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You have to play 1 song for a random stranger and if they like it, you get a million dollars. What song do you pick?


-If you had the option to know the date and circumstance of your death, would you? -What inspires you the most?


So are these supposed to be like cerebral questions, cuz I just wanted to ask if you use a pocket pussy for the great sound effects... Though I'm super high right now so maybe I'll think of a better one later.


1.does doing this effect having relationships in real life or do you like just hooking up with people and doing the casual thing (assuming that's what you do)? 2. How did admiral get his name? It's so cute yet unique 3. What's your favourite category to record and why? 4. Biggest turn ons and offs?


You are cleaning your bathroom and your bottle of Windex starts talking to you. You would: A) Call 911 because you are having a stroke. B) Never smoke the same brand of weed you just smoked again. C) Talk back. D) Do nothing because this is a ridiculous question. E) Other.


Do you plan on getting anymore tattoos soon? Same w/ cats, do u plan to adopt another furry friend in the future? Do you have a favorite historical figure?


Oh two more questions! do u like to smoke to music and if so do u have a go to album or playlist u listen to when u smoke? (Mine is so sad so sexy by lykke li lol) And do u have funny weed related stories?