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Here's me getting high and talking about why my son likes to be scruffed... among other things.  I promise better videos in the future! x3

Thanks so much, Patrons!.. Your support means a ton! <3


Patreon Exclusive | May 2019 Video Hello :3

Thank you for your time should you choose to watch :3 ---YOU MUST BE 18+ TO INTERACT WITH ME--- (18+) My Website: https://feelgoodfilth.com (18+) Support Me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/feelgoodfilth (18+) My Subreddit (where I interact with you guys): https://www.reddit.com/r/yourheavymet... (18+) A Little About Me: https://www.feelgoodfilth.com/post/we... (18+) Find Me On Quinn: https://tryquinn.com/audio/gamers/ ig: @feelgoodfilth twitter: @feelgoodfilth



well I'm so happy you thought this one was fun, fran! :D Even though i get super busy i still have so much fun doing this that its okay, i dont want to stop any time soon! You flatter me &lt;3

Katy Malone

Ok, subby Admiral is adorable! XD Really excited to see how this venture goes for you, sweetie, and I'm happy for every video to include some hardcore cat-dadding :D


only time i've publicly released videos of me engaging in D/s activities (; thanks katy &lt;3


Hey mr sexy.. u are amazing. Its so good seeing ur sexy face. The way u talk is so amazing. Because of u im kinda addicted now with these so called erotic audio, i had listen to other audio artists but you are incomparable. Keep up the good job and keep our pussies dripping. I hope someday we can see behind the scene, i wanna see your facial expressions when u growl and cums so it will be easy imagining u fucking us. Anyways stay as sexy as you are. Love u my man.


if i was ever able to do this full time there are some video things id like to pursue ;3 you’re very sweet renee, thank you SO much &lt;3


Leave it to you to have a sub for a cat. Why am I not surprised 😂


Please pursue my man. We will be here for u to support u. Always. U should win an award for this kind of stuff that youre doing. I wish u have onlyfans or justforfans, it will be amazing.. hey a girl can dream. Lol. ❤️


Oh my..... fingers cross ;)


Loved the video and Admiral is super adorable :) I definitely enjoy hearing about your every day life, it gives your fans more insight into who you are. Looking forward to what else you have in store for us and keep up the great work! xoxo


i hope we've all established that i'm a very boring and uncool person d; look forward to sharing more fun stuff with you , S &lt;3


You’re the complete opposite of boring and uncool! xo


aww I scruff my cat too! Hahah but only when she needs to be put in her place &gt;:) this was a cute video, I look forward to more content, im sure you’ve got some great fascinating stories to tell daddy ;) p.s. proud of you for finding the time to do these little things for us I know you’re super busy and it’s sweet, so thank you &lt;3 I appreciate you. You never fail to brighten my day!


Also I agree with the beautiful miss sandrita above me ^^^


well that makes me feel great, Bailey. It makes me smile to be able to spread good vibes to the world 😎


Thanks for taking the time to record and edit this hehe your sun is so independent ugh can't get enough of him I'm really just here for admiral 😜💕💕💕 I'd love to hear stories being narrated, I think that would be a pretty fun thing to do, like a bedtime kind of thing. Take care of yourself 💕💕


I scruff one of my cats when he starts acting up, and he calms right down too. The other, oh she raises hell if I try that with her. Also, I see that PS4 controller...Don't think you can hide that from my nerdy eyes. Have fun in Palm Springs. Thanks for the update and take care! 💕


My fur son is the same way for the same reasons and I am just now realizing it because of this video. Thanks for the family therapy! I think? 😂 But gosh, you seem to so easily radiate warmth and be totally captivating and enticing just sitting there talking. It's wonderful 💕 Thanks for providing countless pleasant thoughts, both naughty and not!


You and Admiral are seriously the most adorable duo around omg. I think in the future I’d like to see a tour (not sure if that’s exactly the word I’m looking for but it’s 7am) of all your tattoos, they look really awesome!!


I’d love to hear life advise and just more about you in general in future videos :D


Uff da you smoke? :)) I’d love to see you talk about literally anything, I just love your personality and light.


You are the fucking cutest! 😘😘😍😍😘😘


You are so cute!!


Oh my gosh. If I ever meet you irl I would not be able to talk!! Lol fistbump and high five !!! Lol....high....lmao I’m soooo juvenile lol ♥️🇦🇺🧩🐨🥰🥰