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Here’s the ones that stuck out as ones I wouldn’t mind drawing. Thanks for all the suggestions regardless! I have the name of the character, the IP they’re from, & whomever suggested it. @‘s if it’s from twitter, otherwise it’s their patreon name (& in some cases they might have a patreon of their own you should go & check out).

Feel free to vote early & often. I mean it’s multiple choice, anyway. Oh & that you have a little over 24 hours so go go go!


Biz Mark

Damn, Molly from Neuromancer is a good one


Hot damn, that's a lot of good choices. And I'm legitimately amazed that my suggestion has any votes at all.


I was trying to think literary, characters from books that don't really have a set look from other media. Might be a bit of a cop out. At the same time, I reserve the right to just try it down the line if she doesn't win either LoL


Honestly, I'm not sure I'm espscially partial to my own suggestion, in the face of so many characters that I'm unfamiliar with. The possibilities are limitless in the face of this many options, but I'm confident whatever ends up winning will be amazing.


Polls are now closed. With 36 votes, Kim Pine wins, with Mei in second & Dana Scully in third, but since one of my picks already won, I might do a fourth place Princess Whatshername down the line, no promises too. But a lot of good suggestions & good to know what people would like to see from me moving forward. Thanks for participating!