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  • Aisle.mp4



That factory tour & the ensuing... troubles were more than half a year ago!

And sure! Prisha would be the first to admit that self-appointing herself as chief taste-tester of a gum that was clearly labeled as a prototype still under development, was perhaps a bit, shall we say "imprudent?" But she dealt with the fallout all of that! The best she could! 

Well... perhaps more specifically, she couldn't do all that much, given her size & shape. It was actually the factory staff on shift at the time that did most of the "dealing with," if we're being totally honest. Squeezing & wringing out as much blueberry juice as they could rend from her over the course of what almost took a full 36 hours! Then again, she did have to endure all of that! And after all of the discomfort of being squished & jostled for hours & hours on end, to still remain quite a bit puffy & blue for like a whole month after that as she passed the rest? Mortifying! 

They warned her. They told her she might experience certain occasional... "flare ups" again. Perhaps induced by stress. But it had been months! And absolutely no signs! No puffiness! No... blue! She thought that was all behind her now! She thought she was in the clear! 

Today was supposed to be a big day! 

Her first day as a manager at the big box electronic store she worked at. But with it, came way more responsibilities than she was expecting. And little by little, things started to become a bit overwhelming. And at a certain point, as it all started to become a bit too much, she happened to notice her nose begin to shift in hue. And suddenly, there was a not-too-entirely-unfamiliar feeling in the pit of her stomach. With that, poor Prisha immediately realized she had to get off the sales floor! And FAST! 

Each teetering step becomes all the more difficult. Her muscles are tight. Her motions are stiff, but deliberate. And as fast as she can manage, given the circumstances! It's all happening a bit too quick. No way she can make it home in time. It's already becoming so hard to walk! But she's been through this before! And knows it's better to get some place a bit more... private, before she bursts out of her work uniform like some kind of blue, overplump sausage.

If she manages to get there quick enough, maybe she can concoct some kind of plan! Hopefully she can come up with something! At least while she's still able to move on her own! But her optimism is slowly starting to fade.

Fuck! This is bad! This is so bad! Customers are already staring. Their eyes are practically popping out their sockets! Everyone, all of her coworkers are going to see her go full berry & there's so very little she can do about it! Fuck! 

Why, oh why, did she ever decide to taste that fucking gum?!


Another tablet quickie, timelapse in the attachments. And if you happen to prefer your berries a bit less messy, an alt is available for your viewing pleasure. Although it might make the dialogue make a little less sense? Or maybe trying to shuffle about with the sudden shift in her center of gravity? It could've made her bump into a display rack, yeah! let's go with that, a bunch of boxsets knocked on the floor. There no juice mess anyway! And given her general bulginess? I might do an entirely non berry, more wg alt too maybe, we'll see.

Probably would've been more responsible of me, given then setting, to put a mask on her in this situation, given the fact she is in a store, but let's just all agree that the events in this image happened prior to this year, alright? Cool!

Hopefully will get an opportunity to focus on Bellflower next. Hit a brick wall with a part of it, but haven't really had much of a chance to sit down & really try to push past it yet either. But know it's on my mind! 




No idea where my first comment went. But she should really look into self juicing while she still can


Apparently Patreon's having a bad day. Couldn't even tell if the post went up at first when I first tried it. Sorry if it was a lot. But yeah, I think that's why she's doing what she can to get to the back. Less chance of staining/shorting out some of the sales merchandise. For her sake, I just hope she can hold out that long to still be able to!


Well if she's lucky they might be able to give her a juicy equilibrium to prevent this in the future, not enough to keep growing but enough to squash an inside stress reaction. She might have to deal with being an enormous teardrop shape and staying blue, but probably better than growing who knows how many feet tall and immobile huh


If she's lucky, maybe she'll even be able to make it that far! But this being the first time a "flare up" like this has really happened to her? I don't know, it's kind of like... even more extra stressful to find out she's even still susceptible to this sort of thing at all! If she can't manage to keep a level head now, perhaps even the loading bay might be too tight a fit!


@Sickstar. That and the area I’m in has very inconsistent WiFi because it’s an old building from the 1960s. Anyway my first comment was about a blueberry virus that causes women to blimp up into berries of various sizes that has science baffled. And imagine it’s your first day as a part-timer and you’re told go juice the manager out on the dock and you walk out to her fully spherical, gallons of juice already flooding out of her and the dock


Exactly! If she's left as a big juicy teardrop after this flare up, she might have so much more girth and weight on her, but the next time it happens it won't be going from a normally skinny(ish) girl to an enormous blueberry! Just a huge teardrop shaped girl filling out to max size. Gotta decrease the extreme disparity between sizes and get her used to being big and blue! She'll be overanxious every minute if not! "I already couldn't see my feet before under this giant blue gut, so I guess it's just more of the same, ugh." I'm sure her job place'll be able to handle her today, those loading bays can be huge! Let's just hope they're cool with the couple of months she might be bumping into stands with a much larger gait.