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Hello my fine patrons!

You've been making eyes at me all goddamn night....You want it, now its time for me to take it...

Thanks for your pledges and support, you wonderful folks! <3 

Note: This content is fantasy roleplay for adults, made by an adult (18+). All acts described involve consenting adults engaging in fantasy roleplay scenarios.




ooft Jim, what a lil Friday treat!! 🥰 thankyou hehe


Just getting off work, love seeing this. We are so lucky 🖤


don’t know how i feel abt actual rape play but the degrading was hot x


Just got to work but I listened to the first min in the parking lot and thank you Land Daddy for this blessing. I’m excited to get home tonight. ❤️


aww well back to the regular, varied content next audio! thanks for giving it a chance and happy there were components you liked!


Sweet mercy Jim, I’m still dealing with the ramifications of the last one. I just listened to Goddess Mode and Craving when I woke up. Now I’m on my way to work, wondering why I even bothered to have a shower!


Well, fuck me ... just were busy with another audio. But no harm in doing two. Was pretty freakin' hot. Gonna sleep well now 😋


I just went to the bathroom at a family gathering to listen this and oh my god it didn’t disappoint 😍


Pretty sure getting the notification for this in the middle of target is the only way ive ever gotten in and out in under 20 minutes, so worth it


Well damn, this is certainly new and wow, very exciting! I'm so glad we got to cum during it too, that's not always a guarantee with these fantasies but always such a fulfilling aspect


The moment the door closed and you growled. I've never felt so small while listening to an audio. 🥺 I kept thinking 'I'll be good! I'll be good' then I realized it was non con. Not DD/LG. 🥺🥺🥺


Oh boy. This audio sure was amazing. My main reason why I don’t go to parties. 😂 I enjoyed it. 😊🔥


Wow... as someone who tends to enjoy non-con as a way to safely explore my own trauma this was so oddly healing. Feeling like 10 lbs lighter right now and really grateful I found your content. 😌


I love your work so much. Listening to your audios is def the highlight of any day.


There's something about getting pinned against a wall that is soo hot. 🔥 Thanks for this, I really enjoyed it. :)


of course! its completely normal and common and this is a wonderful place you can come to enjoy with no judgment or stigma! I have this behind the pay wall because i dont necessarily want a non-con audio to be the *first* listen, but once you've gotten to know me a little bit we can have LOTS of rough fun... Kind of like a real partner and CNC play, trust and communication are key in making it fun and safe for all! &lt;3


haha well if things like this keep happening then you're one hell of a party animal, gabby! x3


haha well i think it adds to the naughtiness when you *do* cum in such a situation... you were just *BEGGING* for it with your eyes, after all (; so happy you enjoyed, martha! i wanted to do a few CNC audios in a row to give the folks who enjoy that content a few to listen to as i move back to the normal varied rotation.


well i hoped you enjoyed, regardless, Janessa! next one's a lovey ddlg so a bit of a change of pace (:


I don't know whether to cum, cry, or get down on my knees and say hallelujah. Thank you for another top notch two person (CNC) sex dream, you wonderful human being. Pretty sure they're gonna have to burn this bus seat when I get up.


omg i hope this doesnt cause your fellow transit riders to sit in your puddle d; happy you enjoyed!


What an amazing one ! I enjoy your ddlg (so much) but hearing you dominating like that ... I'm glad to be at home for sure. Thanks for offering new types of audios, it's really appreciated ☺️


I am *screaming internally* this is my biggest gd kink and holy fffffffff... thank you, this makes me feel, well, not ashamed anymore ❤


nothing to be ashamed of at all, chelsea! one of the most common kinks and totally safe and fun to explore with enthusiastically consenting partners or just your audio fantasies! &lt;3


What a WONDERFUL goddamn thing to come home from work to- oh wow. Oh wow. I need a weekend to go this way...


Happy Friday my sweet boy!! ;3 You know what there’s something so freeing about completely surrendering yourself to someone else. But of course, it’s super hot too hahaha. this was a fantastic scenario, thanks jim ;D




I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I WANTED THIISS 😭😭 (No joke intended lol)

Meghan McDonald

Damn that was so hot! That growling....Good gosh growling gets me primal.


bahahaha oh no! maybe time to introduce her to some kink? (;


First thing I'm listening to in bed tonight! 🥰 Stumbled across you on Pornhub. Thank the lord I did! 💦😝


I can’t get enough 🥵


Holy fucking soaked bed sheets! Are you fucking kidding me right now?! This may just knock Plaything out of first place


This is sooo good lol I never thought I'd be into something like this.


oh goodness this CNC was delightful. each condescending curse &amp; growl ya made sunk me further into sub mode. legit did make a dripping down my thigh mess. 🤭 Thank youuu~


What can l say!! Blown away...damn ;)


Absolutely thrilling, thank you, Sir!


Hi there! 😊 I would love if you made a ddlg/asrm style companion piece to go with these cnc audios. I think having an aftercare follow up audio available would make these rougher posts more accessible/pleasurable for those of us who get a little scared when daddy gets rough! 😳 I think most littles like to be reminded that, even if things get TOTALLY NUTS, they're always safe with daddy. 💗


😳 That was amazing. Wow.


Why couldn’t I have discovered this sooner oh my heavens the things I have been missing thank you thank you THANK YOU 😩😍


Hot AF... ❤


Holy shit balls Batman! This is the reason I signed up! and now my husband needs to come home in the middle of his day and take care of business


We need another part to this!!😩😣


I keep on going back to when he slammed the wall, I've been stuck there for ten minutes.


Nobody does CNC/non-con like you, Jim. It’s my absolute fantasy. Thanks for providing 🥂


Yes Yes Yes. *Slowly slides squeakily down the wall....