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As their busy week of working remotely wound down, her boss was just trying to make small talk on their follow up meeting. Before the three day weekend. But little do they know what she gets up to behind closed doors (& hopefully in a room with some fair amount of drainage). 

She's been planning this for months. After finding weird foreign websites offering bootleg versions of this banned prototype gum? Let's just say it took a while to get here. 

To be perfectly fair though, it's not like she's at all being dishonest to her boss. Once the chewing starts? Soon there will be very little she can do. Besides sit around. And grow. And swell. And round out. And stretch out her clothes. And whine. And whimper. And coo as her partner teases her. And pokes & prods at her ballooning body. The more pathetic & helpless she grows, she might try to waddle a bit. Wobble & roll around a bit. Flap her vestigial hands in pantomimed protest. Do everything in her power to act & pretend like she doesn't want to become a massive, juice-laden berry of a girl. At first anyway. All as part of the role of a lifetime.

Then hopefully, between her & her partner, they can work all that juice out of her. Somehow. She knows it requires a lot of trust, especially at first. But she imagines it'll take hours of actual squeezing. And even then? Well, at least she's got the Recovery Monday. Worst case scenario, she can just turn her camera off for the meetings, if she's still a bit puffy & blue. As long as she can reach the keyboard, she'll be bright & rosy & ready to go Tuesday. 

With four more sticks left in the pack. You know, for future weekend plans. 




Next zoom meeting Boss: you look different, did you get a new haircut? Her: *still a giant blueberry* I did thank you for noticing Coworker: *privately wonders when did she suddenly become attracted to her coworker*

Chad Thunderman

Everything about this is perfect! The size/shape, outfit, pose!


D’aw, now this is just overwhelmingly sweet! (And juicy! 😱) Honestly I’m seeing a shift as of late where these “darker staples” of blueberry inflation are getting turned into roleplay acts between partners. This is probably one of the best versions I’ve seen so far, actually! The simple act of stating this is planned for future weekends gives it a charming, low stakes whimsy. Berry casual. I think a lot of other versions keep it a bit, ah, open ended. You don’t know if the berry is enjoying it or if they really will pop. So the teasing feels mean spirited? Sorry if my comments tend to get long, I just feel that there’s nice discussion on the things that you do! (Even if I’m a day late! 😱)


Maybe if she accidentally bumps the camera, but everyone else is sitting at home in their pajamas anyway so a lot of times she can get away with not having it on.


Really glad you like it!! For fear of sounding like a complete cretin, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't into some of the darker aspects, if only for the fact that something like this is already purely fantasy-based. But I get what you're saying, & lately, I've liked exploring the idea of the "play-acting" version of "not-at-all-into-it-but-really-totally-very-much-into-it-MORE!" idea LoL Like in a way that's a perfect contrast to the pointed, but harmless teasing she's receiving. I'd like to think the stakes are maybe slightly higher though, insomuch as while she is very likely in safe, caring hands that wouldn't allow her to come into any harm with this sort of scenario, who knows if she'll be back to normal by Monday?


No don't worry, I get the idea of being into darker elements too. I guess for me, personally, there's a problem in the community where it starts straddling that line with some authors if they even respect the inflatee as a human being, if that makes sense. I never really got that from you (in fact, a friend of mine talked about how one of your old fics for the longest time stuck with them on how humanizing it felt. Something about a perpetually filled with milk lady? Hmm) But yeah, see! The stakes can still be high, but it's high for them on a socially personal level. Humanizing! It'll be embarassing if they're still huge and blue for work, it's a personal struggle we sort of can really relate to ourselves, haha!