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Sorry for the hold up.

Unexpectedly, key players at my dayjob left simultaneously at a point where I thought I finally found some equilibrium at the place & the past few weeks have been chaos. On top of that, I’ve been fighting off something upper respiratory that’s been zapping my energy. I’ve tested & it’s not the big C but it’s been annoyingly persistent for like a week & half on/off.

All this to say, I haven’t had a LOT of time to work on things & in all the chaos, half the month’s gone. But I‘m slowly starting to get some time back now, & have been pushing forward in drips & drabs with the pumpkin comic, the nitwit series, Bellflower, another writing thing, & some variants of things. I just didn’t want to let y’all think I abandoned you. Stuff’s coming!




All good, glad to hear you have a plan to get back on track from the chaos! However, do focus on recovering from that absolutely annoying illness!


Get well soon.