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Put your questions here! I’ll try to answer at least one from everyone :3



Hey, do you like Gaming? I'f so what is your favorite game/game series you have ever played? Also super happy you now have a patreon so I can support you, as the stuff you do is awesome!


I'm going to throw a bunch out there so you have some to choose from... I'm certainly not expecting you to answer them all! :) 1) Would you talk a little more about your travels in Scandinavia/the Baltics? How was Riga? I've spent a lot of time in Lithuania, but not as much in Latvia... What did you find interesting? Were the people friendly? 2) We know about your love for Berlin, but are there other cities you love? What makes a city a favorite for you? (Eg. for me, it's a combo of gorgeous architecture and welcoming people, so cities like Krakow, Budapest, Vilnius, Zagreb, and Yerevan are some of my favorites.) 3) It sounds like you've played in some bands, but do you have other theater/performance/improv training? 4) Where did you learn about sound recording and editing? Were you self taught? What resources have you found helpful? 5) Would you talk a little bit about how you develop your ideas for audios? You don't seem to work from written scripts... what makes improv more comfortable for you? When people send you requests, is it more helpful for them to be general themes/ideas or more specific scenarios?


Hello J., Here are my questions: 1. What are some of some of the smells you love and the memories you associate with them? 2. What are your favourite parts of a lover's body? 3. What kind of books do you read? Are you partial to fiction, non-fiction, poetry? What's a book you'll happily read again and again? 4. What's the last thing you watched, and did you like it? 5. What's an activity that other people find mundane but one you really enjoy? And what's one overhyped thing that actually annoys you? T.


As a huge fan of Berlin, please share your favorite memory of Berlin :3 And not sure if you've talked about it before, but how did Badmiral join the Metal life?


I hope these questions aren't too uncomfortable! If they are, feel free to tell me and I could change them :) 1. Have you ever hooked up with a fan? If yes, how did it come about? If no, would you consider doing it? 2. Would you ever like to get into TV/Film acting? 3. Could you sing something? Anything you're comfortable with :3 4. Where have you travelled to before?


I'm new to your work (which is incredible to say the least) but I don't know much else about you except that you're a handsome cat dad that lives in Chicago who loves sex, weed, and La Croix. Someone else here mentioned you're a musician? So, elaborate on that, please? And do you have a certain album or playlist in your library that sets the mood for you? My playlist is titled Giggity. 😁 Thanks for your time, Metal 😉


don't mind me, this curious asshole is just going to do here thang... - What did you go to school for and what was your experience like attending school for that? - please just tell me more about Admiral - what kinds of toys does he like, how old is he, does he sploot, does he like butt pats, does he have any silly kitty quirks? ;3c - Tattoos are pretty personal to some people, so feel free to not answer this one, but you seem to have a lot of work! Care to talk about your tattoos and do you want more?