitch and creative (and often filthy) content like yours helps people in more ways than you probably realize. So I hope that it continues to be fun for you and you see all your crazy dreams realized. ❤️