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The apartment was a little chilly & still. Then again it was 3:32 am. And the rest of the world seemed fast asleep, except the soft glow coming from within the en suite bathroom.

Inside, Gita scanned the mirror. Her warm socks let her spin her heels on the cold tile easily as she checked herself out in profile. She smoothed the baggy old metal band tee she wore as a night shirt as best she could, before sheepishly trying to pucker away a smile. There was no hiding it. While it had only been a few weeks time, she could finally start to see the changes she’d been feeling. The changes she’d secretly been hoping for. 

Gita really was softening up. 

In this budding new relationship of theirs, nothing on the matter had been outright discussed. In fact, the closest it had ever come up in casual conversation was on their very first date. When they were out to eat & he told her she could “get whatever she wanted,“ before wolfishly grinning & also adding “however much she wanted” with a soft little wink. Throwaway joke or not, Gita decided to take it earnestly. Almost as a challenge.

Despite her prim & petite appearance, Gita could always eat. And going as far back as she could remember, the only things preventing her from doing as such were her psychotic mother, a string of judgy exes, & the resulting heaps of body issues they all dumped on her for far, far too long. This time around? She done making compromises. She had already promised to be true to herself. And if he was even going to joke about giving her license to indulge? Well fuck. She was gonna indulge.

But somewhere between the appetizers, the full surf & turf, & double dessert, Gita noticed the sparkle in his eye. The way he seemed to like the way she overindulged almost as much as she did. And why that night, they got that second dessert to-go. 

Now, a few weeks of wonderfully substantial dinner dates later, she could actually see why her outfits were starting to feel a bit… snug. And quite honestly? She wondered what she had been so afraid of for so long. Why the small nagging part of her that had always desired eating like this took so long to give into. Because right now? She was loving life.

Her smooth, caramel colored skin gaining these softer, broader curves? This oh-so slight, added thicc-ness? An added bonus. Why had she been so hesitant to embrace all of this until now? She felt pretty goddamn amazing. Sexy. Powerful. Sure, when she was just a bit younger, being a demure waif was fun & all. She didn’t regret it any. Just that it took her this long to find what truly made her happy. And right now, Gita was ready for that next chapter.

She gave her tits a bounce under her nightshirt. They had jiggle. Honest to god jiggle. And she liked the way he particularly seemed to like the added flare her hips & ass seemed to have. And while those areas seemed to be the ones receiving the most love, she appreciated the slight paunch she seemed to be getting in her tummy, lifting up the bottom lip of her shirt & pooching it out as much as she could. There was just something about it she found… adorable. And it was all her!

Gita wasn’t oblivious to it. She knew he was peeking through the crack in the door. She just didn’t immediately call attention to it, as she continued to admire the goddess she was becoming.

”You sure you like?” She finally asked.

”I… really like.” He said, things early enough to be hesitant to use the other L-word. Which suited Gita comfortably too. His cover blown, he pushed the door aside with a smirk. “Really, really.”

”Sure you’re sure?” She pressed, playfully uncertain. She continued tilting in the mirror & arching her back, shoving her jet black locks to one side to strike a pose.  He stepped in & wrapped his arms around her curves. She spun in them a little until his hands find their way to her newly round butt. With a bit of a thwack, just enough to make her bite her plump lip.

“Positive,” He affirmed deviously.

”Good. Cuz, not to sound too narcissistic, but right now? I’m loving me.” She blushed coyly, before looking back to the mirror.

”This… might be way, way too early…” He started, a bit sheepishly.

”What?” Gita wondered, asking his mirrored reflection with her big, dark eyes. It took him a second to find the right way to word things.

 ”Any idea on where you’d look to… top out?

Top out?” She worried, given their playful tone, he might take her for being coy. But in all reality, she didn’t quite follow. “You mean with my-“

”When too much gets to be… too much.” He clarified, the one corner of his mouth curled up a bit deviously, but sincerely asking.

”Oh,” Gita understood. “OHH.” She followed, understanding better & taken back a little. Her already big eyes widened at the prospect. She liked being a curvier her. But she hadn’t even given a second to ponder a potential… ceiling to that. “Hmmmm.” With this acknowledgment,  his eyes were now the ones to widen. The way she didn’t immediately recoil in disgust or scoff in his face? The way she actually seemed to give the question some thought, seemed promising to him. And cyclically, his expression helped fuel her thinking. 

”When do you think, too much is… too much?” She cunningly twisted back at him, mocking his emphasis. He blushed & started to stammer. And she knew she had achieved her desired effect.

”Seriously?” He asked through a few chuckling snorts. “I’m… very flexible… on this.” As if it were a volley, he fired it back at her, placing it firmly into her court.

“Oh?” She cooed, lobbing it right back as she turned to face him. Her arms wrapped around him. “So you’re saying the sky’s the limit for me?” Her eye stayed fix on his as her chin dipped down with a grin. She was trying to call his bluff. 

”If that’s what you truly want…” He snickered. “I mean… considering the rate you’re going, I’ll probably have to pick up a second job to fund it all, bu-“

”Stop it!” She meekly protested, pulling her one hand into a fist to gently pound on his shoulder. She rested her head on her chest, her silky, voluminous hair cascading down him in waves. “I’ll keep going just so long as you keep it coming.”

”Ooh.” He smirked. “Promise?” He extended a pinky. Her brow flattened a wee bit.

”Yeah. Promise.” She said with a squint as their pinkies met & shook on it.

“Good,” he smirked, slowly presenting his glowing phone. “Because I know a place that’s open all night. And I have large three shakes, incoming. Extra thick. Extra whip.”

“Shakes?” She gasped, pushing back. “Plural? At this hour?!

“What?“ He chortled. “I thought you just promised-“

”I did. I just didn’t quite expect, you know…”

”And by the time you’re done with those, I’m sure somewhere will be setting out some fresh donuts.”

What?!” She gasped. But then again, donuts sounded amazing.

”Then?” He continued, thinking aloud. “I know a nice little place that makes the most delicious omelettes for breakfast.”

”Oh, donuts, then breakfast?” Gita hoped to clarify. “After three extra thick shakes?”

”You sound a bit overwhelmed.” He winked.

”No,” Gita laughed off. And maybe she was a little. At first.

”No?!” He scoffed.

”No,“ Her big eyes narrowed. And her playful tone took on more of a trash-talking vibe all of a sudden. “I was more concerned with where we were going to go for brunch after that.”

”I know another place.” He couldn’t hide his smile as he tried to match her audacity. “Real fancy. But you’re sure you can handle all that?” He stammered, blushing. Now he was partially on the backfoot. Gita wasn’t skipping a beat though.

”Oh, & then some.” She assured. “I’m going to eat you the fuck out of house & home.” 

She wasn’t entirely sure if, beyond the shakes, this was all serious or just banter. But also? The more she thought about it, the more of a let down it seemed to be if all that was nothing but a lark.

Then again, judging by the order lighting up his phone & the situation going on in the tightening front of his boxers, she had a strong suspicion they had both just planned out their entire Saturday together. Well at least until about lunchtime anyway. But given their trajectory? 


The rest was pretty much spoken for.


Just a quick vignette I felt like doing about a budding young romance between two slightly awkward people who find out they very much want the same things while maybe not outright saying as much. Liked the challenge of exploring a consensual feeder/feedee relationship in as coy a way possible.



Cute story, would not mind seening a 2nd part, maybe a year later 😍


Funny you should say that. Originally planned for it to be a one & done, but the spirit compelled me & I had already started before I saw this. It will be up very soon. And takes place a little sooner than a year later.


Awesome, can't wait for their journy, also really really cool that you include POCs in your stories, most writers use only caucasians for their stories. It's refreshing and represents even if it's fetish stories 😍🙏🏼


Glad. I worry it can be a bit cringe for me to make too much hay out of it. But white folks don't always have to be the default. That said, I do have to admit I am extremely biased in my preferences towards both Big & Round.


Hey don't worry, it's not cringe and everybody got their preferences. It's just awesome to see or read about black or asian women in wg and Expansion art


I really like the look into an actually consensual relationship. I feel like a lot of feeder/feedee stuff seems to hinge on a dynamic of at least partial unwillingness


Admittedly, it’s a bit of a change of pace from a lot of other stuff I do & I’m really liking it honestly! If I’m being honest, most of the time it’s not that I particularly prefer characters in my stuff to not be into what’s happening. Just realistically, I always kind of felt like that was the more normative position in scenarios where suddenly growth is foisted upon them. But lately I realized things don’t always have to adhere too strongly to realism, especially if it rubs certain folks the wrong way. And it’s much easier in slower, more realistic scenarios like this one where we get fun little snippets of enjoyment. Probably oversharing a bit, but figured I’d offer a little of my own personal thought on the matter.