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Oops. Hit post too quickly.
Just the variant I promised on that last piece. I’ve been working on some comic things but I felt bad not posting anything. So here’s a leaky blueberry girl, desperately trying to waddle. I will maybe edit this post to add a dryer version, for the weak, but as I type this, I’ve had a very long day at my day job & so I am beat & I don’t want to mess with going through all of the layers right this instant. But be on the look out!




Great work on this! I love a girl who's so wide and large that she can barely waddle, and she's only getting bigger by the second.


I like the idea of the shock of the situation & instinct driving her to move while she still can, even though the increasing difficulty is making it more & more of a struggle. On some level, even she realizes the futility of it, but she still feels the need to try.