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I couldn’t figure out if this poor PSL addict is pleading with her friends who’ve tried to cut her off, employees at the shop after being rolled in (somehow), or upon ultimately reaching “the facility.” 

Either way? She’s found herself a bit indisposed, but still desperately craves that pumpkin spice. And she’ll do every thing she can to get some…

Which means whining. In her condition, all she has left is whining.


Comic’s still happening but this was a warm up, & I feel like I haven’t done enough pumpkin girls this season on account of the comic. I might go back & add more pumpkin-y looking variants but this is a quickie.




Well I feel friends trying to cut off her addiction but I’m more curious about “the facility” scenario. Hope to see that come into play! Also I’m sure she wishes she could do more than whine, if she could only roll herself to more PSL. I think the look she has now still feels in line for your PSL pieces but an orange hue later or pumpkin expansion like blueberry ones would be good to see later.


It’s been alluded to before in the story ‘Last Call.’ With the loose sort of head canon I have, corporate uses customers’ reward cards to look at their purchasing habits & in some cases swoop in when said customer… um… is in a position where they still desperately want more pumpkin spice, but might no longer be in a position to get it themselves. As of now, corporate’s motivations for doing this have been pretty secretive though. I’ve joked & called them ‘stroke of midnight’ versions before where I made them more orange, but I was thinking about giving her a bit more of the pleaded shape as well.