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Full details after the story, but initial details & CW: Floaty, lighter than air inflation happening to multiple unsuspecting drunk girls as a means of petty revenge. Over the course of that, there’s also some mild, but regularly occurring burps & hiccups.

Also, you’re in for a long one with a couple of shifts in style. This first half is roughly 15 pages of 31 already written. I decided to post this chunk today, the second chunk either tomorrow or the next day & then all of it again together the day after that, should you just want to read it all in one go.  At any rate, you’ve been warned.


“Fuck you, you fucking bitch!

It echoed, clear as day, from somewhere further down the block, rousing Mischka from what had up until then, been a relatively peaceful, & extremely necessary, slumber.

Ah yes, the unmistakable, bleating cry of a drunk sorority sister staggering out of O’Herlihee’s in duress. She was able to identify it immediately, seeing as it was approximately 2:33am & this was an all-too-common occurrence. A truly frustrating one, especially in this moment, given the very important account meeting Mischka had on her docket. The one she had to wake up at the crack of dawn. The one that was going to take a ton of preparation & focus, with her at the top of her game.

Another cackle sounded, this one much less intelligible than the first, yet still just as loud. From on her cushy pillow, Mischka imagined just how deafeningly ear-piercing it must’ve been right at street level, without layers of brick wall, glass, & a matter of three stories separation. And yet the shrill voice that had produced the cry was distinct from the first. A fight perhaps?

Suppressing her seething rage into a calm, yet angry resolve, the petite platinum blond fumbled for her thick framed glasses before kicking off her silky sheets & heavy duvet, dipping her toes into her fuzzy slippers, & shuffling over to her bedroom window to survey the commotion in short order. All as the screams persisted.

90% of the time, she loved living in a college town. One of the higher standards of living in the whole area after all, which is in large part why so many of the smart people decided to live there, she liked to joke. And while it was maybe just a teensy bit rich for her blood, it was usually such a nice little burg. At least until the bars let out. And trash, faux Irish-pub style bars like O’Herlihee’s certainly weren’t the type of places the intellectuals around here flocked to.

Peering out, down the street, she noticed a confluence of young women, clucking & staggering about. Ultimately, they were not too much younger than herself, & now congregating outside opposite O’Herlihee’s. Closer to the newer late night kebab place that had opened up two months ago, but given their blood alcohol levels, their night definitely hadn’t started there. Mischka remembered being excited for the kebab shop initially, but was immediately put off by the fact that when they opened, the stretch of sidewalk out front ultimately ended up smelling more of cheap plastic than enticing, sizzling meat. And now, the only purpose they really seemed to achieve was prolonging infuriating escapades such as this one. Suddenly, Mischka’s attention was ripped back to the girls themselves as she noticed the blond one go for an abrupt lunge, trying shove the brunette, only to miss so wildly, her hand ended up in the other girl’s hair. As to not pass up the opportunity, she tried to rip at the girl’s locks, causing the cacophony to only intensify.

“Fuck you!” the darker haired one wailed, bucking out of the hair pull & sweeping an open palmed strike that whiffed far too wide to find purchase.

“No! Fuck YOU!” The blond shrieked, adeptly dodging, but looking like she might’ve rolled an ankle with her awkward heels in the process. The type of maneuver she wouldn’t realize until much later when both it & her head hurt in the morning.

Mischka clicked her tongue in disgust. Even these two’s repartee left a lot to be desired, boiling down to such shrill & rudimentary outbursts. Nothing about these basic bitches seemed redeeming. Another round of the most inept attempts at physical violence was this time broken up by one of the members of their entourage, a much thicker girl, as she yanked the blond girl out of harm’s way. Now three girls were cackling. Mischka popped the lock on her creaky old window & lifted it open.

“Hey!” She cried out from her pitch dark room, the coziness escaping as chilly night air rushed in to take its place. “Shut the fuck up, wouldja? The both of you!” It’s almost like their lack of articulation had rubbed off on her. But then again, maybe she probably should keep her commands simple. They didn’t seem like geniuses, after all. “Some of us have work in the morning!” She second-guessed that capstone as it made its way out of her. It made her sound practically forty years old. Like she was turning to dust. Then again, it was also the truth, & she truly did have work in the morning. Only trying to justify it as a reality? Was also cyclically embarrassing right now. She scrunched her face in frustration as a response was slow to rasp back her way.

Hey! Fuck you too, bitch!” The blond on the street wildly waved a middle finger in a wide lateral arch, seemingly not able to pinpoint precisely where Mischka was yelling from. The chubby one by her side seemed to chortle, almost to cheer her defiance on.

“Yeah! Whadijusay, whore?” The brunette slurred, as if calling a momentary truce to affirm sloppily. “Stay out o’ this!” Then the truce was over, as more unintelligible, vocally fried screeching between the two girls erupted.

“Welp,” Mischka shrugged to herself, weighing her options. “I tried being civil.” Intervening only seemed to strengthen their resolve. She debated calling the cops, but that never did any good. Besides, it was probably just going to leave red & blue lights flashing up into her room for the next few hours probably as they sat there doing nothing but adding a visual element to this whole disturbance.

Then, through the crack in her curtains, Mischka noticed the streetlamp reflect a beam of light squarely into her cluttered bedroom. She followed with her eyes, as the shaft fell directly onto her grandma’s old dusty book, sitting atop her shelf. It had certainly been a minute, but a devious smile crinkled its way across her lips. It’d been a while since she messed with granny’s tome.

Now, to be perfectly clear, it certainly wasn’t like Mischka was some crazy omnipotent sorceress or anything. No! Far, far from it. Hell, she grew up in New Jersey for fuck’s sake. Everyone knows there’s absolutely nothing magical about the Garden State. Just highways & dead malls.

No, beyond being a second generation immigrant, going through a bit of a goth phase growing up, & ok fine, maybe a few undiagnosed anger issues here & there, Mischka had led a pretty ordinary, boring life, all things considered. It was her grandmother who was apparently some kind of crazy omnipotent sorceress or something. And when her & her mother flew back to the old country for the services when she passed, Mischka inherited this old, moldy ledger, much to the dismay of the other extended family back there.

Aesthetically? It was very displeasing. Frankly, it smelled like a goat field. The pages often felt like they were going to crumble between your fingers as you flipped through it, leaving a film if you even so much as brushed it, it was just so ancient. And then there was the fact that the ink was fading, the mildewy pages were yellowing, AND it was in all chicken-scratch in a much older version of a language she never grew up speaking, aside from a few choice curse words she garnered from her mother. But despite all of that? It was unmistakably a book of fucking spells, obviously making it rad as hell for her to get back when she was firmly still in that teen goth phase, all the way until today, as a reformed goth marketing professional in the back half of her 20’s that desperately needed a peaceful night’s sleep.

Given its extremely fragile nature, Mischka refrained from flipping through it all too often. The few times she tried, she needed to hover her phone over the pages to read what was even being said. And even then, given how hard the text was to make out, what the phone spat out to her was still only about 50/50. One of these days, she threatened to get a box of those vinyl gloves & go through it diligently, trying to extract as much as she could. Both out of some sort of preservation of her witchy, old country heritage, but also selfishly because she had no idea of all the possibilities it contained. In fact, the only thing that prevented her from doing that literally tomorrow, was just how much fucking work it seemed like it’d be. A shit ton probably. But one of these days…

Still, the couple of times she had opened it up to a random page & skimmed along so far? It was enough to teach her three or four fun, little gems. And those seemed to be enough. At least for a situation such as this. Like the “flight spell.” Well, at least that was the way the translation app made it sound. And maybe for a much more seasoned practitioner like her late grandm’ma, it could be. But for her? Let’s just say, she was really lucky she had the prescience to have tried it on something else other than herself at first. And here? It would certainly do the trick when it came to these vapid, howling baboons.

Although she had committed that particular incantation to memory, Mischka still felt like she needed to pick up the book, clutching it close to her, while also not trying to let the musty old thing mess up her crisp, clean pajamas. If you asked her, she’d tell you it was to help amplify her power. But really? Her real reason for picking up the book? She just never quite knew what to do with her hands exactly. Peering back out through the open window, but far enough away from the light as not to be seen, she began to recite the magic incantation.

“Lige Benne Oompha” She almost sung, just slightly above a whisper. After all, it was kind of a ridiculous collection of syllables to say out loud. With the hand not cradling the book, she gesticulated a sort of jazz hand in the direction of the gaggle of drunk girls. As if to sway the magical energies in their direction. “Lige Benne Oompha Lige Benne Oompha Lige Benne Oompha Lige Benne Oompha” She mantra’ed, not entirely certain if she even needed to repeat it or not. Either way, it certainly wasn’t going to miss.

Back down in front of the kebab shop, the conflict continued to brew, with all of the participants none the wiser to the arcana going on above their spinning heads.

“Delete that Instagraph story, you bet-tch!” The brunette Madi growled back at the blond loudly. She was dressed for comfort, not to show off, the way her opponent was. Evidence that she had originally intended on staying in for the evening, at least until finding out where she could confront her bitter rival. The copious number of drinks were just to build up her courage before the confrontation.

“Make me!” Kelse, the tall blond retorted in an almost identical voice. Kelse was short for Kelsey, in case you had a hard time telling. She liked to say that to people when she introduced herself. She liked a lot of things about herself.

“You know, what you’re doing? It’s really gross!” Brooklyn, a timid friend of Madi’s piped up on her behalf. While stern, she seemed to try & moderate her volume a little more than the others. The short haired redhead had only shown up trying to talk Madi out of all this. And now she was dragged into it too. She was probably the most sober out of all of them & tried to capitalize on that clarity.

“D’you really think I care?” Kelse chortled to the mousier girl, puckering her full lips into a goading duckface. A common look from her very campus-famous instagraph. Kelse certainly had that whole mean girl preening thing down.

“Yeah, you think she cares?” Staci, Kelse’s bigger boned, caramel-color haired friend repeated, raising the volume higher again, as she tried to size Brooklyn up. Brooklyn squinted at her dismissively before returning full attention to Kelse, as if to snub her as a non-entity.

“Staci. We heard her.” Hissed Kelse’s other friend, Jordyn with an eye roll. It was as if the Korean girl was self-conscious as to how the two of them always flanked their blond friend. Like she shouldn’t have to remind the bigger one to have some self-respect & not just mindlessly echo whatever Kelse said. Madi growled again.

“You’ve been fuckin’ desperate to drive a wedge between me & Kyree the past two semesters!” Her volume was reaching noise disturbance levels again. And with enough alcohol in her that it would take you a second to fully piece together what she was trying to convey. “It’s weird & frankly… pathetic!” In retort, Kelse’s self-assuredness wasn’t quick to falter. She started out with her usual, arrogant confidence.

“Yeah well maybe you shouldn’t have been- hooking up wi- with-” The blond seemed to stall out mid response. In lieu of the rest of that sentence, a look of consternation slowly started to flash upon her face instead. And suddenly, a momentary respite of silence fell back upon the late night street. From her perch above, Mischka snickered to herself an evil little snicker.

“Kelse, what’s the matter?” Staci asked after a beat. If they listened close, they might’ve heard the murmuring.

“Lige Benne Oompha Lige Benne Oompha Lige Benne Oompha” Or something like that. Brooklyn swore something was being said somewhere, repeating rhythmically, very faintly. But as she looked over her shoulders, there was nothing but a passing car. And even that was the only other thing out there in this moment.

“Maybe I did drink- a little too-” Kelse seemed to suddenly reel, sighing to Staci. After a second, she looked to slowly regain her composure & get back on track. But before she could address Madi once again, another sharp pang hit her. She winced, unable to ignore it. “I feel- buh- b- really bluh- bloated.”

“Delete that fuckin’ stor-” Madi once again tried to press. But suddenly, she too started to feel strange, & all too sudden fullness deep within herself. Like she had to burp but couldn’t. And it only seemed to get stronger. Then Staci’s hand suddenly slicked down the front of her skirt, cupping the soft underside of her own soft, jutting belly chub.

“Oof,” she moaned softly. “I think I’m feeling it too…”

“No you’re not, you copyc- Eeeek!” a voice screeched. It took a second to realize it was Jordyn, first admonishing Staci, now gasping, pointing at Kelse’s middle. “What’s happening?!”

While the voluptuous blond cheer captain was already packed into her tight gold skirt at the beginning of the evening, she now seemed wedged into like a sausage, complete with a new puffy bulge in the middle. Puffier than usual for sure, but hardly anything to scream at, even for how superficial this little clique of theirs was. That was until upon closer inspection. Kelse grunted as the bulge visibly grew before everyone’s eyes! Kelse didn’t just feel bloated. She was actively bloating.

“Ha! Serves you- right!” Madi struggled, as if her own hands weren’t rubbing at her own middle, feeling what kind of felt like sharp pressure pangs. And then suddenly a little more belly than she was used to. But being able to relish in Kelse’s suffering was enough of a distraction for her to wear a flimsy little grin.

“I- I- Shut up!” Kelse stammered, taking a couple of awkward steps backward. With a gulp, it looked like she attempted to take a deep breath & suck things in a little. Keep it all together. Her Looking down at herself, trying to watch the results of her new belly disappearing behind her already pretty sizable tits, as her face slowly reddened. But it was no use. Even as she sucked it all in as tightly as she could, there was still a firm little gut where there hadn’t been a gut previously. And upon exhaling, it suddenly grew to even larger than it had prior to the attempt to hold her breath, pulling at the seams of her skirt. While she may have had that low key history of digestive issues, this sudden onset was like the worst ‘food baby’ she’d ever had in her life. By far. She was so engorged, she practically looked pregnant. Much to the chagrin of her struggling outfit. And all that pressure behind it just made it all feel so much worse.

“Oooof,” Jordyn barely vocalized, freezing in place & wincing now herself.

“Something- funny- is going on-” Brooklyn mustered, noticing now that it looked like all five girls seemed to be reacting to strange, intensifying internal pressures. “Something more- than just- too much- booze-”

“Lige Benne Oompha Lige Benne Oompha” Mischka smirked, watching intently from her high vantage point. Still getting a handle on this whole sorcery business, she noticed that unspecified intent seemed to play a pretty big role in all this. After all, it was the blond that woke her up first, & how she was the first to feel it. And feeling it, she was. Even from a quarter of a block & a few stories away, Mischka could see her tummy clearly rising like bread dough. She casually set her grandma’s book back on the shelf to keep it safe, swapping it out for her phone. Now that she was wide awake, she had a show to watch. And possibly record. She retook her spot back by the window just in time for another ear-piercing shriek. Leading Mischka to let out a gleeful giggle as she hit the red button on its screen.

“I’m- fat-” Madi finally lamented. “Why am I- fat…?” She wasn’t too far behind Kelse, but in her school hoodie & sweats, the baggier outfit made the sudden changes a little less apparent. Smoothing the soft fabric down over the growing arch of her stomach, her eyes widened. It might’ve not much, but this was the biggest she’d ever been in her entire, athletic life.

“We’re all- getting- fat!” Jordyn sneered, her hands seemingly trying to press in her own sudden, tender bulge. But nothing was going to hold back the tide as the bulge only seemed to press back.

“I think it’s- g- -hic- gas-” Brooklyn stuttered. “Like- air -urp-” She blushed with a sudden belch, even around company she wasn’t particularly too keen on, a little too full to fight its ferocity or suddenness. “S‘cuse me.”

“Gro- -belch- -ss!” Staci tried to call foul, before following suit herself. Her hands were far too late to cover her mouth. Her swelling wasn’t as apparent with her broader frame, but her hands cupped her own puffy middle, as she felt it tightening as the pressure only mounted. Still, the rest of the entourage weren’t feeling things as nearly as bad as the two main culprits, Madi & Kelse.

“Help- me!” Kelse mustered, staggering about as she only grew rounder. Puffier. She was the opposite of Staci. The swelling was quick to show up on every part of her once perfect body. And now, all of that bravado, all of that confidence that perfect body had always granted her was suddenly drained. Already inebriated, her adrenalin spiked from arguing, now suddenly, out of nowhere, just inexplicably growing? Blowing up like a fucking balloon? She was very quickly losing the ability to think straight. While she might have been in complete control of this little tiff between her & Madi, now she was suddenly at a complete loss. She didn’t know what to do, but pace clumsy, wobbling steps, back & forth in utter shock. “Help!” she winced again. As she tried to hold in her own monstrous belch. She managed to maintain some level of good manners, but at the expense of her outfit. Keeping it in only made the seams of her gold pencil skirt suddenly start to pop & burst, her artificially bronzed skin poking through wherever it could find a way out. “-hic-”

Just like the way her thighs spilled out into thick tree trunk legs underneath, bulging out from the edge where her skirt cinched them in.. Oh god, she thought to herself, she must’ve looked like a softball catcher or something at this point. Like Staci! It was mean, but it was true. Her fat thighs were now firmly rubbing against one another in a way they never had before in her life with every now-lumbering stride. Stemming out from her swollen middle, it was as if her joints were even slowly becoming stiff. Too puffy to bend. And now she was starting to feel that same sensation extending into her knees & even her elbows. If it was air like that other girl said, it felt as if it was trying to work its way into & through every part of her. Wherever it could find the room, inflating her into this ridiculous shape. A shape that just continued to keep growing!

While her belly was dominating her attention, she realized she was slowly starting to lose sight of it behind her tender breasts, as they followed suit of her thighs & spilled out wherever they could. She was having trouble processing all of this. But the one thing she did know? If she didn’t get home quick, she was going to bust out of this dumb skirt & be left with nothing but her equally tightening panties. And while the middle of the night might’ve meant less prying eyes, no was far more preferable than less. “We have ta- -urp- leave!”

“Hehehehe” Mischka tried to keep her giggling to a soft minimum, so as not to mess up the recording on her phone. But she was having quite the difficult time. She was tickled with a certain kind of pride whenever she managed to get one of her grandmother’s spells to work. And this was slowly turning into her grandest showing yet. Was it maybe overkill? Ok, if push came to shove, maybe a little. Especially knowing what lay ahead. But fuck them for waking her up on such an important night! And now? It was quite the show.

“C’mon!” Jordyn hastened, struggling to ignore her own issues to try & help Kelse along. With neither of them entirely used to their new, larger sizes, it took a few awkward seconds to figure out what worked best to come together. Eventually, Jordyn sidestepped Kelse’s thickening, outstretched arm to duck underneath & wrap it over her shoulders, helping lead her friend a beleaguering few steps. Pressed against one another, their shapes felt almost entirely alien to one another. But Jordyn, despite the chaos & the overwhelming internal pressure she was feeling, maintained her game face. “We have to- go!” She rasped, tightening a better handle on Kelse. In her free hand, it looked as though she was trying to fumble with her phone & find a way to extricate themselves from this situation, whatever it was that was happening to them.

“Wait- up,” Staci burped & bobbled again as she reached out, trying to fight her own issues, in a desperation as to not be left behind. While her thicker frame had been doing a lot to better conceal the building gas than the other four, beneath her skirt, it felt as though she was looking slightly more bottom heavy. Well, ok. Maybe not heavy. But her steps were definitely stilted & clumsy, especially the thicker & fatter her thighs seemed to get. And her hips. It was hard to tell with her skirt, but her belly was rounding out further, now a turgid bump instead of the softer layers of flab she had prior. She had the opportunity to catch pace as Jordyn seemed to freeze momentarily, focusing on trying to fat-finger her phone.

What is the phone going to do? Was that one girl like, trying to call a rideshare or something? Mischka laughed.

“Aw, that’s not going to help you, hun.” She cooed to herself sardonically, trying to hold her own phone steady while imagining them a little further along, all wedged into the back of a CR-V & with a very confused driver. Something more akin to a party planner delivering decorative balloons to an event than someone just taxiing coeds. The visual made her giggle more as she looked back over to the brunette. Weirdly, it seemed like despite everything, she still had some fight left in her.

“Delete- that story- first, bitch!” She struggled, wincing as she cradled a round, bulging belly under her bulky hoodie. Her arms went up & down the sides of it, almost as if she was struggling with the idea that it wasn’t as heavy as she anticipated it to be, just like, inconveniently in the way.  As the one closest in size to the bloated blond, she seemed as if she tried not to pay attention to how the firm growth seemed to almost jiggle a tight wiggle with her every movement. She was on some kind of mission!

“Madi-” Brooklyn cooed after her, thinking they should probably make their way home too, as her hips started to really test the limits of her already tight jeans. But Madi looked as though she was slowly realizing that despite how big she was getting, she was still pretty light on her feet. Mobile even. Sure, her center of gravity may have shifted somewhere else. But after those first few awkward strides in pursuit of an ailing Kelse, it almost seemed as though she kicked herself along the ground to build up steam, bounding.

“We all have- -belch- bigger- issues-” Jordyn managed to argue, swiveling over her shoulder, her own gut pressing firmly against the slightly flowier black skirt she was in. “Much- bigger issues! Yourself- included.” But Madi didn’t break pace.

“No! I want that story- down-” She rasped, obsessing while misjudging her growing body’s boundaries. She went to throw a pawing arm out after Kelse, but her belly seemed to poke out just a wee bit further. In the process, she unintentionally banged into Jordyn with her belly with the force of something a little larger than, but half as dense as a basketball, bouncing off the Asian girl’s tender side. The impact made Madi wince & recoil. Jordyn ricocheted with a yelp, shuffling to stay standing, but losing grasp of Kelse in the process, who then spilled awkwardly onto Staci. Both girls, already struggling with their balance, landed on the ground with less of a thud than anyone expected. In fact, they actually almost seemed to bounce slightly. But falling was still enough to jostle Kelse’s phone free, & send it careening down the sidewalk. In a way that didn’t sound all too great for its screen. Even Mischka winced, peering up over her own recording.

“Ooooh-hoo-hooooh,” she chortled, imagining the money that daddy was going to have to shell out for a replacement sometime soon. If she was still even able to operate one by the end of all this, that was.

Kelse’s phone was the key to all of her problems. And with it finally out of Kelse’s now chubby fingers, Madi saw an opening, to get the post she wanted deleted. So long as she moved, fast. And seemingly driven more by instinct than practicality, Kelse’s eyes widened upon this same realization. While she still might’ve felt like a bomb ready to blow, deep down, there was a cantankerous, mean-spirited urge to still stick it to this bitch Madi.

“Girls-” Brooklyn cried, less concerned with the volume of her cry & more with ending this squabble, so they could all go someplace else & figure out what was wrong with them. But her cry acted more as a starting pistol, as both Madi & Kelse awkwardly scrambled after Kelse’s phone.

On her feet, Madi had more of a head start, but wasted valuable time trying to bend rather than dive. Yet even on her side, & as round as she was getting, Kelse was surprisingly still pretty spry. Downright mobile, when she pushed herself. Though that mobility ended up being more of a tactical roll than anything else. Still, the ultimate result led to both girls playing bumper cars off one another’s prodigious puffiness. A sight that made Mischka howl with laughter & somehow managed to kick Kelse’s phone further down the sidewalk. This was turning into quite the spectacle. Mischka clasped her free hand around her mouth to prevent an even sharper cackle, bumping the zoom on the phone with her thumb.

“Stop-” Jordyn winced, not even looking up from the app anymore, but trying to split her attention between hailing a ride & monitoring how much she herself was swelling up. Between her tone & round bulge of taut, growing belly, she gave off the vibes of a very annoyed mother. One toying of leaving those she was trying to help here to fend for themselves.

“Kelse-” Staci shrieked, struggling to try & get up to help her friend. Like the others, it seemed easier than she expected it to be. The brown haired girl flung herself over a little too much, awkwardly having to brace herself before faceplantng. “Huh-?” was all she could muster before realizing her body was pressing her belly into the sidewalk & forcing gas free. She tried to stave off another burp.

“C’mon, Mads-” Brooklyn murmured in a way that was much less of a cheer, & more of a frustrated scoff. Still, only out of obligation, she started to inch her way further down the street towards the continued commotion. She took a few steps, but realized that her heels weren’t hitting the pavement as hard any more. There was a slight, but growing bounce in her step. One that seemed counterintuitive to her burgeoning size.

Mischka watched as they all seemed to slowly migrate closer towards her window, the main two girls, awkwardly banging into one another trying to fight over a phone with a screen that was probably reduced to glass splinters at this point. In her kind of still sleepy stupor, she suddenly worried if recording this on her end would be incriminating. But then, I mean hell, was this technically even a crime? Messed up? Probably, but certainly nothing ‘on the books’ illegal. Besides, she started recording after the incantation. Nah, this was fine. And frankly? It had the potential to go crazy viral.

Bitch!” The brunette growled again, awkwardly trying to scoop the phone with a now much wider arm. Mischka could swear her voice was rising in pitch ever so slightly, causing her to nod & smirk.The blond, in turn, seemed to realize it was maybe time to weaponize her shape, rearing back on to her hands & knees to push off & bump the brunette away rather than go for her phone directly. A cunning tactic that fell just a little short of her goal of knocking her opponent as far back as she hoped, but still managed to get the brunette to topple over, rolling onto her side with a loud “Eeep!”

As this happened, a bigger split in the last vestiges of the blond’s skirt burst forth along the seam. “Ech- -hic- it’s- ruined-“ She panted. The gold fabric was in tatters, wrapped around her rounding torso & drifting far too high to even cover her tight black panties anymore. Or maybe it was more that the skirt that stayed & her growing ass that was spilling out the back? Either way, it was quite the sight to behold. “See- what you- made me- do?” She growled at Madi, a tinge of squeakiness around the edges.

“Hey! Shut up already!” another voice sounded from further down the street. Another pissed off neighbor it sounded like. Mischka winced at the idea of worsening things to ruin someone else’s night. Er- morning. But she was still getting a lot of joy out of what this had all turned into. Perhaps maybe a little too much even?

Girls-” Brooklyn admonished once again, this time in more of a loud hiss of a whisper, the embarrassment in her tone palpable. It didn’t help matters that she felt so unbelievably full. For as much air seemed to be filling her up, she never seemed able to collect enough in her lungs to garner the force she needed to get the others to pay her any mind. No, she only feebly struggled & winced passively.

Mischka watched for a moment, & started to feel a little bad for the redhead, given how much it seemed like she was trying to calm the others. But not too bad. ‘The company you keep’ & all that. Besides, she wasn’t the best part of this whole show. She looked back to the rounder two, as the fight for the phone was much more exciting. She missed a pivotal moment. Now they were suddenly both struggling over pulling the phone from the other’s hands.

“Mine!” The blond snapped sharply, her voice unmistakably higher in register now, as she tried to keep what she said terse bursts.

“Whoa,” Jordyn noticed, bringing her hand off her swollen middle to lay it on her puffier chest, as if she was concerned the same fate was going to befall her too. Ballooning up was bad enough, but ballooning up AND sounding like a chipmunk?

“Give- it-” Madi struggled, the squeakiness setting in more on her voice as well. She continued, clumsily fighting from on her side, her arms losing range the more her torso seemed to press outward.

“Hey- um-” Brooklyn stammered, suddenly paying much less attention to the fight itself. “Your -hic- voices… Maybe we should all- get- indoors- Now!

“Wha- -urp- What?!” Staci scoffed as she stood over the phone fight. Her belly visibly surging outward another inch. Even with more room to offer the gas, the girl with the bigger-bones was steadily getting bigger now too.

“The fatter- we- get- we’re not getting heavier- at least I’m not.” She rationalized. “I think it’s- it’s the opposite. And if their voices…?”

“Oh god-” Jordyn started to put two & two together. “We ARE- -hic- be- becoming- balloons-“

Mischka heard their little exchange & gasped. She was proud of them. Well at least those two. It was slowly starting to dawn on them, what the spell was doing, working through their bodies.

“Wh- -urp- Wha-?” Staci almost repeated, the pretense of anger & aggressions she showed Brooklyn fading now that Jordyn seemed concerned too. Until suddenly there was a loud pop!

Kelse couldn’t tell if it was the noise or the sudden draft of cold night air that made her yelp first. Probably a combination of the two. But her yelp sounded more like a distressed, offputting squeak.

Suddenly, her gold skirt had finally done what everyone expected it was going to do. But she hadn’t expected it to give way in such dramatic fashion. It burst clear off of her in tattered threads. Now, no longer constrained, a truer version of her round shape sprung out in almost every direction, ballooning as the material loosened its grip around her. She swelled forth with the force of an expanding airbag, bumping harder into Madi & sending her own round expanse rolling, orbiting away at an angle with her death grip of the phone acting as a pivot.

“Help me!” Kelse kicked feebly, with a voice that sounded far too ridiculous to be her own, now seemingly stranded on her back. Or what used to be her back anyway. Even that felt rounder now. And as she tried with all her might to flail her now stubby arms & legs, they no longer seemed to make contact with the ground.

From Mischka’s bird’s eye perspective, the blond was now mostly just her mammoth torso now, rounding out in such a way that her limbs were nothing more but fat little cones. They stuck out diagonally, while two exposed dome-like breasts heaved on top of her hyperventilating chest. The air truly was working into every part of her it could. And the more her arms stiffened & breast puffed with more & more air, the harder it was getting to keep her head to stick out from her swelling body.

“Kelse!” both Jordyn & Staci gasped, shocked at the sight of their friend. Not only as she getting huge, she now lay there, exposed & helpless. The two of them rushed as fast as their own frames could manage. Per usual, Jordyn took the lead as they started to try & aid her upright again. They did so by essentially rolling her forward like a large ball. She was surprisingly light. Conveniently easy to maneuver but at the same time, in a somewhat unnatural way that only unnerve Jordyn in her growing panic.

“Get your- feet down.” She seemed to instruct, trying not to waste precious seconds. Meanwhile on Kelse’s opposite side, Staci seemed to try & cup Kelse’s exposed, taut nipple in a feeble attempt to maintain some of the girl’s modesty. Despite the emptiness of the street.

Meanwhile, the phone finally in her fully-extended arm grasp, Madi struggled to wiggle her thickening, sausage-like fingers to get to the home screen.

“Come- -hic- on- c’mon!” She muttered, her fat arms so rigid & hard to bend, as they smooshed her taut breasts together, almost impeding her view further. It took a few seconds, but when the screen finally lit up, Madi was only met with a thumbprint lock behind the spiderwebbed striations of glass.

She looked over to Kelse, back on her feet, even though the rest of her wasn’t that far from scraping against the pavement. A ball-shaped silhouette with thick cones for ankles, being bolstered braced by two other large framed girls, just about two yards away from her. Still, somehow bumping her thumb against the screen felt like a light year away for Madi now. Even trying to kick her leg, just to roll onto her side. It wasn’t happening. She was stuck. Immobile.

“No! No!!” She winced in a squeaky lament, feebly chucking the now worthless cell into the street. Not only had her gambit failed, she lost precious time to whatever was going on with her body. In her despair, she flopped over onto her back, & while the once bulky sweats she wore did a lot to cover her growing form, even they were not growing eerily tight against the almost circular shape she was slowly becoming. And she could feel drafts to new, larger parts of herself that her sweats had no hope of covering. Much like Kelse, she tried to flail her arms or legs, tried to roll herself upright, but like her now massive rival, it was no use. “Now my- -hic- boyfriend will think- I’m a- total slut-” she slurred, with a hiccup, this time probably more from the alcohol than the intense pressure. “And a- blimp!

“Madi!” Mischka could hear the redhead call out for her stranded swollen friend, but at some point she slipped out of view. She missed it. Where was she? “Over here! Quick!”

Down at street level, a round bellied, wide hipped Brooklyn tried to stay under the overhang of a jewelry store’s shallow marquee signage. It wasn’t much of a ceiling, but if her theory about all this was correct, it felt safer to have something up over her head. Now only if Madi would listen. That was, if she could even still move on her own. And Brooklyn was a bit too petrified to do anything.

“We- need to- -belch- get out- -urp- of here-” Kelse muttered in her now much squeakier voice. With her footing regained, her friends did what they could to try & help her step. But the way her legs were situated, the gait was now much more of a very pronounced waddle. “I’m just- so- so- tight-” She winced, the internal pressure ever mounting. Once upright, her arms instinctively continued to flail. Or at least looked as though they tried to flail. It looked like she wanted to try & cover not just her breasts, but her whole new, strange, embarrassing shape. That was until it dawned on her that her arms could no longer really bend anymore, even at the elbow. She couldn’t even bend her neck to see, & her swollen bust impeded much of her view. But she surmised that maybe it was because her body had swollen out to that point. Grown so large & round that it had rendered her upper arms nothing more than a slight ring like bulge just before her elbows. As if her body was absorbing the rest of her. Gritting her teeth & letting out a high pitched squeal, she desperately tried to wiggle whatever she still could. There was still just some slight motion in her wrists, as the bottom of her palm & back of her hand swatted at a bulge of skin further up her forearm. But even her fingers were feeling tight now. “Oh fuck-” she squeaked. “We- have to- go-”

“What do you think- -urp- I’ve been trying to do for the past- grrrrrr- ugh” Jordyn shrieked frustrated. “Now look at me!” She screamed, her own belly rounding out to meet the rest of her thickening shape. At this point, she was roughly the same shape Kelse was when she first keeled over onto the pavement. At this pace, they were all going to be Kelse’s size & shape in a matter of minutes. They were running out of options, & fast.

“Would you- Shut! Up!” the other voice from down the street repeated.

Fuck you!” Jordyn fired back, lilting into a bit of a squeak of her own at the end. She seemed distressed when she realized, her neck sinking into her now heaving chest as she winced.

“Wha- what do we do now?” Staci bleated in a slightly higher pitch now too. She let go of Kelse to try & use her now, ever more increasingly spread eagle arms to act as a sort of human censor bar for her friend, hover-handing over her exposed nipples. Looking at her, Jordyn tried not to be distracted by the way of how Staci’s two-toned skirt no longer draped entirely over the lower crest of her belly or much fatter ass. However, in Staci letting go of Kelse, something else happened though.

“I- I-” Kelse stammered. Her voice was both cartoonishly squeaky, but also fading very quickly.

“What now?!” Jordyn scoffed indignantly, annoyed that her two friends couldn’t afford her three seconds to think up a plan B in the moment.

“Am I- -urp- touching the- ground- still?” Kelse stammered, her fading tone slowly getting a little bit more concerned the more the question continued.

“Heheheh, Flight spell.” Mischka giggled to herself behind the red light of her phone camera. She was sure to zoom in just a little tighter for this.

“Oh god!” Staci squeaked, realizing that Kelse’s round body was slowly lifting up off the pavement, ass first away from her.

“Oh fuck,” Jordyn gasped, then looking over to a bulging Brooklyn, bracing herself in a door frame the best she could as her own limbs grew too awkwardly thick & stiff to bend. “The nerd was right.”

Kelse!” Staci shrieked, trying to glomp onto her friend as if she was going in for a hug.

Ultimately, all it did was smash into her. The impact made both girls wince painfully as air displaced within their tightening bodies. There was almost more force in that bump than when she was fighting over the phone with Madi. Or maybe that was because Kelse was just a lot more tender now that she had almost doubled in size since. The problem with the glomp though was that Kelse was far too round to grab hold of. Everything was becoming spherical. Leaving for Staci’s own thickening arms to grab onto. And as a result, the attempt to hold her friend down only seemed to push Kelse further skyward.

“Eeeeee!” Kelse let out, panicked. She was only lifting higher. Her ass was tilting up more into Mischka’s direction. Feeble, stubby legs looked as they tried to kick, but it was a similar situation to her arms. Their range of motion slowly got smaller & smaller. And taut bulges of billowing flesh both stretched & enveloped her black panties, as the silky fabric was pulled to its widest, sheerest extension. “Grab- me- Grab me-“ She demanded them.

“Oooh. Might need to censor some of this,’ Mischka grimaced to herself in a playfully exaggerated sort of way, faintly noticing the light bounce off the curve of her asscheeks through the now almost mesh material. She also wondered how they could be friends with her in the first place. “Oh grab me!” What, no “please?” Even as helpless as she was becoming, she was still so freaking bossy.

“We’re so- fucked” Jordyn squeaked as Kelse inched ever higher off the ground.
“So, so- d- -heep- -ly fucked!”



Well...    So sometime around last Thursday, I started feeling really awful.

Before even testing, I immediately started quarantining in our home office & really didn't leave it until Monday, as to not spread it to others. During that time, I went back & read a few of the classics in terms of old school Inflation short stories.  And I kind of got it in my head that I wanted to try & tackle that 'disgruntled magic user seeks big revenge' trope with a few more modern & realistic nods. And then I went kind of overboard by making it happen to more than just the initial two I intended. And then went a little nuttier with it by trying to choreograph them fighting over the phone. Then went REALLY overboard with it in the second half that will be posted very soon.

Most of this chunk you've read (though revised once or twice) was pretty much done in just one or two sittings kind of stream of consciousness, all with an end in mind. But the problem was, especially after I started to overcome whatever I was sick with, I kept getting derailed & could only manage a few sentences at a time all this past week whenever I sat down to finish it.    

That was until this morning, when I sat down to hammer out the end, only to go into a lot of detail about the events that followed &  basically write AS much as I have here already. So as of this very moment, it's not done, but I do only have a few a few more brief bits to finish that won't offer the same wiggle room to expand upon. Still, I feel like this here is already sizable on its own. So as stated in that first warning before all of this, I decided to post this chunk today, the second chunk either tomorrow or the next day & then all of it again together the day after that, should you just want to read it all in one go, absolute mad lad style.

All that having been said, I'm actually pretty happy with it. I don't typically do as much regular balloon type, floaty inflation, but this one offered a lot of opportunities (especially for the next part) to contend with a lot of the uneasiness of drifting away & quite possibly never coming back down. If you follow me on twitter, over the weekend, you may have even seen me brainstorming about how to rescue folks from that kind of a situation & variation of one of those suggestions did get used (I'll credit it tomorrow). But beyond that, I feel like this is one of the more descriptive sort of stories I've done in a minute, with fun characters I like (although Mischka might be kind of a sociopath).

Anyway, I'm happy I was able to turn not feeling well into something constructive for you all. Hope you enjoy, whether you tuck in now, or wait for it all at once!   Oh & it looks like Mei won the fanart poll, just NARROWLY beating out Mrs. Incredible. Patrons know the winning scenario. So be on the look out for that soon. And maybe (no promises) maybe a Helen Parr too, given how close it all was (I'm saying no promises! We'll see, dammit!)

Ok, talk soon!


Snail Lord

I’m sensing something foreboding in Mischka having to put her grandmother’s spell book at a safe distance from herself…


Nah, not really. I mean the book itself isn’t evil or anything, it’s just a musty old book. As mentioned, she kind of cradled it funny because the book is filthy & she didn’t want to have it rubbing off on her pajamas, getting them all mildew. If anything, she’s way, way too reckless with whatever potential foreboding energies come from her attempting to mess with this stuff she doesn’t quite understand.