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Your questions here :3



Should we expect more partner play, if so would we get the same thing or something different each time


Thank you making SFW Nightmare audio. Really appreciate it.


How does it make you feel that you have personally been responsible for millions of orgasms? Thank you for your work. It helps me more than you'll ever know.


Would you be a hero or villian and why?


Are you happy with being the reason so many woman are getting the best audio experience of their lives? Absolutely love the work and you.


How often do girls steal ur shirts? lol if it were me, I’d 100% take ur joy division cat shirt XD on *accident* of course 😳


Does a joke count as a question? Anyways, 3 prostitutes walk into a bar. They have a "who has the biggest pussy contest". The first one uses a cucumber, the second uses an eggplant, and the third one is sliding down the bar seat.


Oh fun!!! Q&A! 😃 What does your recording set up consist of? What to you use to edit/finalize your pieces? And sounds..... How did you find out what sounds most, authentic? 😄


Do you ever feel uncomfortably fetishized, sexualized, or objectified by your listeners? If so, how do you navigate those emotions?


What is your favorite smell or a scent that invokes a particularly happy memory for you?


Is ddlg what you are into IRL? Or are you just really good at playing pretend for all of us swooning creatures?


When did you first get into ddlg and how did the people who know about it and react to it?


How do you practice self love in your day to day life? Do you find it easier now that you are not working a corporate job to focus on yourself? Or ~ Any future tattoo plans?


If one song could be played as entrance music any time you walked into a room, what song would you want it to be?


What do you normally sleep in at night?


Hi! I hope you’re having a super great day! 🖤 What’s your favorite taboo fantasy? C:


Hi Mr. Filth, as a ghost, meaning you've past and can't cause any time altering changes, would you go backwards or forwards in time? The timeline is infinite, you can go back and forth as long as it's within the past or future of today. Thank you for your response should you chose to answer ;D


If you could be in any alternate universe (ie Buffy the vampire Slayer, dragon Ball, anything) where would you go? And why?


If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


If you could bake one thing except for yourself (weed joke) what would it be?


Sorry, I come up with another question after I post one


At what age did you lose your virginity?


What did people close to you tell you when they knew you would be a full-time porn artist? (Emphasis on "artist" because definitely what you do is PURE A R T


Did you have any theatrical experience growing up? I don’t get mad theatre kid vibes from you, but what you’re doing is definitely more creative and immersive than just dirty talk. You have a natural artistic spirit.


Hi Jim! I know the lifestyle isn't for you at the moment, but were there aspects of monogamy you enjoyed at some point in time? If so, what were they? :)


Who would you "fuck, marry, kill" from the main Office cast? (I realize I have a problem 🤦) OR- Have you ever thought about writing a book? Fiction, or perhaps an autobiography?


At what age did you get into the ddlg stuff?


What is your personal opinion of both ketchup on a hot dog AND the casserole that is deep dish pizza?


Do you personally like Indica or Sativa or a blend more? And why?


Where is your favorite place to have sex? Mine is in a car


Sorry if this is a repeated question. What view do you hold about fans calling you daddy? Asking bc I've heard DDs not liking anyone but their little addressing them as daddy, and I think some littles feel the same about random people calling them babygirl or something.


The shittest job you ever had to do? Either work or errand. Best job taking?