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Ask me anything and I'll shoot a video at the end of the month to answer your queries! :D

Ask in the comments below!



Aliens land on the planet and say they’re going to blow it up in two days. You also just received a million dollars. What do you do? A) Tailor a suit made entirely of cash and walk around with a monocle. B) Buy a yacht and name it End of Days. C) Nothing because money will literally have no value in this situation. D) This is a quote from the movie Heathers, not a question. E) Other.


Here’s a few questions I have. 1. Do you have a favorite genre of movies, shows, or books? 2. What inspired you to do these audios? 3. Do you love science more than math? Love math more than science? Or love both of them equally?


1. what’s the best and worst food you’ve ever tried? 2. what can you do today that you couldn’t do a year ago?


1. What's your ethnicity? 2. Are you into superhero movies? If so, which one is your favorite? 3. What's your favorite Hispanic food?


Why did you choose the career/profession that you are currently involved in? When you decided on your major in college, was it spontaneous or planned?


1) if you could pick up and move anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? 2) if someone offered you 100 million dollars to get a face tattoo would you do it? If so, what would it be? 3) if you hadn’t gone into to career that you’re in know, what do you think you’d be doing?


1. If you could bake anything in the world, a) what would be your signature show-stopping bake? b) what would be your everyday go-to bake? 2. A dragon flies overhead, and attacks your pastoral village. You vow to avenge the dead and vanquish the dragon, but lack any experience. Do you train as a: a) mage b) warrior c) healer d) shapeshifting druid e) rogue


i only have one question this month... will you please just fuck me already? 🙏😈


What’s the one thing you always roll your eyes at each time you hear it ?


What is your all time favourite song to fuck to?


You played Mass Effect once upon a time, so I have some related questions (assuming it wasn't so long ago you don't remember). 1. Did you save or kill Wrex? 2. Who stayed with the bomb, Kaidan or Ashley? Why? 3. Were you paragon, renegade or somewhere in the middle? 4. Did you ever play as Femshep? 5. If you did play as Femshep, who would you have romanced? And in case you don't want to answer any of those, my backup question is: If you could sing a duet with any artist, living or dead, who would you choose and why?