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I'd say I was on a bit of a butt kick (heh) at the moment, but to fair, this one was started a long time ago, back a few weeks into the start of quarantine. The angle was a real pain for me. Not a tablet drawing, this was all done on my desktop (so sorry, no timelapse). I just wanted an excuse to draw a nice rear at the time but didn't really have much of a back story. And nothing really came to me in the time it took to finish things up.

 So instead, I decided to let other people's observations set the scene a bit. Posting it now though, I can only assume the reason she finds herself in this mess (again, apparently) is for wearing white after Labor Day, I guess. Is that still a thing? It's like Summer until Halloween now thanks to all the carbon so I don't even know.

Anyway, if you look real close, I did draw her with gum in her mouth, so I did originally plan on doing this as a blueberry piece. And have the colors started for an alt that might go up soon. Maybe between now & then, I'll concoct some scenario.




A+ on the butt!


Hey, nobody said the gum courses before the pie can’t add a few pounds too!