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Inspired by today's walk on the beach, I thought it'd be really wonderful and relaxing to record a little something with some relaxing beach sounds.  Kind of us just chillin' out, feeling the warm sun on our faces and the warm sand through our beach towel :3

I kind of launch into a byzantine/roman empire history ramble in the end to help you sleep d:

I hope you enjoy! <3




Awesome! sounds super chill, and just in time for bed in the UK 😊

Ms. Donovan

So, so good. Added to my downloads for my flight tomorrow ♥️🛫


Love the sound of the beach and your little laughs. Especially love your rambles. If you don’t mind me asking, what podcasts do you listen to? I’ve been trying to find a good one and have failed.


Assume the dorkiest dork 😝


i just started this one (: <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-eastern-border/id1070996136" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-eastern-border/id1070996136</a>


I think I drifted off for a bit in between, and then suddenly woke up in the Roman empire haha. V interesting turn of events. Also can't get the image of you with two Rodes sitting at the beach recording this out of my head lol


This made me smile. When you started rambling about the Byzantine era, it made me think of The History of Rome by Mike Duncan, this podcast I listen to. Talking about ideas by the water—or at least listening to you and your thoughts about them—I could imagine an afternoon like that, yeah. Thank you for this.


i started “the history of byzantium” after i FINISHED mike duncan’s cast! 😅 i just carried on the narrative


This is very soothing and calming, this whole audio is just the complete package. I just need to bundle myself up in bed with a couple of scented candles and I'd be dozing off in no time 💞


As I was struggling with insomnia at about 2am last night, this audio worked perfectly! Thanks for the low-key, soothing treat 😊😴


This was nice to listen to as I’m laying in bed on a Monday morning and not wanting to get up yet. ☺️ Weekends are never long enough.


Is there any way to like this 20 times? (: Fell asleep in no time and with the biggest smile on my face last night 💕


that's the goal, september! so happy you enjoyed this one... that walk on the beach in the morning inspired me! :3


hahaha i hope i helped that part of the week pass by verrrryyyy slowwwwlllyyyy, emily xD


well thanks so much, Jenny! these are so much fun to make and i always try to put a whole lot of love into them (:


thankfully there are free use sound effects that keep the mics from getting sandy 😅 glad i helped you doze!


Okay, so I'm sick as a brick, and I'm running a fever, and even with all that you made me relax and smile. How do you even do this with your voice and your words. You're magical, man.


aww well i’m so sorry you’re sick but i’m glad i could help take your mind off things for a few minutes... best wishes for a speedy recovery! 😘😘


Just what I needed after a busy day and pouring a glass of wine 😍


This is so calming 🙏😴😘


I legit laughed out loud when you got to the history lesson! xoxo