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  • Ful.mp4



Was posting some progress pics of her on twitter. I like how this one turned out, but mostly, it was instrumental in me working my way through a creative block. I don’t really have that much of a premise other than wanting to show that moment it dawns on her that she’ll be stuck busting out the seams of her outfit, stranded, round, with her feet unable to touch the ground. All in public view. Beyond that? As I was drawing her, I envisioning, piecing her together with a couple of other young women in a similar situations (though maybe at different stages) & displaying a sort of mass inflation event. So she may eventually resurface in a slightly different context in the near future. With company.

Attached below are both a time lapse of everything before the ‘background’ & dialogue, as well as a full res that’s super huge for no real reason.




redhead in plaid, bloated taut?!? this.... is for me


I feel like I butchered the plaid, but I’m anxious to retry it again some time soon. But by all means…

philip gallichan

I like the sound of the mass inflation event, can't wait


I love those types of scenes, but they’re tough! I have a lot of time next week though…

philip gallichan

I can imagine they can be tough. I have faith that you'll do the best you can and also take as much time as you need, your content is so, so good. I hope it feels like a breeze creating and drawing them