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Another quickie vignette that started up as a warm up for other things. Follows what I feel is a pretty cute couple. I was wondering is it really forcing food on someone if you just set out a ton of it & can’t possibly help but eat all of it?

Earlier parts had a few passes but later on was done in one sitting today. I might refine later. I might also return to them later some time if I feel like it. But no promises. Either way, enjoy!


"-Uch-" The noise wasn't one of intention. It was a sharp grunt of moan, & yet also, halfway like a hiccup. A sound that seemed to escape her all on its very own. It helped further redden her already blushing cheeks. "I think I-" she stammered. 

Julie was usually so on the ball. Snappy; quick-witted. Always had an answer for everything. But right now? In this very moment, the words were slow to come. Thinking felt like too much. She delicately slouched herself back further into the comfy couch, letting herself sink into its billowing cushions. At least before remembering she had just recently started a sentence. "I- I need a minute." She exhaled softly, but loud enough.

"Aw, I certainly get it." Alex purred. Julie couldn't see her, just hear her voice emanating from the kitchen. She assumed after all that, Alex must've been tending to the dishes or something, perhaps soaking some in the sink. She felt a little guilty, after all the cooking? Doing dishes on top? But at the same time? Even simply standing seemed out of the question for poor Julie at the moment.

In the few short weeks the young couple had been seeing each other, these meals had become something of a regular routine for them. With Alex, demonstrating such mastery, & being such a total whiz in the kitchen? She would preparing the utmost delectable dinners, while Julie, coming home off a long, exhausting shift volunteering at the shelter, would eat & eat until she had problems even moving. Alex was just such an amazing chef. And baker! So talented! Every course somehow tasted better than the last. In the most unreal way. "Take all the time you need!" She assured from out of sight behind the kitchen island. "You put away one hell of a lot!" She exclaimed it almost proudly.

That was kind of the problem though. Along with Alex's ambitions, the meals seemed to be trending a little bigger each time. Each time there seemed to be more, be it in terms of sides or portions. All a little to Julie's dismay, honestly. The notion of a beautiful woman cooking? All for her? The last thing she wanted to do was ever let Alex down & let a single crumb of it go to waste. Hell, even if it wasn't just Alex, the food itself was so goddamn good, wasting it would be a crime! But it also seemed to keep leading to Julie finding herself in this same sort of predicament, feeling absolutely ready to bust.

"You are doing so good though!" Alex peeked in to call out from around the corner, before quickly darting back out of sight again. It was in the happiest, most encouraging tone. Almost cloyingly so. Or at least too cloying for the suffering Julie, afraid to jostle her bloated belly too much. But also? A little strange.

With these dinners becoming such a regular thing for them? Well, let's just say things for Julie were starting to get... a little tight. Julie was a little too mortified to actually set foot on a scale. She couldn't tell you the damage numerically. But she definitely wasn't the waif she started out as even just a few weeks ago. Even her loose fitting veterinary scrubs, the ones that usually hung off her like tents, seemed to be growing a bit more... restrictive. Her form was starting to fill them out more & more each day. She even thought she noticed one or two sidelong glances from a few of her coworkers, catching them catching what was different about her. As much as she liked Alex, & as much as she absolutely adored the food, something about all this seemed a bit... unsustainable. She had to start asserting herself.

"Doing? Hah!" Julie tried to chuckle but it was almost too hard to breathe. The attempt caused her to wince for a second. "No. Doing would- -ulp- imply that there's still more." She slowly managed to squeak out between gurgles. "Look at me. Look at my tummy!" With the caution & procession of a bomb defuser, Julie slowly set her outstretched palm down gently on her food baby bulge, mustering a slight "-ulp-" but mercifully not much else. A few inches under her soft skin, it was rock hard. Firm. And the way it stuck out? Strangers would've almost been safe to assume she was pregnant. "I am- so done." 

"Oh," Alex poked her head out once again, this time letting it linger for a moment, causing her dark red, wavy ponytail to swish & sway behind her for a beat. "I mean-" Julie squinted in her directing, watching her with suspicion as Alex's eyes darted back & forth. A devious smile started to crinkle across her usually soft features. 

"Alex-" Julie struggled, in no mood for games. The inflection was that of a warning, & with some effort, she lifted her hand, trying to preemptively wave it away. Whatever it was. "I'm too full. I can... I can hardly think."

"Ok, look-" Alex chortled, stepping out from behind the corner of the kitchen. In her hands was an immaculately iced cake. White frosting. Food magazine quality. And Julie groaned a pained groan.

"What are you-?" She struggled, inching further back in her slouched seat, as if she was approaching with poison. Then again, for the condition she was in? It might just be dangerous enough to make her literally explode. "There's no way-"

"Easy! Easy." Alex smiled assuredly. "Shhhh-shh." She made some room & gently set it on the coffee table, right next to Julie's third drank glass of wine, half drank. "I'm not trying to force it on you. It's not like that. Not at all! I wouldn't force anything on you. If you say you're done, then you're all done! No sweat off my back." She smiled warmly before sitting in the chair just adjacent to Julie. Julie, with eyes still affixed in a squint, side-eyed her, knowing there was more to that thought. "I'm only just going to, you know, set it here."

"But- -ulp- why even- take it out- in that case?" Julie huffed. 

"Well... because." Alex kept smiling her chipper smile. For once, Julie didn't want to have to speak more than she had to. She shook her head & shrugged her one should, her hand twisting with the motion, as if to gesture "Because why?" 

Alex snickered to herself before leaning in a little closer. While her volume lowered a little, her warm, happy tone remained just as warm & happy. "We both know full well, that while you might feel just a little stuffed, you're not really done done now are you? That regardless of whatever you try to say, you're powerless to stop yourself. That you love my cooking. And that inevitably? You're going to house this whole goddamn cake, you greedy brat.

"A- Alex-" Julie panted, half reprimand, half shocked. She felt too full to give it the precise out-of-left-field response it deserved. It seemingly came from out of nowhere.

Well... partially.

The last time Julie spent the night, she did own up to being a little partial to a bit of teasing. Just some light name-calling. But that was only in the bedroom! Not- not in this sort of context! Then again, when she pressed Alex further on the sort of things she was interested in, Alex seemed to clam up & change the subject pretty quick. 

Even worse? her host was also 100% correct. Julie was having such a hard time trying NOT to look at the cake. The frosting looked so creamy. So buttery. Even with her already impossibly full belly, it was taking everything she had to resist it. "And you said red velvet was your favorite, right?" Alex further poked at her original volume, sitting back slightly, super pleased with herself.

"God- goddammit." Julie muttered, letting her head roll back. 

"Aw, sweetie," Alex cooed with playful concern. "What's a matter?"

"It- it isn't just my -urp- imagination." Julie sighed. "You are trying to- overfeed me!" To fatten me up!"

"Ah, hunny!" Alex reeled, almost playing it a bit hurt. "Where would you get such an insane idea like that?!" She seemed to be laying it on extra thick. "Me. Trying... You know? Saying that? It almost kind of hurts. To say I'm Trying..."

"Okay." Julie huffed in frustration, catching her drift. "Succeeding in." Alex's smile crinkled a little further. She sat further back in her seat, pleased with herself before squeaking under her breath.

"That's better."

"No!" Julie struggled. "It's- it's not! It's so- not cool, dude!" Her brow furrowed. She was legit peeved. "I get that before, I used to- -erp- maybe be a little too skinny. But now? Now it's starting to border on like... chub. And people are starting to stare."

"Well, first thing's first," Alex interjected. "In some ways they are right to stare. You're gorgeous!" On the verge of popping, gorgeous was the absolute last adjective Julie felt described herself. She waved a dismissive wave in Alex's direction. "Secondly, I hate to break it to you my dear, but at the end of the day? I'm just a simple chef. I might know my way around a kitchen, sure. And I can whip up a nice meal every now & again. But this isn't gavage-"

"Guh-what?" Julie interrupted.

"Gavage," Alex explained. "You're a vet. It's the fancy, French way of saying... look, nevermind. Like I said with this yummy cake here, I'm not force-feeding you here or anything. I'm just someone enjoying what it is that I do, basking in my creations."

"But you're- -ulp- taking full advantage of me." Julie whimpered. "Of my- -urp- weakness!" Alex chortled again.

"In which case, not to get all "personal responsibility" on your ass, but that still seems to fall more on you. And how much my little piggy lacks willpower, you know?" She smiled again, catching herself. "Again, you certainly do not have to eat this cake. It's just- It's going to chill, right over here."

"On the coffee table?"

"On the coffee table."

"Smack dab in front of me?"

"I mean, it's a little ajar if you want to be technical. But yeah, it's pretty close to your proximity. If you can bend."

"There's -urp- absolutely no way I can bend."

"I mean I'm happy to serve you if you ask."

"I'm not eating that whole cake!" Julie insisted, her voice, even under the duress of maximum capacity, raised slightly, losing a little patience. "No way! No -urp- how!" The aggression proved to be a little too much, mustering up something of a short little belch. Alex smirked.

"Yeah. You're probably right." Alex relented. She scooched forward to take the cake knife & apply a clean, even cut half way into the cake. She withdrew it, pivoted less than an inch & cut again, isolating the eensy-weensiest slice. Hardly 1/16th. Julie sighed a sigh of relief, thinking just the slightest taste would be enough to curb her temptation. Not much at all. It'd serve to shut Alex up & she get's the tinyest taste & no explode! Everyone wins. 

With surgeon's delicacy, Alex guided the membrane thin slice of bright red cake onto a tiny plate. Three layers of moist, rich cake supported the buttery looking frosting. It looked perfect.

Only instead of offering Julie the tiny slice, Alex nudged the entire rest of the cake closer to Julie before she sat back into her chair & raised a fork.

"I mean I baked the damn thing, might as well give it a taste too." She smiled. "And that way, you don't have to eat the entire cake! It all works out!"

"You expect me to... all of... that? STILL?" Julie whined. "But there's- there's no way!"

"Oh c'mon," Alex egged, the softer, throatier tone coming back. "I know you have it in you. And I know you want it." She paused briefly to take the smallest forkful. "Mmm, & I feel like I've outdone myself with this one. Don't usually do red velvet honestly. But this? This is fuego!"

"I can't-" Julie tried to keep resisting. She clinched her eyes, but that didn't make the cake go away.

"Then it's okay," Alex assured her, with the warmer, more pleasant tone. "You don't have to. Just leave it be." She smiled, giving it half a second before instantly sinking back into the softer, throatier, devious tone again. "But you know full well you're not gonna. You're not strong enough."

"No! I am!" Julie insisted weakly. 

"Oh, like that whole tiramisu I made you on Tuesday?" Alex chided. "Or how about all those helpings of meatballs last Saturday?"

"Oh my god-" Julie winced. "Those meatballs-" Alex was right. She was never able to stop herself. And she was probably never going to be able to stop herself. She was powerless. Julie sighed a deep sigh. "I know I said I- liked to be teased. But you're- getting a little too much -urp- glee out of- all th-ulp-is."

"Out of what?" She giggled back. "Your complete lack of control?" “Eating until it hurts?” "You making you "borderline chub?"

"Stop it!" Julie whined, flapping a hand in Alex's general direction again, even though deep down, something happened. After being thin all of her life, some strange bit of neuro-circuitry seemed to fire when Alex referred to her as borderline chub. Like a new pathway opened up in her brain. Still, in this moment, she didn’t want to give Alex the satisfaction. 

”I honestly think it’s super adorable.” Alex continued, taking another scoop of her micro-slice. But the throaty voice came back to finish the thought. “The way you squirm, & yet, just keep eating.

”Not- tonight.” Julie fought.

”Then it would be a first.” Alex smirked. “And hey! That’d sure be cool to see! You demonstrating some personal growth, finally putting your foot down & exerting the slightest bit of willpower...” She said, her inflection once again leaving the sentence hang.

”But…?” Julie helped along. Alex grinned. Her voice got low again.

”But I already know you’re just going to cave. Again. Like you have every time the last few weeks And like you’re going to keep on caving. And that borderline chub is going to become a muffintop. Then give way to a belly & general plumpness, then pudge, then full-on flabbi-

Alex!!” Julie scowled, her red cheeks somehow getting even redder. Alex chortled. Having finishing up her slice, she set her plate down & lifted her hands in peace. 

”Or you could simply just not have any cake.” Alex relented. Julie waited for her to follow up with the devious voice once again, but it didn’t come. She just sat there smiling. “I mean you did eat so much already. Look how full your poor tummy is.” 

”So can’t you just- put the cake away? Julie asked slowly. ”Why do this to me? If you know it’s- going to be- so tough for me.”

”Um, hello?” Alex scoffed. “I literally just had a piece myself. It’s not all about you, you know.”

”Bu- but-“ Julie could hardly manage. She didn’t want to argue. And as much as she was trying to resist, her eyes wandered. It looked so goddamn good! Absolutely perfect. And even Alex seemed impressed with the taste. 

But she couldn’t though! She knew full well she wouldn’t be able to stop. Not until every last bit of it was gone, or her tummy burst. Which ever might happen first.

Then again… At this point? What a way to go.

”Fuh-fuck- fuck it.” Julie muttered.

”Huh?“ Alex asked. “Did you say something?”

”I said fuck it.” Julie repeated, going just an iota louder this time. “YOLO.” She said ironically. Caving. She gestured at the cake, then to herself. “Fork it over.”

Alex’s devious smile came back. Excitedly, she began to make pretty liberal cuts from the center, going around the entire cake & dividing the remainder into eight or so pieces. Julie was still holding out hope for just a single slice, but of course Alex had other ideas, looking ready to set the whole plate on top of Julie’s extremely tender belly. Luckily, Julie caught her before it could make uncomfortable contact. The closer she brought the heavy plate, the more the sweet aroma hit her nose. Julie daintily pulled one of the pieces & slowly brought the tapered wedge to her lips. For a brief second, she tried to ignore the intense fullness of her stomach. 

“Don’t you dare say- “I toldja so.” Julie stalled.

”What?! Me? Never!“ Alex waved away. “Perish the thought!” 

Julie took a bite. Her tongue went wild. Was Alex downplaying the taste? Julie had never tasted anything so amazing in her entire life.

”Oh fuck! Oh holy fuck!” Julie cried out. As full as she was, she began to take bite after bite, in ravenous succession, stopping only to suck frosting off her fingers. She was eating with the same gusto she possessed when Alex had only first set bread out. Food baby be damned. 

“Eat up, cow.” Alex mocked, gently rubbing Julie’s thigh. But Julie was too mired in cake-induced bliss to respond more than blush further. “For someone used to being so damn thin, you’re so greedy. It’s so goddamn cute. But over time? You’re going to get so fat! You keep going like this & before you know it, you’re going to be the size of a goddamn house!” Julie moaned softly at Alex’s teasing. But when given the opportunity to push back, she instead tried catching her breath as she went for her second slice. “And the craziest part?” Alex continued. “You can’t even help yourself!”

”No-“ It sounded like she was trying to argue, but in reality. Julie sheepishly agreed, with a mouth full of cake. Why was she slowly getting into all of this?

”You’re just going to keep eating. Well, overeating. Each time. Just more & more!

”Muh- more-“ Julie blurted in concurrence between bites. If she could keep endlessly eating the best, most wonderful food, & it made Alex so happy, was any of it really that bad?

“Yeah. You love my cooking, don’t you? Everything I bake. You couldn’t possibly help yourself, could you? You’ll devour all of it! Every last bit of it!

”All- all of it-“ Julie surfaced briefly with a gasp to catch her breath again. Oh god, was she getting… wet?

”Yeah! Eat & eat. Just get bigger & bigger. My god! At this fucking rate? You’re just going to… to… fucking balloon!” 

“Mmmmmmmm” Julie moaned, with crossed eyes. She was done taking bites & at this point, just smooshing the third piece into her open maw. It was so soft & moist, she was able to work the most of it into her mouth no problem. Her tummy gurgled loudly, but she didn’t care! “Mmuh!” She gestured to Alex with a point. It took her a second to realize, Julie wanted her to feed her the next piece. All while she readied what was to be the fifth. 

Yeah, she was going to finish the cake. Now blushing & almost as red as her biggest Julie, Alex started to worry. It seemed like her little scheme to get Julie to embrace her overindulgence? It seemed to maybe work just a little too well. Did she potentially create a monster? With just how insistent she was to keep eating? She couldn’t actually eat until she popped, could she?

“Muh!” Julie moaned, holding her mouth open, her face smeared with cake. Alex obliged.

”Hmm. Good cow.” Alex snickered, happily letting her lick the excess frosting off her fingers.


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