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...And I'll answer at the end of the month in my video AMA! :D



How was your trip to California for the ActivatedLiving podcast? Did you feel feel like you learned something new about yourself after that interview?


A few to choose from: 1. Is there a region of the world whose history you would like to know more about? 2. What is the origin of/reasoning behind your affinity for the metric system (as a Canadian scientist, I agree metric >imperial)? 3. Have you tried Coke Zero (psst it's better than Diet Coke. lol)? 4. If you had to pick one trilogy to watch over and over: a) Lord of the Rings b) Star Wars (IV-VI) c) Indiana Jones (excluding the-one-that-will-not-be-named) d)The Matrix e) Back to the Future


- what made you want to move to chicago? - are there any kinks you aren’t into and would never be interested in trying?


Do you mind being called daddy in public? Do you know how to dance? If you do, what kind?


Here are a few questions I have for you Jim. Can pick whichever one you want to answer. :) 1. Do you have a favorite cat breed? If so, which one? 2. Are you into astrology? 3. Does Admiral cause lots of trouble or is he a big sweetheart to you?


are you an early bird or a night owl? what kind of cologne do you wear? would you ever consider doing a live webcam on pornhub? do you ever get hate mail? if so, i'm gonna need contact info because i'd like to have words. who would you want to play you in the movie about your life?


one more.... are you strictly dominant in bed? we all know your preference but do you ever do a little role reversal and let yourself be the sub?


You are the Black Knight and Arthur, King of the Britons, has just cut off another limb. It is: A) But a scratch. B) Only a flesh wound. C) Monty Python. D) Holy hell, stop asking me weird questions. E) Other.


Heya Metal, very awesome/congrats for doing Patreon! I think I remember that you said that video game a little but of course being so busy makes it hard to do so. Umm.. So my question is: Have you ever played of the Final Fantasy series video games?


So I was reminded of this particular scenario featured in one of my go-to books, Scarecrow Returns by Matthew Reilly. It’s a psychological conundrum, known as ‘The Crying Baby Dilemma’. It’s wartime, you’re travelling in a group with twenty other people. At night while hiding in a ditch beside a country road, a regiment of enemy soldiers march past. You all duck for cover and lie very still. But in your group is a baby, that’s about to start crying. If the solders hear it, they’ll kill all of you. Someone suggests smothering the baby, killing it in order to save the larger group. What do you do? Do you let the baby live and condemn everyone else, including you, to death? Or do you kill one baby so that twenty other people may live? Do you choose inaction or something else?


1) Imagine that you're driving to some distant place in the middle of the night. What song would you play? 2) What is your personal opinion on open relationships?  3) What is your favourite memory from your childhood?