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Another installment of the roommates I had in my back pocket. This one was completed earlier than that last one, but like I said, I kind of wanted to post that one to keep that sequence together first.

This is maybe pushing the levels of acceptability for some folks, so there’s variants in case the context is a little much. Perfectly understandable. This one just might not be for you. Fill in the blanks for one if you’d prefer them just to get fat or something. Totally cool.

But basically the girls (primarily Brooke) have been swiping Gwen’s beers. When Gwen notices, well, let’s just say she might’ve ‘magicked’ them up a bit. To teach her roommates a lesson.

Personally speaking, it’s not the um… gassy emissions themselves that do anything for me, so much as I think it’s a fun symptom, & easy, realistic way to show a subject filling with a lot of gas quite quickly. Not something I want to show a lot, but a fun detail to add occasionally. Though burping’s maybe the safer bet. I also wanted to try & show the gas making them puffy in a certain way. Like maybe their fat deposits are ‘evaporating,’ but trapped (er… mostly trapped) causing them to just bloat & puff up in a ‘fat’ looking way that slowly firms up, the more they fill? Just an idea.

If this one isn’t for you, apologies. But hold tight. I’m looking to keep the productivity up so hopefully I’ll have something more your speed soon!




This is real cute. Inflation plus "emissions" as you say, is a fun, embarrassing trope, perfect for a curse.


I never quite understood how burps & gurgles & other bodily noises are ok, sometimes even considered sexy, but farts are somehow too disgusting. Honestly, I find the sound of a fart much more comedic than burps or belches, yet there are more people who prefer burps & belches, but abhor farts.


Again, especially detached in a fictional scenario with like inflation, I’m pretty ambivalent to either because I feel like it helps sell the idea of how full they are more than anything else. Whether its air they’re filling with or something else is pressing all the air out. A couple here or there for effect, maybe to help sell the idea they’re no longer in control of what’s happening to their body. I like the idea of them resisting (or trying to resist) the urge too out of etiquette or embarrassment, especially given the idea that it would only help regulate to the problem of fullness. And yeah, the farts are often a much funnier noise. Gurgles offer that wall of protection LoL But if I was with someone, in person, & they start tooting & stinking up the joint? Nah, that’s where you lose me LoL


I agree 100%. I just find it a little weird that fart jokes are considered the bottom of the comedy barrel whilst other forms of gross humor are, more often than not, praised. Sometimes it seems like it’s the same people who hate farts, but have a fetish for gory popping. It makes no sense, but I’m gonna stop here before I launch into a full on rant…

Captain Swag

I hope we see more emissions in the future!


I love this one too. I think burping/pressure building is a great humiliation aspect to the media. Given how much most girls blush in real life at burping might explain the appeal.


I think there’s something funny about even in such an extreme circumstance, like when they’re doubling in size, still having reservations about something as innocuous as a burp. Like you have much bigger worries at the moment, girls!


Yeah I think it ranks up there with the insult to injury elements of humiliation in inflation like them futility trying to pull shirts to cover billowing big bellies or trying to push them down. Futile, overfocused on small issues and ultimately making it a worse experience. Like it’s embarrassing to have a naked fat/big belly but you need to worry about getting out of here before you get stuck or pop. But honestly we know most women subjected to explosive weight gain or inflation would try to frantically cover their bellies out of shock and might blush or feel humiliation as powerful pressure forces them to belch away in front of strangers and friends