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Seemed only fair.
I had done a Blueberry variant of the original Junie piece, so I figured I'd try & continue the other as well.

I wanted to explore a headcanon thing I had about when permaberries don't get rid of ALL the extra juice. It's not too dissimilar from that last blueberry piece I did earlier this month, but here, it's a little bit more... I dunno. Fatty?

Not that Junie's in any way lazy mind you. At first, she just liked keeping a little extra curves, you know. And well, eventually that juice sitting around in her system didn't seem to stay juice & started to collect & well, suddenly she had a sort of pulpy build up in her fat deposits.

The problem is, the more pulp a permaberry develops, the more places juice starts to seep from, causing her to ripen quicker & quicker. Seems like these days, she's constantly having to juice herself. And it's harder & harder work for less & less avail.

Luckily, as plucky & as irrepressible as Junie is, she doesn't seem all THAT bothered by it. After all, you'll be able to help lend a hand when she desperately needs it, right?

Still having the issue trying to upload images direct form my ipad. And it stunk this time, since I had to transfer each of the different variant versions one by one. But there are different permutations of no text, no glasses, & no juice to choose from. But once again, I would've had this sooner if I didn't have to suddenly transfer everything from one device to another. Really annoying!




This is a really good idea explaining the fatty look to permaberries that get juiced. Especially since it seems that it can snowball out of control eventually leaving her back as a big ball. I’m assuming that’s where it can eventually lead to