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Questions here! :D



Morning dearest Jim 😘 Got 2 questions for you. 1. I know you're a space nerd, and I love that about you, but are you into sci-fi as well? I recommend Doctor Who, it's a very fun time travel show to get into. 2. I know you like weed already, hehe, but have you tried CBD oil? I think it really helps my anxiety and PTSD symptoms.


It's my 25th birthday on the 22nd of March, have you got any tips for me on this whole getting my life together stuff cause I'm still clueless! Much love from Scotland! x


If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?


Hi Jim! I got 2 questions for you. 1. Do you watch any anime, if so, what's your favorite? 2. Do you wish you could learn a second instrument other than the trombone? I play the cello but I wish I could play the accordion.💕


Thank you so much for your content!😊 What scenarios have you had the most fun recording? Also, what kind of toys and treats does Admiral like?

Gemini Audios

Hey Jim! I love you’re content! ❤️💕 Two nerdy questions for you! 1. What is your favorite nerdy movie ? (and trilogies are allowed also series are allowed) 2. Are there any fandoms that you want to get into or are interested in? Example as Doctor Who, GOT, D&D etc.

Tatiana Jovana

When you were younger, maybe high school/middle school, what did you think your permanent job would be? Was it always making ladies wet? 💦


Personal question if you don't mind. Just out of curiosity... The women you have a ddlg relationship with do they ever get jealous of one another and want mostly your attention on them and not the other? And how you would handle that?


Could you do a ddlg makeup sex role play?


What led/inspired you to record these videos? What scenario was your first recording?


Same boat here, but my 25th will be April 2nd. I didn't really expect it, but the "quarter-life" realization is kinda hitting hard. I'd love to hear some about your path to success and how you climbed the corporate ladder, Jim.


Are there any topics/kinks you want to explore but are too nervous to? What would they be, if any? What are some kinks you have that may surprise us?


How often do you get hard while recording for us?


How did you come to be into the ddlg kink life?


What’s the most requested thing you get in the audio ideas feed, and is there ever requests that make you uncomfortable?


First, thank you for all the content you make - both the sexy and SFW. I recently discovered you and have been going through a hard time and listening to your stuff has been a huge comfort. My question is about your son. How did Admiral come into your life and have you always been a cat person? He's such a handsome boy.


After binge watching countless episodes of Rockwiz: What was the first concert you ever went to?


If you are wanting to make a good impression on a date, what is your 'go to' deodorant/aftershave?


Did you get contacts? LASIK? I don’t see you in glasses much, other than sunglasses, anymore. (You look great either way!)


If you could only watch five movies for the rest of your life, what would you choose?


having full sleeves, did you plan them out, or was each tattoo done as a free-standing piece? do you have any work you wish was done differently?


"Being single is so deeply a part of my identity that I truly know wtf I would do with a boyfriend. Do you have to walk it? How often does it need to be fed? I'm not ready"


Do you have any advice for staying friends with an ex?


Do you ever feel off about the sound of your own voice having to listen to it while editing or recording? My new day is listening to my own voice 75% of the time I’m awake and it’s a little weird


Thank you for all of the hard work you put into your content ♥️ My question is, what do you do for self care? 😊


What's going to happen to all you Heavy metal Hangout content and deleted audios? Will they be reuploaded to Feel Good Filth? (Sorry if you've already explained this an I missed it)