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$9.99+ tiers, ask me anything! :D



1. What kind of music do you listen to? Favorite albums? also 2. Have you ever been in a ddlg relationship?? 3. What is your favorite place to eat in the city? My favorite is Pick Me Up Cafe & the Chicago Diner ~this is my first month as a patreon & i adore your work, i know it must take a lot of concentration and care and i just want to say thank you for being so cool. xx


Hi there daddy. Will we ever see u naked? Thank u.


Back at it again with my nonsense! • Do you have any funny/awkward sexual stories that you're willing to share with us? • Do you have any secret talent that no one would expect (beyond, ya know, sensational dirty talk)? Opposite of that, is there anything that you are just oddly bad at? • What is something that you are passionate about that you could just talk about for ages? • What types of hobbies do you pursue out in that real world? Anything you want to pick up and learn? • What features and or traits (be it physical or mental) turn you on in a partner? Can't wait to see what else us thirsty bunch will ask 😂 Thank youuuuuuu as always, cutie~ 💕


Since you brought it up last time: what does your tinder profile say? Where do you plan on vacationing next? What one food could you eat everyday for the rest of your life and (maybe) not get tired of? Thoughts on the last season of GOT?


Have you ever been to the UK, and if not is there anything you would want to do or any place you would want to go? You are awesome, thanks for all the awesome work you do. X


Do you have other kinks you’ve experimented with or that you enjoy? Most painful tattoo? Favorite Movie?


1. I’m also keen to know your thoughts on Got? (As a book fan I was hugely disappointed) 2. Best horror movie monster/killer? 3. In your scenarios, is the woman you picture high/low maintenance, natural/fake boobs etc? 4. Favourite time in history to read about? And one for fun :) 5. Would you rather go without the use of your hands? Or mouth? For a whole month.


Tits or Ass? Do you have a favorite porn star? Biggest turn on/biggest turn off? Does your family know that you make erotic audio? If yes, are they cool with it? Do you have any sexual fantasies that you want to play out but haven't yet?


Have you ever watched a studio Ghibli film? If yes, what’s your favourite? And have you ever played Dead by Daylight?


Hey daddy. Can i know which of your audios u had actually came? 💦💦 Thank u.


Another one, what’s the biggest age gap you’ve had with a partner?


I was listening to some of your old audios and you mentioned that DD/lg play helped you soothe some intimacy issues, could you elaborate on that? Did it help your partner in that way too?


This is a little random, but do you like the marvel movies? If yes, which ones? If no, why not?


If you were on a ski lift, at its highest point, by yourself, at night, and all of a sudden the resort closed and all the lights went out and the lift stopped moving, would you: A) Shit yourself B) Attempt to climb down C) Wait until the resort opens in the morning D) A combination of all of the above if the laws of physics in option B) were not in your favor E) Other


I feel like you must've answered this question before when's your birthday? and I know you talk about travel a bit too, if you weren't in Chicago, where would you choose to live? :)


Sorry about that! The oldest comments were hidden so I didn't see them when I shot the video, I'll answer and have another video out soon (:


Sorry about that! The oldest comments were hidden so I didn't see them when I shot the video, I'll answer and have another video out soon (:


Sorry about that! The oldest comments were hidden so I didn't see them when I shot the video, I'll answer and have another video out soon (:


Sorry about that! The oldest comments were hidden so I didn't see them when I shot the video, I'll answer and have another video out soon (:


Sorry about that! The oldest comments were hidden so I didn't see them when I shot the video, I'll answer and have another video out soon (: