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Sorry. For the title, I was trying to make a pun off the poster in Mulder’s office.

Pulled a fast one on you. I showed you the Halloween WIP I started, but oh, what’s this? A spooky swollen Scully out of nowhere? For spooky season?

Ok, well maybe it’s not completely out of nowhere. Anyway the original sketch for the other piece I did, posted with the little vignette Bound to be Round, came from a rough sketch I had originally intended to turn into Dana Scully after she came in near the top on the last fanart poll I did that gave us the Kim Pine drawings. Anyway I decided to make it into that berry to go along with that bt of writing but I did save out a separate version & after sitting in my WIP folder for ages, I suddenly had the motivation to finish it today.

I imagine this takes place as part of one of the standard, monster of the week style episodes. There’s a rash of women swelling up like massive balloons, so the two FBI agents try to find the cause of such a strange occurrence. During the investigation, Scully starts to exhibit the telltale signs she might be next, but stubbornly, she tries to ignore them & they continue on with the case anyhow, hiding her puffiness. It all culminates with the agents pursuing the culprit responsible, be it some weird genetic anomaly, deranged cultist, strange, obscure cryptid, or extraterrestrial entity. And they chase said culprit into a weird, complex tunnel system that exists somehow, inexplicably underneath the idyllic, middle American locale (that strangely looks a lot like Vancouver), only for Scully‘s symptoms to suddenly intensify, leaving her too big to go on.  As she becomes a round, helpless blimp, somewhere else in the tunnel system, Mulder is pursuing the monster of the week, in a race against time hoping that apprehending the menace can set things right before Scully gets too big & well... 

Tried to make it pretty moody, to match the show. Also added some old interlaced scan lines to give it an old tv effect, but there’s a version without too. The Velma’s still happening & I am mostly trying to focus on comic stuff, but I thought a fun horror themed drawing would be great for a Friday in October.




Not the spooky piece I expected, but a welcome one nonetheless!