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I spent more than I should have yesterday morning organizing things here, & kind of wanted to talk about it, but quite honestly, I felt bad making a post like that without something of substance, so please enjoy some assorted sketches of things looming in my WIP folder. Mostly experimenting with varying shapes & angles. Some are closer to completion than others, some are recent, some are a bit older. But these were some of my favorites I thought it’d be okay to share.

Great! Okay!  Since I’ve got you here? This is probably something only I care about, but I try to be as diligent as possible with tags on here in hopes of making things an easy experience for all of you guys. Like I know not everyone into inflation is necessarily blueberries, or everyone into weight gain's into either of those & vice versa. So I try to keep tabs as straightforward & updated as best as I can. That said, I have a lot & feel the need to elaborate on some of the categories. If only because there I've classified them in such a way, that I feel like there are certain things people might be into a specific sort of thing & I don't want them to miss out.

So here we go:


  • WG - Weight gain. And anything Fats, essentially.
  • Inflation - Self-explanatory, but also any growth not necessarily fats, but not necessarily blueberry either.
  • Blueberry - Self-explanatory I hope.
  • Pumpkin - Again, but this time a little more seasonal.
  • Cream - For whenever it's kind of called out specifically from regular old inflation
  • Other Fruit - Neither Blueberry or pumpkin (that's a fruit right? There's seeds after all.)
  • Lighter than air - For floaty types. I'm a lot more preferential to there being at least some heft, but rarely, going the helium route's cool too.
  • Belly - Growth is centered primarily in the belly region or midsection.
  • Butt - Growth is centered primarily in the ass or hips
  • Aftermath - Pertaining to anything after the initial growth stops. They could remain stuck at that size, or dealing occasionally with tinier growth spurts, or somewhere on their way back to a somewhat more normal shape.
  • Bulgy - Subsection of Aftermaths, but specifically the latter mentioned. A figure that's already dealt with expanding & is back on their way to normal, but definitely not all the way there quite yet.
  • Round - Whenever we see a full body shot of an inflated or blueberrified figure, almost as wide as they are tall
  • Juice - Subsection of Blueberries in particular, where there is at least some visible suggestion of juice, be it puddles, leaks, or even very slight stains.
  • Monster -Some sort of transformation outside the scope of a character just getting big. I think the two I have is the ogre oni girl, or maybe the sketch of a cowgirl.
  • Holiday - Posted specifically in relation to any holiday.

Medium/Specific Style of Post

  • Story - Anything where there's a story involved, be it a short story or chapter to a longer piece
  • Vignette - A piece of writing that's a bit shorter, less formal than a story, just looking to establish a few ideas or a certain situation.
  • Pic - Artwork that I spent a decent amount of time on
  • Quickie - Art that was kind of done on a whim where I didn't go into it expecting to spend a lot of time on.
  • Morph - Photo manipulations. I’d like to do more, but I feel like I really need to stumble across the right photo to do it nicely.
  • Multimedia - Whenever there's like several elements to a post like a story & a pic, or a pic where I try to make it looks like it fits into a fake social media post.
  • Process - Any time when there's a "making of," be it a timelapse, project file, or showing how something got made.
  • Variant - Remix of a previous post that tackles another kind of interest, like an inflation drawing that could work as a Blueberry piece as well. Almost always with new dialogue/back story unique to it.
  • FullRes - Whenever larger, higher res files are included on piece. I always work a lot bigger, & lately I've gotten into the habit of this as it's been asked for. There's a few big ones floating around randomly untagged, but I tried to mark it in the places I knew for sure.
  • Gif - For the few times whenever a piece of art is in animated gif format.
  • Comic - A sequence of images beyond just one frame
  • Sequence - Specifically showing a sequence of growth, be it in comic form in one post, or a character's grown in reference to an earlier post.
  • Fanart - Characters that I didn't create but felt compelled to draw
  • OC - Characters I create & intend on drawing multiple times.
  • Character Sheet - Whenever I lay out an OC reference
  • WIP - An unfinished piece. It may or may not always get finished.
  • Preview - A sneak peek of something I am working towards finishing up or posting.
  • Old - Something done a significant time before I posted it here, whether it's been seen before or not.
  • Archive - Something already posted somewhere else, but added here as a way to keep my favorite work together.
  • Remaster - An update on an older piece posted elsewhere that I feel a lot happier with after giving another pass. Older versions remain where they're originally posted.
  • Weekly - Specifically for the goal, as Bellflower started out. At the time I didn't have a job that kept me as busy as the one I have now so I can't in good conscious keep using this tag with it, but dammit, I'm trying my best!

Project Based

  • Bellflower - Long form WG series about a condo that really seems to be fattening up its residents
  • Hope's Hubris - Series from 2020 where month by month, a girl name Hope didn't ever seem to want to acknowledge her slowing metabolism, even as the world went to shit (in real time!)
  • BOCYKTMW - "But Of Course You Know, This Means War." A series about feuding roommates I started on here early on. After a few tie-ins, I had a third part of a sequence I got hung up on & it prevented me working on further elements like an intro story. Have always hoped to return to it!
  • H2C4YBG - "How to Care for your Berry Girl." Look guys, animation is hard. Again, not dead, but this one was always been very ambitious & has been a great deal of work. Project creep is very real. Hopefully more soon (as I have been knocking around with it some since the beginning of this year)!
  • G&T - I couldn't think of a better name, so moving forward, stories featuring the characters Gita & Tom will all have this tag. I was trying to keep the theme of the titles all with words starting with "Un-" but that's not a really sustainable naming convention.
  • Cerulea - So far there's only been the first part of "Disrupt," so it may be a little premature, but I'd like to do a series based on the world being built here.


  • Poll - Haven't ran any in a minute, but pretty self explanatory, whenever I run a poll.
  • Bookkeeping - This is the first one of these, & going forward, this is just for any other sort of utility, "blog" posts where I kind of talk about the patreon itself. Beyond short updates in post, I always try to keep these to an absolute minimum & focus on the stuff you're here to see.

I think that's all of them. And sorry for having to deal with me being compelled to do that. If I missed any or you feel like I should add existing posts I missed or something, let me know. At this point, merging any or going back's kind of a pain, so let's avoid that. But I was thinking, should I add some from Rolling? Waddling? Stuffing? Hungry? Pleased to be big? Outgrown their feet? Something else? Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments! Like I said, I know different people have their different interests so indexing this stuff to make it easier for folks seems beneficial.




Always love seeing sketches, it's a nice insight into how you create! And I do of course hope to see these come to fruition, along with older sketches haha. Now in regard to tags, I think what you've done so far is pretty good. I think you can totally add those last suggestions you mentioned, especially waddling. Maybe even something to indicate multiple inflatees and the like. I would also like to see you continue some of your larger projects like BOCYKTMW and H2C4YBG. Look forward to what you have in store for this year!


Thanks! Certainly happy to try with the time I have available! Have worked a tiny bit on one of those since posting this.


You mentioned a lot of potential tags to add, and I think that most of them were good ideas. Some distinction between willing and unwilling, or hesitant and excited should definitely be made. Also, There should be another Project tag for that lovely little story about blueberry wine.


Tags for the “mood” of a post have been something I’ve definitely been thinking about. The difficulty I’m running into is that I feel like it’s kind of a broad spectrum to delineate into set terms. Like I don’t know how finely I want to really dice things up. I’ve been kicking around a whole bunch in my head. Eager, when someone’s into the growth? Surprised, for sudden situations, when they’re just kind of caught off guard by it & you can’t entirely discern either way? Ambivalent, when they’re not totally into it, but not against? Oblivious, for when whatever reason, they can’t even tell? Denial, for when they don’t want to think about it? Self-Conscious, for when they’re not necessarily into it, but maybe in some way a little culpable themselves? Unwilling, for when they are definitely not into it? Again, this is just me continuing to think out loud. Is that too many? Would it get muddied if they combine in certain cases, with like surprised & ambivalent? I like the idea of kind of catching a very distinct mood, but also kind of separating things a little for people that might not feel the most comfortable with more extreme ones. Beyond that, if you’re talking about Vin de Bleuet, I’d be more than happy to add one for them. The thing is I haven’t posted either of those here as of yet. Only because in trying to reread them, I DEFINITELY wanted to give them another pass & “remaster” them. In fact, they were the biggest offenders in giving the idea for doing that whole thing. But neither are here just yet.


Love the bottom right! :P