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This was a stream of conscious thing I did about two young women visiting their friend after her unfortunate, but perhaps totally preventable accident on the factory tour. It focuses a lot more on the aftermath & ‘permaberry’ sort of care. 

But I kind of did it in one pass. So it’s very rough & most definitely could get refined for something a lot better later. That said, I often get caught in revision hell. So part of the goal was to write & never look back. As an exercise. And someone might like to see more of that kind of thing in an initial raw form. So for now, enjoy!


When Colie pulled in, her jeep was the only car parked in the row reserved & marked specifically for “visitors.” A sign to Bree that no one else really wanted to spend even part of a perfectly good Sunday here either.

“I- I guess I just don’t see why we have to do this,” She groaned, stepping out with a begrudging huff.

“Because she’s our friend!” Colie seemed bothered by having to remind her, smoothing out her sundress. “And visitor’s day is only twice a month!”

“But she’s only here on account of not listening! Being stupi-“ Bree continued to contest, folding her arms & hiding behind her large sunglasses.

“Bree! She’s our friend!” Colie stamped, pulling the tote carrying the banana bread she baked from out the back. “And it’s the one highlight of her whole damn month! So stop whining & c’mon!” As the driver, she really held all the cards. This far out? They were too far away from anything else. Colie stepped across the grass divider & towards the main entrance of the facility. A reluctant, scowling Bree slowly caved & followed, giving another frustrated sigh.

“Wait up-“ she buried under her breath.

The rigamarole of even just checking in was part of Bree’s dismay. After signing the guestbook, receiving a visitor’s pass, & stepping through the security checkpoint, there was the “decontamination process,” stepping on a conveyor belt that doused the conveyed with jets of both fine mist & blasts of air. And on the other side of that? The full body covers. Colie realized her nice new sundress probably wasn’t the best call, cramming it into the one time use head to toe coverall. Bree didn’t like tucking her extra long black hair into the plastic cap. And as one final precaution, plastic visors to protect their faces. Even though they were already required to wear masks. After that final phase, Colie was handed her tote with the banana bread back, once it was deemed safe.

“Thanks,” The tall, strawberry blonde girl nodded, a little flabbergasted after the gamut she’d just endured, but still trying to maintain a positive, respectful attitude towards the staff. After all, even if they didn’t say much,  & acted as if they were robots, they were still the ones keeping Alyssa safe.

One more set of doors. This time, they had to be buzzed in from the other side. The ward was sterile, with a lot of surfaces a pristine white, while the floor was a smoothly polished, almost slippery concrete with fine mesh grates every 20 feet. The further down the hall went, strange dark stains seemed to be the only notable imperfections to be seen. Climate controlled, it felt very cool & a bit moist, Colie could feel it on the small bits of skin she still did have exposed. Almost like the produce aisle at the grocery store after things get misted. It was set up as a wide corridor, with taller ceilings, & “rooms” branching off of that from either side. But the word “room” was a little deceiving, considering the whole ward was set up with observation in mind. As the girls passed by the first few, Bree tried not to look, but considering the “wall” separating each room was just a few panels of foldable plexiglass, it was difficult. They didn’t offer a lot in terms of privacy, & each occupant was on full display.

A giant, dark blue orb dominated the space of the first one, taking up almost all of it. Bree worked her eyes upward, seeing two, almost cartoonishly swollen mounds that protruded towards darker blue areolas, giving way to what looked like uncomfortably engorged nipples. North of that, she could only just make out the glow of a TV monitor on an extend-o arm, before darting her gaze away, desperate to avoid even the slightest bit of eye contact. Across the way, in the next room, the sphere was slightly more purple, & not as big, but still way too swollen to immediately identify as human. But this time, Bree could see her face. Her head poked out at the top & was framed with brown hair. There was an initial twinge of humility in her eyes. Her swollen tits were out, leaking droplets of a fluid that matched her complexion, & nothing but the new natural curve of her body to obscure anything down below. But what else was the girl going to do to maintain modesty? She couldn’t reach to cover herself & it wasn’t like clothes came in this size. Even if they did, she’d probably leak through them right away. Bree tried her best to oblige the woman’s privacy by averting her eyes. She struggled to keep them forward as her & Colie passed more rooms. In the periphery, similarly round blue shapes filled each one, varying just a bit in size & shape. Some were maybe a bit lighter or darker in hue, or topped off with a different hair color. That was if you could even make out a head. Some were a little too big for that even.

“Isn’t her room just after the nurses’ station?” Colie asked. Bree was looking forward to the station, as it would mercifully provide something else to pass by without coming off as a rubberneckers. “Oh-“ Colie suddenly stammered, stopping short. Looking ahead, they saw one nurse starting to fold back the panels on the room she was talking about as another went inside & started to roll the blue globe inside forward.

“Unnnngh,” they heard the shape lurch, wincing at displacement, even though the nurse’s motions were measured & gentle. To Colie, it sounded like her friend.

“A-Alyssa?” She asked, as the shape came to a rest in the center of the corridor, taking up most of it, even for how wide it was.

“C-Colie?!” The two girls heard, faintly coming from the side of the great big blue thing. With it clear of the room they extracted it from, the nurses acknowledged the visitors & slowly tilted her further down the corridor, just a bit. Just enough for her head to go from looking at a 45 degree angle down to her side, facing them. At the same time, they looked a bit impatient to get her moving.

As Bree & Colie stepped around the round form, Alyssa’s swollen face slowly came into view, uneclipsed by her own breasts. And the instant they came within her eye line, her expression lit up.

“O-M-G!” The rest of her began to bobble, excitedly. Now, at the very top, her right hand, lost in a round divot of what used to be the rest of her arm, flapped its dainty blue sausage fingers. “And Bree?! You girlssuh-” she trailed softly. Gleefully. Colie wasn’t wrong. It was like they had made her whole year!

“What’s- what’s going on?” Colie asked, motioning towards the nurses & Alyssa being out of her room.

“My… re-regular- j-ju-juicing,” She seemed so full, speaking was a little tough. But oddly, she seemed bigger than the last time they visited & seemed even chattier. Colie chalked it up to her becoming more accustomed to things as she got used to being a blueberry.

“Oh, well in that case, we’ll let you-“ Bree started to wave & walk backwards. Colie snagged her arm under the flimsy coverall.

“We’re happy to wait while they take care of y-“

“Oooh- c-can my fr-friends come?” Alyssa asked, looking to the side as if to ask the nurses. The one still in view kind of gave a shrug. It wasn’t a yes, but it wasn’t a no, either. “They can?!” Alyssa’s puffy cheeked smile intensified. “I’m jus- I’m so- so happy you’re here-“ she struggled, blue tinted tears of joy welling up in the corners of her eyes. “I don’t wa-wanna waste… a- second.”

“Oh. Um, ok!” Colie said, hesitantly. The nurses worked their way between her, Bree, & Alyssa, & started to roll their rounder, bluer friend further down the corridor. Bree clinched her eyes, unhappy they had to pass by other strangers.

“My friends- are here!” Alyssa seemed to announce to the ward ahead of them, the sound of her voice fading & strengthening as she was pivoted.

“Ech, why juice her first?!” Only Bree seemed to hear from another room. “You know I’m more sensitive than her. I’m- I’m so tight!”

“I have visitors!” Alyssa repeated happily, as they went towards the double doors at the far end of the hall, passing by more rooms.

“You know,” Colie said to Bree under her breath, “It’s wild there are so many here, considering what happened to Alyssa’s such like… a freak occurrence.”

“Right?!” Bree finally agreed.

Before the double doors, one of the nurses motioned Colie & Bree towards a side door. It read “Authorized Personnel Only” but they didn’t seem to be pushing Alyssa any further until they entered. Bree stepped in first, seeing a control panel, some seats & a large window looking into a larger room ahead. The one behind the double doors. The layout vaguely reminded her of the time she went to radiology for her knee. Only instead of a giant imaging machine, there seemed to be giant padded rollers almost like car wash. They were certainly car wash sized. And their friend Alyssa was being rolled upright in the center of them.

“She seems… well.” Colie said, making small talk. “Like better than last time.”

“She could hardly speak last time.” Bree sighed. “But now she seems too chatty. I don’t know if this place is great for her mental health.”

“She’s just a little lonely. You saw some of the other girls. Only thing they can do is watch TV. Probably only get a few channels. And as crappy as all that is? It’s this or she- you know.” Colie reminded.

“I know, I know…” Bree huffed. “I get why it’s important to come sit with her. But the vibes-” At that moment, one of the nurses entered & took a seat at the control panel as they watched the other proceeded back down the hall before the door closed. And much like when Bree went in for her knee, one of the first things the nurse did was turn on calming classical music. Then she unmuted the other room.

Even upright Alyssa looked full to the point of discomfort. Just tethered in a standing like position gave both Colie & Bree a better idea. Their once tiny friend was just the slightest bit wider than she was tall. Her limbs had not only been subsumed into her overall roundness, it looked like her hands & feet would only reach so far, & the rest of her was looking to push past. Still, the combination of company & the knowledge that she was just about to be squeezed were enough to illicit what sounded like a content sigh over the tinny speaker.

“I’m- sorry- it might get a little… gr-gross,” Alyssa realized a little too late. “Come to th-think of it.”

“Can she hear us?” Colie asked the nurse, but could hear it echo back, answering her own questions. She modulated her voice accordingly “Don’t you worry, we’re all friends here.” She looked at Bree with pressing eyes, as if to spur her on.

“Uh yeah,” Bree fumbled. “I mean we were there at the factory too, remember? We watched you fill up the first time. Get… leaky…”

“Initiating squeezing sequence,” a calming computerized voice sounded through the chamber. Suddenly the rollers on the sides of Alyssa started to whirl to life. They each had slow gentle spins on the padded bits, but were attached to articulated mechanical arms. Alyssa looked to start controlling her breathing.

“How often does she do this?” Bree asked softly, away from the mic. She was getting a little unnerved seeing the moving pieces come to life.

“Last I heard from her, a lot more than they like.” Colie sighed, matching her volume while ducking back. “Originally they said she’d start to taper off. And while she might never completely stop producing juice, they hoped she’d gradually slow. But how many months in are we? She need this almost daily.”

“What?!” Alyssa asked, just faintly hearing them talk over the machines surrounding her.

“Uh nothing,” Bree covered. “Just saying you look- um- radiant.”

“Aww,” Alyssa attempted to coo, while still bracing for the bumpers. The nurse flipped a switch & suddenly two opposing rollers, one under each of Alyssa’s left & right continued to tighten, making light contact with her sides. “Oooooph” she huffed. As full as she was, it seemed quite snug to her friends. But little by little, the rollers slowly pushed further & further in, the rolling surfaces pressing in & firmly downwards. Alyssa continued to grunt as they tightened, pressing deeper & deeper into her sides. It displaced the pressure, causing the divots around her hands & cheeks to deepen as the rest of her pushed outward. Colie winced out of concern. Bree could hardly watch. “A little- har-harder!” Alyssa almost seemed to beg. She started to groan. “Rrrrrrrgh.”

“Don’t hurt her, please!” Colie begged.

“I’m… fine…” She winced, her eyes almost squeezed shut behind her cheeks. “I’m… almost… al- most…” At this point, the rollers were pinching deep into her taut sides. Small bits of juice trickled from her nipples & a small puddle was forming underneath her, slowly following a natural slope in the room to another, large low profile grate. But Alyssa made it sound like she just needed one good squeeze. Just to get it all started. The nurse hit a few more controls & another tiny roller lowered from the ceiling, this time, over the frontward bulge of her squeezed belly. “Ye- yes!” She impatiently watched it lower & brush against her. It started to press firmly too, but despite the smaller size, the roller on it seemed to spin at a much faster rate. It didn’t take much. And it was hard to tell which happened first, the solid gush of blue liquid that flooded the room, or Alyssa’s ecstatic yelp. Colie blushed, Bree held back a chuckle. But they watched as the juice filling their friend suddenly seemed to leak out of her from well… everywhere it could.

“More!” Alyssa pleaded. Suddenly all of the rollers seemed to mobilize. But they would only make contact at opposite sides at a time. And slowly the rollers would start at the top of her spherical body & work their way down. And as a steady pool of juice flowed into the grate, Alyssa slowly started to shrink. Or at least get slightly more human features back. The flesh that had been trying to push past her hands & face slowly receded, evening out.

“Oh my god,” Bree winced, amazed, albeit a bit disgusted. “There’s so much coming out of her.”

“They process it & resell it I read,” Colie explained. “And with her, there’s so much, it not only covers the cost of her care, she even gets a pretty nice kick back. At least with how she’s been filling up.”

“Oh yes!” Their friend hollered from the next room. Not in response to them, but the next firm gush that left her.

“Seriously?” Bree asked, almost a little surprised. She scrunched up her face under her mask. “But it’s like… a bodily fluid, isn’t it?”

“You’d be surprised what it goes for on the open market,” The nurse finally chimed in, silencing both visitors. They watched as the rollers had seemingly started to give their friend the faint shape of her arms back. Or at least conical lumps where arms should’ve been. Alyssa, while still monstrously swollen, was slowly becoming less round overall. Even more vaguely person shaped.

“Cr-crazy… right?” She asked loudly, addressing her friends again. Her cheeks were still too blue to show redness, but a deep purple blush settled on her face as she slowly recovered. It was seemingly getting easier for her to speak, but she still had to contend with the rollers prodding & poking her. Wave after wave of strong gushes left her. The sterile room was a mess of blue splats & puddles, while the majority seeped into the collecting grate.

“Right,” Colie slowly agreed. “You’re doing great though.” She cheerled.

“I mean that first part’s the worst bit.” Alyssa chuckled. “Oooph, now I just get poked at & let as much of it go as I can. At least until my feet can touch the ground & I can bend a little again.

“Well if you can bend, maybe you can have some delicious banana bread.” Colie tried to entice hoisting the bag. Bree gestured to it like it was the prize on a game show.

“You- baked me some of your banana bread?!” Alyssa gasped. The front roller pressed sharply into the center of her round belly, leading to a sharp wince followed by another excited yelp. “Oh this is like, the best day ever.” She happily exhaled when she was able.

“See?” Colie pressed Bree softly. “Ya see how happy this makes her?”

“I know, I know-“ she agreed, rolling her eyes.

The juice process continued for another ten minutes or so. And about an hour shorter than Alyssa would’ve liked by the sounds she was making. But after a solid squeezing, her shape had gone from waterlogged oval to almost sort of, kind of having arms & legs again. She managed to catch her footing & was left standing, but complained about how exhausting maintaining the stance was. There was just so much in her still & all of it was heavy.

After the rollers retracted, the collection grate was sealed & misters shot clouds of water, looking to rinse away any excess juice. And after they ran their course, blowers, exactly the kind you’d find in a car wash, dried the excess moisture away. Alyssa stood there, bobbling from foot to foot, trying to keep upright. She was cleaned off, but only just a little less blue.

“I still produce too much too fast,” she sighed. “They tell me it’s hard to start tackling the rest until it’s more under control.” Bree tried to offer some positivity.

“You’ll get there,” she nodded. “Eventually.”

“Could you guys… help walk me back to my room please?” Colie & Bree looked to the nurse who seemed more interested in shutting down the controls.

“Um, I don’t see why not…” Colie sheepishly agreed. Bree looked at her like she was nuts.

A few seconds later, the two of them flanked their larger, bluer friend, each getting underneath one of her thick, rigid arms. Not that they would even really bend or offer that much in terms of leverage. She weighed a ton. Either she was much easier to move rounder or the nurses must’ve been superhuman. But Bree & Colie struggled.

“One foot- in front of- the other.” Bree instructed.

“I- got it,” Alyssa panted, as they made their way out the room. Her lower body was still so round & the joints so taut, the poor girl had to rock with each step, heaving her bulging blue mass. “Hyyyy-urp.”

“You’re doin’ great!” Colie struggled to smile. It was slow & arduous. But Colie got the feeling her friends helping her made Alyssa a lot happier than the ice cold nursing staff. What was their deal anyway, she wondered.

“S’good- to be- on my- feet again,” Alyssa huffed. “As- fuckin’ grueling as this- is? I like touching the floor with- something- other than my…”

“Say no more,” Bree snickered, not wanting to think about that being so swollen it touched the ground first, & how weird that must’ve felt. “We’re- getting you there.”

“Yep,” Alyssa puffed.

“That- banana bread,” Colie winced. “It’s really gonna- hit the spot after all this- exercise.”

“Tell me about it,” Alyssa purred. “Dude, I- dreamt about it! Just the other- night!”

“What?!” Bree laughed in disbelief. “Get out-“

“No!” Alyssa insisted. “Seriously.” She took another heaving step. “Or maybe- it was morning. Hard to tell- in here. No- windows.”

“Or clocks,” Colie noted.

“Damn,” Bree realized, scanning without trying to make any more eye contact if she could avoid it. “You’re right.”

“It’s-“ Alyssa started, trailing & pushing herself to step again quickly. “It is- what it is.”

“Oh!” Colie remembered. “Your InvestInMe campaign! We reached $3K!”

“Omigod!” Alyssa tried to be excited. “That’s- awesome.”But by the sounds of things, nothing seemed to excite her more right now than getting off those feet she relished standing on. Or maybe it was just because the goal was $56K. For the absolute cheapest, bare minimum in home juicing hardware. Then again, if she kept producing at the rate she was, heck, maybe she could look to shoot a little higher. Still, she was a way’s off. And right now, sitting was increasingly becoming a priority. Luckily, she was only one more room away. And the plexiglass panels were still wide open, waiting for her.

“Al-most-“ Bree stammered trying to help as best she could. There was just… so much Alyssa to manage. That’s when she noticed her hand slip a little. She pulled it away while Colie pivoted to notice a droplet of juice on her glove. The misters & the blowers during cleanup must’ve missed a spot. That or… sweat maybe? She was a little grossed out by it, but on some level, a tiny bit intrigued too. Like, was it actually blueberry juice? Straight up?

“Bree-“ Colie cried out after Alyssa’s step settled. “C’mon head in the game, we’re right- there!”

“On it-“ she winced, helping to hoist, trying to ignore when a few more flecks seemed to rub off on her other glove.

“That’s better,” Colie hoisted her side with a heavy grunt.

They found it better to overshoot by a few more steps, then back Alyssa’s wide load in. As they steadied her, the same two nurses passed by, waiting to take another girl across the way for juicing. She wasn’t as large as Alyssa, but still looked pretty out of it as they tilted her face forward.

Once Alyssa was backed in position, a small platform rose out of the center of her room. It was a shallow, upside-down dome, almost resembling an egg cup, but almost perfectly fitted for Alyssa, leaving her a bit of room to grow. After easing their friend over it, Alyssa kicked free. The platform rose a bit higher to meet her, but she still landed on it with a heavy plop. While the platform held firm under her weight, the momentum of her contents almost made her spill backward. Luckily Colie & Bree were able to help her manage, as she slowly, thankfully, came to a rest.

“Uuuuuuch,” Alyssa finally huffed, catching her breath. “See? Easy Peasy.”

“You weigh a ton,” Bree doubled over.

“I knew you could do it,” Colie attempted to bolster.

Both were said in unison over one another. And Alyssa chuckled at both. A nurse carried two sleek, modern folding chairs, while also hitting a button on the side to fold the plexiglass divider back in place.

“Uh, thank you,” Colie acknowledged, setting them across from Alyssa, on her platform. Her legs spilled over the side as something of a second dome articulated out to create an extra bit of back support for her still impossibly round frame. Bree thought that would’ve been helpful when she almost fell out. But Alyssa seemed comfortable at least, taking another contented sigh.

“I’m so happy you’re both here.” She bobbed

“Of course we’re here!” Colie assured. “We both understand how tough- all this- is.”

“I mean once you get used to being a big, fat blimp most of the time,” Alyssa snickered, still a blimp, even at her smallest. “The only downside is the sheer boredom.”

“Can’t imagine there’s an awful lot to do when your so… juiced up.” Bree couldn’t find the right words.

“Ech, it’s not like she’s on steroids,” Colie chided.

“Um,” Alyssa changed the subject, already tired of her friends bickering. “On the subject of… banana bread.”

“Oh,” Colie shifted, reaching for the tote. “You want some now?”

“Just… a nibble.” Alyssa lilted. “I need something beyond the sludge they feed us here.”

Sludge?” Bree asked.

“Well, it’s like a protein paste? Or… I don’t know, something. It’s supposed to be super-healthy for us, given the state we’re in. And it’s not as bad as you’d expect.” She explained, before her smile widened & she started laughing. “But it’s definitely not good either.”

“Thought you might need a break,” Colie smirked, peeling a large piece. She didn’t cut it all the way through, but made perforating cuts for easy serving. “Here, hun.” She absentmindedly went to hand Alyssa a piece, forgetting her swollen arms were still rigidly sticking out at her sides, unable to bend. Alyssa laughed before Colie went “Oh. Right.” She leaned up to offer Alyssa a bit. “Help yourself to a little too, Bree. If you want.” Bree looked at it. For as much as Colie & her found themselves at odds, she was one hell of a baker. She took a corner of the next slice & wiggled it up & over her mask for a bite.

“Mmmmm” Alyssa moaned, almost as if she was getting juiced all over again. “Oh that’s- so good.” She purred.

“Remember when I’d make this in the dorm? Every other Sunday?”

“Mmm-hmmm,” Alyssa tried to nod, working the next to last bite around in her mouth. She swallowed. “So good to taste something other than paste or like… blueberry, for once.”

“You… taste it?” Bree wondered.

“I mean, it’s strange.” Alyssa admitted. “I’m mostly like… used to it. Almost like you can’t really always taste your own breath? But sometimes… it’s inescapable.”

“Well I’m happy to give you even a micro-vacation from that.” Colie smirked.

“Could I- possibly- go again?” Alyssa asked pensively.

“Oh, another?” Colie asked, realizing she probably should’ve baked more. “Of course!” She peeled some more for her helpless friend. As she lifted it up to Alyssa’s lips though, a weird gurgle filled the room. Alyssa reeled back, wincing a little.

“What is th-?” Bree started to recoil.

“Oooooph-“ Alyssa’s eyes shot wide. “Just a… slight… growth spurt.” As she said it, her belly pushed a bit wider. It wasn’t by a lot, but the girls could see her body puff back out a bit further, rounder again.

“Already?!” Colie gasped.

“Uh huh,” Alyssa sighed, her tone more used to this & matter-of-factly. “That’s why I haven’t really made much process. I start filling back up with more the second they pump any out. I’m like a machine!”

“That sucks,” Bree winces, her breath a bit short.

“I’m just so used to it at this point,” Alyssa sighed, almost a little jaded. “Squeeze it all out, blimp right back up. Like I said earlier, it is what it is.”

“Hey, but I hear it’s a pretty sweet gig on the back end, right?” Colie asked.

“Well, yeah. I mean, don’t look at me! I don’t know what kind of freaks would be looking to buy… whatever is coming out of me… ew.” She sneered. “And it seems like the payout’s kinda nice. But talking to some of the other girls on the ward here? I think they might be undercu-“

“Um… girls?!” Bree cut in, slowly lifting herself out of her chair. “I- I-“ As Colie looked closer at her face, it seemed a little darker. A bit…bluer.

“I feel… funny.”

“Oh no…” Alyssa sputtered. Almost as if on cue, Bree’s coverall started to tighten. Something underneath was stretching it out.

“It… couldn’t… but you were… masked… the whole-” Colie stammered, pulling back her glove to check her own skin tone for a second. Fortunately for her, she was the same olive tan complexion. But Bree didn’t seem as fortune.

“I couldn’t- No!!” Bree struggled, her coverall getting tighter & tighter, starting from increasingly ample hips. Just then a nurse walked by. It took her a second to see Bree’s silhouette widen. But without skipping a beat, she struck a nearby alarm.

CODE BLUE!!” She hollered into it. “Repeat! CODE BLUE!!” An alarm started wailing. Within seconds, all of the nurses from the ward came running. Two flanked Bree & started to drag her towards the doorway.

“Alyssa? Colie?!” Frozen, she didn’t put up a fight, but she didn’t necessarily like the idea of being taken away. Not at this place!

“Where are you taking her?!” Colie asked, just as a large pot belly surged forward underneath Bree’s protective gear, causing it to start to tear.

“Unnnnnnnghh!!” She winced, as a gurney was rolled out in front of the room. For such a thin girl, she had gotten very round, very fast! The nurses proceeded to hoist her up onto the cart, gently laying her back before rushing back the way they had entered. They shouted different readings & measurements as Bree continued to moan. But all of those sounds slowly started to get further & further away.

Within almost seconds, Bree & Alyssa were alone again. Or at least the only ones they could see beyond the other patients, who also seemed to be the ones rubbernecking suddenly. Everything happened so fast.

“Is… is she going to be- ok?” Colie stuttered. And suddenly a very chatty Alyssa didn’t really know quite how to respond.


Tom Smith

A well written, entertaining piece. It didn't seem raw at all, in fact it was better than a lot of stories I've read! XD I'd love to read a follow up story about the fate of Bree or life at the facility for a newly admitted patient. I'd also be wonderful to see, only if you were able to, art for this story, maybe showing Alyssa being juiced as her friends watch on perhaps?


You did a whole lot of world building in this that was great. Always nice to focus on the "aftermath" of such a transformation. I could read more of what happens in this world, but it also stands alone fine as a one off.

Debauched Sloth

For a first pass this is really good! Excellent world building, with just a hint of the 'Wonka tour' element to establish things. IMO we don't see the post-accident scenario – the 'living as a blueberry' – nearly enough. Would love to see more writing focusing on blueberry scenarios from you, because honestly they're your best work.


Outstanding, I hope we will get more berry literature in the future!


If there was any continuation, I was thinking it might be Bree confused & reeling (among other things) as the nurses usher her away before she gets too big. But I’ve got a ton of things to finish up first LoL Thanks though


As much as I enjoy the actual growing, lately I’ve been really hung up on the coping honestly. So many possibilities, but this one made sense for a kind of long term care. And the ideas all stemmed from that. Thanks very much!


I hope to do more, but I have been taking forever to get through a short little series with a lot of moving parts. But hearing this is good motivation to keep at it! Thanks!!


Oh, my goodness. I absolutely adore this one, and all the little implications. I feel like there are plenty of interesting metaphors that this premise could be used for- turning girls to berries to sell the juice, and sell them the juicers while you're at it.


Love this so much. This story is what made me decide to become a patron. I can never get enough post inflation/immobility stories.


Glad! Have a few more in the works, though it feels like I haven’t done any ‘during’ in a minute. But I’ll definitely explore more of the ‘after’ again soon!