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Thanks for bearing with me until I was able to finish it entirely! I’m thankful for your patience this Thanksgiving!

I really wanted to do a Melanie piece & thought the holiday was a prime opportunity. The premise was that this year, she wasn’t going out to visit family. Instead, she was invited to one of her client’s Friendsgiving celebrations. In the lead up, she spent so much time questioning whether such a thing was proper in a professional capacity, that she didn’t really stop to think that said client was seeking therapy for extreme overeating. Not wanting to be a rude guest, Melanie seemed to fall back on some of her own bad habits pretty hard. And it seems like the meal is still going!

Just in case it needs to be said, as an OC, her size/shape is always going to fluctuate per the context of the piece. This isn’t her growing & staying big, but we also might see her bigger/rounder sometime down the line. All that said, this is the free holiday version. I might look to do a few variations for patrons based off this with slightly tweaked scenarios. So be on the look out!

More than anything, I just wanted to thank everyone for their continued support! More coming soon! As mentioned on twitter, I got that fancy new animation app everyone’s using & I’m itching to try it out in earnest, but that’s the reward goal I’m setting for myself once I finish some more stuff up. I have so many things on the verge of finishing, it’s just a matter of catching a few free, solitary hours to finish things up!




The question is: does she actually want to help with the clean-up, or is she just looking to sneak a few more bites?


Maybe both? But that was the WIP dialogue. Things have since expanded a bit LoL