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It's not at all that she's dumb. You can't be dumb to get where she's gotten. To achieve what she's achieved. To end up in a position at such a prestigious biochemistry program, working on such cutting edge research. In fact, in many ways, Kiki was probably one of the smartest people you'd ever have the privilege of meeting. She just, at that same time, had this capacity for pulling some of the absolute dumbest, most absent-minded, & downright boneheaded moves. 

So when word got around that she had completely mistaken BLO-3313, the lab's recent fast-acting growth hormone, a formula based on & replicated from a compound extracted from mysterious chunk of meteorite found by horse herders in the Gobi Desert, with her double-shot venti latte? Some people questioned how she could even manage such a colossal cock-up. Seriously. The stuff is bright pink. And glowing! In a specialized containment vessel even. How do you mistake that for a coffee?! But then, those that knew Kiki? They knew exactly what happened. Most could see her in their minds' eye, reaching off to the side, not looking, the vessel being warm to the touch even, feeling close enough to her coffee to not set off any alarms, & her just taking a large gulp, almost on autopilot, only to realize when it was much, much too late. That, after all, was just Kiki.

Fortunately for the young research assistant, things aren't as disastrous as they could've been. Despite the compound working as intended, her vitals are good. And somehow, she's even in relatively good spirits, & even able to laugh at herself for the dumb mistake she made. A corner of the lab had to be set up as a makeshift observation room, if only because she had grown a little too big for the doors by the time a plan had been put in place. The only issue is that after 36 hours, the growth itself still hasn't seemed to stabilize, with intermittent growth spurts coming at irregular intervals. And according to 4 of the 5 projection models, it's starting to look like the lab might not be enough room for her after all.

Just her luck, right?


Following through from what had originally started as quickie the other day. Liked her shape enough to keep going with it & turn it into a little something. I need to put some more time into this next Bellflower installment still first. But afterwards, I might make a little post about my creative process for this image, since I was able to document it in stages. Don't know if it'll interest anyone but figured I'd throw it out there.

Anyway, more to come definitely soon! Hope you enjoy! Thanks for your continued support!




And then Kiki suddenly began craving more of the goo, and when that wasn’t enough she ate anything she could get her hands on, whether it was food or not, this only caused further growth and now they’re reporting mutations to Kiki as she grows and grows and pretty soon she is the 100 ton woman who ate New York


would love to see her at different stages of growth. haven't seen a full sequence from you before


Wouldn't mind revisiting after I got more stuff out the way. Probably won't go into as deep either. But definitely wouldn't be opposed. She was pretty fun to draw.