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So while trying to sketch up some new Pumpkin Spicy stuff, I was rooting around in the old PSD file & figured maybe some people might want to dig through the guts of some of this. The full other file was pretty massive & a mess, but originally? It started based around this one girl (who I think people seem to like the most. At least I do). So I isolated her into her own little High Res image here for everyone's enjoyment.

But if you're interested, included is a PSD file that digs into how she was basically set up, including the different parts of her outfit & her. Originally, each was its own group that ended up getting flattened, but the skin layer is still in group form to give you a general idea of how I lay things out (whether it's right, or much more likely, wrong). It's also a bit older, so I do less effects & don't do to much with the line art in terms of saturating it so much. But yeah, here it is, should you want to look at it.

FUN FACT: I had forgotten that I had a sort of canon going where I named each of the girls in terms of the photoshop grouping, just to make sense when the layers started piling up. This girl is named Morgan, while the almost as large, darker haired girl was named Jen, & the blonde who returned in the recent follow up is named Lucy. So there you go.



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