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What do u like done to u in bed?


Asking for a friend who is also a fan, she asks would you ever see yourself creating a scene with a fan? Like having sex with them?


Think I goofed and put this in the wrong place before 😅 Thank you for all of the hard work you put into your content ♥️ My question is, what do you do for self care? 😊


Have you considered learning Kinbaku? It could bring an entirely new dynamic to your play. Also, another skill to add to your repertoire, perhaps?


Brand new to your content and totally obsessed!!! My question is have you ever had sex in a public place (specifically in Chicago) and if so where was the best?


Ok , so probably shouldn't ask here and but I'm going to anyway. I loved the Commitment audio (the vampire one) :) and have always had a sexual kink for vampire fantasies ... Will you be able to make another one in the near future some. I probably sound like a weirdo for asking but I just wanted to give it a shot. 😆 lol


2 questions: one- have you ever hooked up with someone who you later found out was a fan? two- what's your favorite position


Do you have a favourite or a few favourite books? And what’s your go to stoned snack


Since I’m relatively new to following you and learning about you, my question is about how you got started doing videos and voice recordings. What got you into them and ultimately creating them?


I hope you're doing well with everything that's been going on! 💕 You obviously don't have to answer if you're not comfortable but do you have any personal social media accounts apart from your regular FGF accounts?


When you’re going your voice audios of eating your little girl out. What do you use to simulate that sound? L


I got urged to ask this by some of the other filthies - I mean what? I'm not in discord all the time.😂 Did you think your discord would be such a positive and encouraging space for your fans and what do you think about it? 😂❤


So, what’s your manscaping routine because your package is beautiful 😘


What gets you off personally? Prior to coming up with a scenario, what do you think about/watch?


Do you like cooking with Cannabis? I know you’ve said edibles don’t work for you but do you enjoy the other health benefits of it aside from the thc aspect?


Do you have an end goal for your audio porn empire? If so, what is it?


Do you have any advice for anyone who has been burned by a fake Daddy!Dom in the past? Ways to spot a fake, or a good/safe way to put yourself back out there?


Do you like pie? If so what's your favorite kind of pie? (Don't worry, I'm not trying to send you a pie)


Can you say “I love you” for us? 🥺👉👈


Hey there, Jim! What’s your heart rate? Haha just joshin’. You mentioned your days in marching band during one of your spin bike streams. What were your favorite pieces/routines to perform?


Does doing what you do for work make it hard to enjoy it for personal enjoyment?


April 16th OF video title alludes to some "nasty porn". I would love to know what your definition is or whether you're willing to tell us what you were watching.


How are you maintaining relationships with friends/family/partners etc during this quarantine? Facetime just doesn’t hit the same 🥺