Over Before It Started (Patreon)
Because after all, at the end of the day, we all have to start somewhere! And a workout's still a workout, even if you haven't waddled out the locker room just yet.
I was running into some issues with my tablet, & in trying to fix them, caused problems with my whole video card & drivers & whatnot. I had started this on another device, just to see if I possibly could do art on that. It was... different. But I think I got the issues sorted with my main machine finally. So I exported this over just to finish it up. For a quick little piece with thick lines, I honestly kind of like how she turned out. Hope you do to!
More coming soon! Hope to have next installment of Bellflower to you later on, but it's kind of a big one with a lot happening in it so it may take a little longer, we'll see. Just know it's definitely coming soon!