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Hey there! I don't talk on here as often as I probably should (I tend to handle community stuff primarily via my Discord server) but I've got some important stuff to announce regarding this page.

I'll go into more detail below, but the short version is just these two points:
1) I'm raising the price of my lowest tier by $1 to compensate for increased content/workload, and
2) Part of that content will be new monthly "sketchbook" uploads, where I'll upload a little bundle of personal sketches, practice/warmup drawings, and occasional experimental stuff (like animation or style tests) mid-month.

If you don't feel like reading, that's all you really need to worry about. If you were in my $2 USD tier and you want to continue receiving full benefits (as well as the new benefits I'm now offering), you'll need to rejoin the Slime Supporter tier in August now that I've changed the price, since I had to remove all patrons from the tier before I could modify it.
(If you are in the $5 or $10 tiers, you don't need to change anything!)

That's pretty much it! Thanks!


Alright, here are some more details.

There are a few reasons why I was considering a Slime Supporter price change for a while now:

  • $3 is the amount Patreon actually recommends as the lowest price for a tier, in order to make sure your money doesn't get eaten by transaction fees.
  • I wanted to start doing more personal work. It's good for my creativity to be able to draw my own ideas/interests, and people usually seem to enjoy seeing that stuff, but it's often hard to justify spending that time when I could spend it on the things that pay my bills. So this is kind of a compromise to help make the new Sketchbook thing happen.
  • My existing patron-voted art has been getting more elaborate, detailed, and time-consuming overall. (I mentioned elsewhere that my most recent set took a total of 24 hours of drawing over the course of 3 days, which is MUCH more than most sequence commissions I do). This change will help justify that as well, so that I don't have to decrease the quality of the content I'm delivering.
  • I've also just got some big expenses I'm saving up for that will be easier to reach if my growth on this platform starts happening a little faster. Things like moving into an apartment where I can set my own schedule, replacing/upgrading my work computer and drawing tablet, paying for gender-affirming medical procedures, possibly getting a pet at some point, and stuff like that.

To be clear, I understand that some people would probably rather just cancel their pledge entirely, and that's ok! No judgment here. I am a firm believer that weird kink art is a luxury and shouldn't take priority over important stuff like car payments and food. You do whatever you need to do, don't worry about me.

Also, I'm going to have sort of a grace period for this change. While the old $2 tier is now gone, any $2 pledges will still be in effect until you either cancel them or upgrade them to one of the official tiers. As such, I've left the most recent art post from July set to "all Patrons" instead of specific tiers, and I'll be doing the same with the August poll, so posts won't start being specifically restricted to the $3 tier until the first Sketchbook post releases. Hopefully that makes sense!

As for the Sketchbook posts: these will start this month (August), and I'll be uploading them about halfway through each month going forward. The art I've already done for the August post has mostly been done as warmups before I work on other projects/commissions, though I'm considering just setting aside a day each week to work on sketchbook stuff for a few hours, to help keep the amount of content consistent. It's fun stuff so far, and I'm looking forward to sharing it!

(here's a little snippet of one of the sketches from this month, to give you an idea of the kind of stuff I'm doing. the styles may vary, but this is the main one)

Other announcements: I went and added a new stretch goal recently, since I think it's been like a year since we had one of those haha. It might take a while to get there, but if that goal is met then I'll do a poll for an ANIMATION prompt instead of a regular piece! It's something I've wanted to tackle for ages now, but animation is very difficult and time-consuming work, and I don't wanna propose something like that until I know I can afford to take the proper time to work on it. (As such, the amount for the stretch goal is almost the same as rent prices for a cheap 1-bedroom apartment in my city.) Hopefully the price change on my lowest tier will help 


That's it! Congrats on making it all the way down here, that was a lot of text.

As always, thank you all SO much for your support thus far. Over the past 2 years, this page has gone from a little side-gig to... well, a bigger side-gig I guess. Seriously though, some of my proudest work has come from here and I couldn't do it without all of you. I hope you'll be able to continue supporting me in the future as I keep pushing myself and making cooler stuff, but if this is where we part, then I want you to know that I appreciate what you've done up til now. Thank you, truly!

Take care,


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